Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • Okay, here's three uncommons I found so far;

    Looks good?
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    So far, there is no card draw here, people just cast the spells they learned. But maybe there will be an encounter in the future where it might be useful. Cant promise it though.

    Quest updated:
    Create the adventurers hideout: Done by cardstar.
    Quest for kaoz42 and smax765: One of you has to create a card that represents the sewers, the other one has to create a card that represents the old city guards fortress.
    Quest for FireOfGolden: Create a card that represents the place where your character meets the others and joins the party.
  • The card for the sewers:

  • Will this card work?

  • While the adventurers talked with Demonica and finally agreed that, in return for her help they would bring back the magical loot they would find in the old city guards fortress, somewhere in a strange place a strange creature was studying an old book in its room of knowledge.

    It was reading an interesting story, something about a planetary system that was almost destroyed by a ritual that went wrong and now the planets were kinda "stuck" in a line which caused all kinds of problems, like eternal darkness on some planets or eternal light on the planet closest to the sun. The Portals described in the book sounded interesting too, but at the moment the book told the story of a group of adventurers. The book was very old and the letters and words not readable all the time, so the creature named "Wenkman" had do figure out often for himself what might have happened. As he read further, there was a particularly hard to understand passage in the book, so he mumbled "i wish i knew what happened there" which caused the book to burst into laughter. The letters of the book formed a diabolic smile "Hahaha, wish granted, have fun!" and *poof* Wenkman was gone.
    As he looked around he found himself in an unknown place, but it looked like the sewers of a city.

    But back to the adventurers. Squire Eldric found a nice hideout in the house of an old gnome who called himself an Arcanesmith, but unfortunately, almost everything he possessed had been confiscated by the Elves and Dwarfes. He was quite happy to hear that a group of adventurers wanted to rent some rooms and made them a really good price of only 1 coin per month
    (- Everyone of you lost 1 coin - You now have 4 coins each).
    There they waited until it was day and then they went for the sewers entrance where they met Demonica. As promised she led the adventurers into the sewers, but as they came upon a "crossroad" in the sewers they suddenly saw a very strange creature.

    New Quest:
    Create a card of the adventurers group meeting Wenkman.

    A. - Umm, hello ...
  • A strange creature seems like if artist drawn a poorly picture of person and made it come to life. It is wiping the disgusting liquid off its body, which tells the party that it fell into the sewage. Then it would turn its head, which is whiter than milk, toward to the party. There is nothing but a mouth on its face.

    ???: "Oh, you folks are colored too? This dimension just became interesting!"

    It seems it never saw a color other than black and white before.

    ???: "Forgive me for my rudeness, colored creatures! My name is Wenkman. The master of knowledge!" It paused, "Well, more of uh, expert. It seems the book sent me into this dimension where everything are more than just black and white... And I don't recognize your races, but I should expect that for this dimension, isn't it?" It is somewhat rather talkative.
  • While talking with Wenkman, we discover from where he/she/it has came from.

    I am a human, means I have nothing special. But I like fire. Do you have fire?
  • The stickman would waves his arms slowly as fire would comes out of his hand onto the ground. There would be a circle of fire around the stickman and the party. It, then finally, says;

    Wenkman: "No, I don't have fire, but I can trick folks like you into thinking it's a real fire. I know someone who have fire and is proud of it. Allow me to introduce him to you."

    The flaming circle would moves to the place about three to four inches away from the human as it would forms a figure; it appeared to be a warrior creature looking similar as Wenkman's kind. However, it seems slowly dusting away.

    Wenkman: "His name is Jekmo. I would bring him to you, but he is busy at time. He is gifted with chaos of fire. He can summon fire at anytime, even his breath is flame."

    So-Called Jekmo would wobbles then loses its shape as the stars would appears inside the body.

    Wenkman: "I am powerless figure like you, but I merely happened to know some spells that I can use to either help people or harm them. What is your name, human?"
  • My name is Rarg. It’s true I had some abilities that made me to increase my power, but without a fount of it, like my torch, I can’t do so much. Just this:

    A thunder called by Rarg appears in the sky, but it doesn’t strike in the earth.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    It seems as if all the talking and spellcasting in the sewers wasnt unnoticed and attracted ... something. The greenbrown smelly water starts to bubble and right in front of you, out of the sewer wastes, it arises ...

    And as it arises so suddenly out of the water, its his turn to begin. Tentacles with eyes and teeth appear near the adventurers and try to grab them.
    The Sewermonster uses its TENTACLE CHOKE attack to grab and tap everyone and deal one damage to each of you. And then its your turn.

  • Rarg casts burning restrictions to the monster:

  • Wenkman pulls some fragments out of space to create these creatures:

  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Eldric, standing in front of Demonica draws his newly aquired "Breadknife once used by a Giant", buffs himself up and after saying "Dont worry, i will protect you!" to Demonica, he attacks the Sewermonster. (Buffed up Eldric is 4/5)
    With a swing of his falchion he almost hacks the Sewermonster apart and deals 4 damage to it. But only almost. The sewermonster being down to 10/16 seems to be surprised at first, but then it hits Eldric back with its tentacles pushing him back, flying some feet through the air and after that Eldric crashes into a wall. You can only hear a painful "ouch" and then Eldric becomes unconscious. (Eldric is down to -5 toughness).

