Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Do we know anything about any of these locations beyond what Igar mentioned, or are we meant to be taking shots in the dark toward an objective nobody in the village appears to support? (Just trying to confirm the state of the campaign.)

    On a separate note, I'd wager the apparent collective apathy toward the "everyone create their take on X" quests is due to the submissions being practically irrelevant. (Of the eleven or so such quests that have been given, none of the submissions to them appear to have had any impact on the campaign thus far.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 21
    Your main Task/Quest is still to find new villagers and to rebuild Lastwood Village. And if you can, find light producing things for Luxeria.

    Since you have already been to Gloomwood Forest, you know a small area of it and that there are Plantlings and a Dark Treant. But the Forest is quite large, so its unpredictable to say what else might be hiding there.
    The Soulless Swamp is a dangerous place with everything you would expect in a Swamp and even more that you wouldnt.
    The Megantic Mountains must be far away because a portal is needed to get there. And from Luxeria or Lastwood Village you cant see any Mountains.
    Now the Ruins are former castles, villages, tower or even small cities that were destroyed. Anything could be hiding there.

    A. - Continue the main Quest.
    B. - Abandon the main Quest and do whatever you want. My Character will pursue a new Quest now, which is ...
    C. - Something else ...
  • Welp, since it appears we've basically been tasked with causing more problems under the pretense of rebuilding, Duucxejial will suggest we try the mountains (mostly by process of elimination).
  • Raulus will head along and tell Archie to also come along. He will concentrate on his portal magic to try and make the teleport to the mountains roughly smoother than not. In the meantime, have the lizards and Dreadmaw searching for the Baron come back yet?
    Will post quest entries later.
  • There is a Portal West of Lastwood Village that leads to the Megantic Mountains. You dont need your own unstable portal magic. And Eldric already told you that he knows its location and can lead you there.
    You somehow have the feeling that the Dreadmaw and the Lizards despawned/unsummoned after a while. At least you dont feel any kind of magical connection to them anymore.
  • Archie will join Duucxejial and Raulus 
  • @LvB
    But I did a proper ritual to summon the Dreadmaw and paid mana too. I cast the card. It shouldn't be despawning and should be able to defeat anything white or black since it has protection from those colors and the Baron is black. Ah well, Raulus sends another Dragon-Blessed Dreadmaw after the Baron. Then he will join the party as they go through the portal, leaving the Furniture Dragon Golem and some (stably) summoned lizards to guard the village while Dorag does his thing.
    Quest entries:

  • @kaoz, thats a nice tavern. Looks very cozy. The Villagers decided to build it exactly like that.

    So, once more you are ready to adventure out into the unknown. But before you do, you rest for some hours. Feeling refreshed after resting, you realize that its becoming even darker than usual. The two moons are blocking the small rest of sunlight and the dark night is here once again, where monsters roam the land, peaseants get eaten and villages are destroyed. You tell the people in Lastwood Village to keep a big fire burning all the time in the middle of the remains of the village and should there be any sign of nightmonsters, to hide inside the houses.
    As for the dreadmaw and the lizards they despawned again. Seems like summoned creatures only last for a while before they vanish.
    Eldric, looking up to the moons, thinks that you can reach the portal that leads to the Megantic Mountains within 1-2 hours but that you should really hurry and be supercareful because of the nightmonsters.
    And so you move out towards the portal. With the rest of sunlight gone it quickly becomes cold and clouds of mist and fog arise so you can barely see whats around you. You hurry even more, and then the area starts to change from grassland with trees into more hilly terrain. Eldric explains that there is a cave in one of the hills and the portal is inside the cave. You move over a hill and then suddenly you see a shimmer of light. Curious you sneak towards it, and indeed it is the cave Eldric spoke of. And in the caves entrance there is a fire burning with a cauldron above it. And beside that cauldron is a very familiar halfling woman who, from time to time throws things into the cauldron.
    She doesnt seem to have detected you, yet.
    A. - Decide what you will do.

  • Raulus waits for others before acting.
  • Archie would waves his hand, "Hello ma'am. Could you let us some knowledge about this mountain. Something to watch out for? It's very foggy out."
  • Raulus snarls "And just so you know, if any one is going to cough up gold, it's only going to be the Sodamaker. Good evening, lesser race fortune teller."
  • Then the fox looked at lizard in disbelief.
  • She looks a bit confused as she hears this words, but then suddenly seems like she had an idea:
    "Oh, hello strangers. What do you mean with lesser race? Im smaller race, not lesser. But considering you mentioned fortune telling and gold, may i suppose that you have met the other ... well actually, the other myselfes? But you dont seem to be that hostile, so why dont you come closer, so we can talk. I might even consider sharing my soup with you."
    A. - Alright, lets talk.
    B. - Something else ...
  • "Lesser race is a sarcastic reference to what the elves and dwarves of Luxeria refer to non-dwarves and non-elves as. In fact, I would be considered even worse, a 'monster.' So you're one of those who keep multiple copies of themself around. Well, what do you have to say?" Raulus replies.
  • edited January 22
    Duucxejial snorts at Raulus's words. "That explains a lot," he mutters. (This is before Raulus's explanation, which does not change the dragonspeaker's mind.)