  • edited September 2023
    Raulus yells at Eldric "We'll name a new knight order for you. The order of the Succubus!" before casting Wild Defabrication, summoning two 1/1 lizards, and for his second/third action casts meteor beam, dealing 6 damage to the sewer monster because he controls a green permanent, the lizards.

    Where have you gone now?
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    The Meteor crashes into the sewer monster but the sewer monsters magical protection absorbs it and the monster gets a -1/-1 counter, reducing it down to 9/15
  • Duucxejial contemplates whether he even wants to deal with the noxious monstrosity, sighing as he watches Eldric get sent flying. I suppose it'd look bad if I chose this moment to keep out of business that isn't my own, so I'll have to contribute to this mess.

    The dragonspeaker hums a soft aria, motes of emerald energy fluttering about him. Two sudden, sharp drumbeats ring out, a Sundering Sonata slamming into the Sewermonster with little apparent effect.

    (Duucxejial intends to spend his second action to cast Denkeeper's Boon on himself if he becomes the target of an attack or something more dangerous than The Sewermonster's Spit Slime ability. He'll cast it anyway just before the party's turn comes back around if neither of those events occurs.)


    @kaoz42 slow your roll with the tagging; it hasn't even been 12 hours since the encounter started.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    The Sundering Sonata hits the Sewermonster and is absorbed, but the Sewermonster gets another -1/-1 counter and is down to 8/14. Seems like the best strategy here is to hit it often with a lot of small hits or with big hits that cant be reduced or prevented.
    Hint: With MIND as path you have 3 actions and you can cast 2 spells per turn. So you could cast 2 spells during your turn and safe the 3rd action for the enemy turn where you could then cast an instant.
    With BODY or VERSATILITY you can cast one spell during your turn and safe one of the regular actions for the enemy turn where you could then cast an instant.
  • @LvB
    Is it the party's turn now, or the enemy will make an attack?
  • edited September 2023
    @FireOfGolden we're still waiting on smax765's action(s), then the party's turn will end. nvm
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Smax already did cast a spell.
    We are waiting for Demonica. NPCs can be a bit slow, sorry xD
    Demonica rushes to Eldric and tries to help him and then its the Sewermonsters turn again.

    The sewermonster, still having Defender because of the "Burning Restrictions" spell cant attack, but instead it uses its tentacle choke ability again, dealing 1 damage to everyone and tapping everyone. The summoned 1/1 lizards are killed and the illusions are both down to 1 life.

    And then it ends its turn. Now its the adventurers turn again. If you have unspend actions left you can cast instants before the Sewermonsters turn ends, if you want.
  • With the situation apparently in hand, Duucxejial (currently 2/9) will develop an ostinato, casting Sundering Sonata twice more on The Sewermonster. If there are no further developments, he'll cast a third before the end of its turn, though he will continue to hum Denkeeper's Boon to be safe.
  • Wenkman casts more illusions!

    Wenkman's battlefield:
    Illinkling (4/4)
    Illusionman (4/4)
    Illusionman [Damaged] (4/3)
    IllusionGhost [Damaged] (4/3)

    Wenkman would pulls some space-y strings as The Illusionman would turns into a human. It would pulls a bow out then shoots arrows at the sewage monster. Human missed all of them as Sewage Monster would brings a strike upon the human. It went through the human as human explodes into nothing but fragments of space. The wall were cracked as the ceiling seems weaken. The IllusionGhost would use this as opportunity and it would fly over the sewage monster. It would make a rude gesture, yet the monster doesn't understand. It would let out of roar as it would have tentacles through the ceiling as the ghost spreaded into floating fragments of space. The ceiling lets out of loudly crack as two giant rocks would falls onto the seweage monster.

    Illusionman [Damaged] and IllusionGhost [Damaged] fought Sewermonster and are sacificed afterwards, if they have survived. It takes two damage! (It was 8 damage, but it been reduced to 2 damage.)

    Wenkman's Battlefield:
    Illusionman (2/2) Ward {1}
    IllInkling (2/2) Ward {1}
  • Raulus casts a final Exploding Blade to kill the sewermonster.
  • The Sewermonster is down to 3/9 now and it already has seven -1/-1 counters.
    Eldric is unconscious and Demonica is still trying to help him. So both of them dont do anything during the adventurers turn. But on a second look you can see that they are both protected now by an almost invisible shield.
  • Talk about plot armor.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Obvisouly Demonica must have cast a protective spell, but you were so busy fighting The Sewermonster that you focussed more on combat and less on both of the NPCs, so you couldnt see which spell it exactly was. o:)
  • On my upkeep I activate the ability of the restrictions dealing 2 damage, and then I cast storm strike and sacrifice my storm token. In total, that are 3 -1/-1 counters and let me with 1 action left.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    The Sewermonster, being down to 0/6 somehow realizes that its not looking good. It tries one last trick and casts this to get rid of the Burning Restrictions.
    Now, being up to 2/8 again, it tries to disengage from combat and flee into one of the larger sewer pipes!
    Can you kill The Sewermonster before it escapes? But you have only one turn for that!
    (Then the Sewermonster ends its turn and its the adventurers turn. If you cant beat it during your turn, it will escape.)
  • Duucxejial responds to Devour Everything with Offer to the Ancients, exiling Burning Restrictions to prevent The Sewermonster from gaining a +2/+2 counter and proliferate his own +1/+1 counter. When the party's turn comes around, the dragonspeaker will continue the ostinato and cast two more Searing Sonatas at The Sewermonster, holding his third action once more in case it tries something else.
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