    The dragonspeaker suggests the party move on and make camp on the other side of the portal. Regardless of the party's decision, he intends to keep a wary distance from the stranger.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 22
    "I see. Havent been to Luxeria for a while, though. Never liked big cities. But you are no elf or dwarf, so why would you say so? And no i dont keep those copies around, its more like, ahem, well, emm, those copies ran away and now i'm trying to catch them, before they, ahem, scam more people. But they are tricky and somehow seem to know im chasing them." She seems a bit embarassed talking about her copies.
    A. - Alright, ...
  • "Well, I don't know about you. I would like to learn about this mountain or something to help us to see better in fog. Otherwise, we will move on." Archie agreed with Duucxejial.
  • Raulus says "Well give us proof you're not one of those scamming halflings. Anyway, how did you have copies anyway?"
  • "If you want to see better in fog, you should bring some light against the darkness and some wind to wave away the fog", she giggles. "And this mountain is actually a hill with a cave. And inside the cave is a portal, but i wouldnt advice going through. Its dangerous, i've heard."
  • Raulus replies by activating the blue flame from his blade, which should provide light, then says "I would tell you more, but I don't quite trust you yet." 
    Thinking of providing a backstory for Raulus and wonder what the rest of you think about that and whether you will provide a backstory too or not.
  • Duucxejial waves away the stranger's words. "Everywhere is dangerous, so what? Mundane warnings might as well not be."


    Duucxejial's backstory has been present since page 1, but he certainly wouldn't mind elaborating should a good reason to tell the tale arise.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 22
    The Halfling Woman turns towards Raulus: "Did i try to scam you ? No. That should be enough proof. But about my copies, now thats quite a story. You see i can look into the future, but it requires a lot of magical energy, so i cant do it that often. So i thought, why not create some copies, actually two, of myself who could look into the future as well. That way i could tell more people what to expect, help them avoid danger, prevent mistakes, and more. And meanwhile i could also earn more gold. But, the copies, which are actually Simulacrums, or "Scamulacrums", as i call them, since being magically created, dont have a soul. So they dont care about others, but they really like gold. Therefore when they were out of magical energy they just told people something they made up to get the gold. When i found out what they did, i tried to unmake them, but they ran away and are hiding now from me. And there is one more problem. They can sense me, cause we are somehow connected. And when they feel threatened they abuse their temporal magic to hide in the future or in the past. So i and them could be at the same place but not at the same time, which makes it really difficult to catch them.
    But, since youre not connected to the Scamulacrum, maybe you could catch it for me. Or if you cant catch it, kill it, though i would prefer to leave it alife and find some solution for this problem."

    You learned about a so far unknown creature. The Scamulacrum.

    A. - ...
  • Unconvinced and disinterested, Duucxejial remains silent, still intent on heading through the portal rather than wasting any more time here.
  • Wait, paying black mana to exchange tokens? That's... Not very black, it should belong to red or blue. (Perhaps white, but very unlikely in this wording.)

    Paying green to create treasure tokens for opponent to create clue token? Nope. Should be Red/Blue.
  • @LvB
    "Well, it seems we aren't interested in helping you, but when we see a clone of you, I assure you that I will be willingly to capture them for you." Archie said. He will follow Duucxejial by.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 23
    She seems a bit diappointed about your desinterest in her problems, but seems to understand that you have other things to do than helping strangers. But then she tells you that she will stay in this cave untill the dark night is over. She also offers you some soup before you go, should you be hungry.
    And so you move into the cave that leads into the hill and ends after about 100 meters. And there it is, a round portal made of polished stone with strange glowing symbols engraved into the stone. It is about 2 meters high/wide and at one side of the portal there is a big block of stone that is part of the portal and on it sits a dim glowing crystal. As you touch the crystal carefully it starts to glow brightly and the portal activates.
    Inside of the round stone portal whirling energies becomes alive which whirl, twist, rotate and sometimes form strange pattern, but beside that nothing really happens.
    A. - Step through the portal.
    B. - Let Eldric try the portal first, should something not be ok.
    C. - Do something else...

    New Quest for everyone: Create a card of this portal. It must be an artifact.
  • I am here another time! Could someone resume me what has happened?
  • @smax765 Here's the short version of what's happened over the last 6 pages:
    • The party was tasked with rebuilding Lastwood and wandering around to find people to repopulate the village.
    • The party collectively created a cart for transportation. (This is awaiting your input.)
    • Raulus attempted to recruit for a rebellion, adding Dorag to the party.
    • The party encountered a sketchy halfling fortune-teller on the way to Lastwood.
    • The party was attacked by the Green Baron (an ex-noble of Luxeria) at Lastwood. He was soundly routed, but presumably escaped after more of Raulus's antics.
    • The party encountered another sketchy halfling fortune-teller outside Lastwood, then decided to head for a portal leading to the Megantic Mountains.
    • The party encountered yet another halfling just outside the portal. We've just finished conversing with this one and are about to head through the portal.
  • LvBLvB
    edited January 26
    Welcome back, smax ^^

    Suddenly Rarg stands beside you in the cave near the mysterious portal. Has the portal somehow transported him here? Is there other strange magic at work? Has it something do to with Raulus' mysterious vanishing from time to time? Who knows. But since Rarg is now here, you explain: "We were just about to enter this portal to find out whats on the other side."
    A. - Step through the portal.
    B. - Let Eldric try the portal first, should something not be ok.
    C. - Do something else...

    New Quest for everyone: Create a card of this portal. It must be an artifact.
  • Hoping to encounter something worth retelling, Duucxejial will step through the portal.

    Quest entry:
    Megantic Portal
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