Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited September 2023
    As new turn starts, Wenkman Silences Sewage Monster!

    Now prevent all damage for only one -1/-1 counter will not work until end of turn.

    Wenkman casts one illusion more;

    IllInkling and Illusionman attacks Sewege Monster for total 6 damage!
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    The Sewermonster must have somehow foreseen something like that. It safed one of his actions too, and in response casts this spell after the silence spell has resolved and the attack is declared.
    The Illusions attack the Sewermonster, which is 0/4 at the moment, but the Illusions cant damage it, because of protection from creatures. Seems like you have to kill it with spells.
  • Can someone cast a spell that deals damage? Sewege Monster currently have no abilities.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Can you kill The Sewermonster before it escapes? It is down to 4 life, but has protection from creatures, so you cant kill it with an attack, but spells or abilities still work.
  • Then I cast Throw the Torch. @kaoz42 I have no actions left and the monster is at 1 health!
  • Maybe if we are enough lucky, sewage monster will trip over a rat and takes final one damage 
  • edited September 2023
    @FireOfGolden, @smax765, @LvB
    No, Raulus thinks differently and casts Exploding Blade on the sewer monster for the kill.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    As the exploding blade spell hits The Sewermonster it ignites some of the sewer gasses and parts of the sewermonster fly away in all directions. What remains of The Sewermonster is slowly dripping out of the pipe into the greenbrown waters of the sewers where everything then mixes into a smelly foul soup of unhealthy stuff.

    Congratulations! You beat The Sewermonster!

    You may use the Title of "Monsterhunter" for your character now.

    With the sewermonster beaten you turn towards Eldric and Demonica. Eldric is still unconscious and Demonica is using some magic to put him into a stasis it seems.
    "That poor brave young man is badly hurt. I cant heal him here, but i can prevent him from dying for a while. We could leave him here, and hope he's alive when we come back. But there could be more Monsters around here that eat him while he's unconscious.
    Or i could show you the secret Entrance to the old city guards fortress' dungeons and then leave you to take Eldric to someone who can help him. And since he wanted to protect me, i promise you i will do everything to make sure he survives."

    -A. Leave Eldric here in stasis, we collect him on the way back. (Demonica will come with you and help you but Eldric will probably die a really horrible death).
    -B. Just show us the secret entrance and then make sure Eldric survives. (It will only be the four of you in the dungeons of the old city guard fortress, but Eldric will probably survive.)

    Quest Updated:
    You still have to create a card of the adventurers group meeting Wenkman.

  • "Heya there colored people. Wouldn't you mind if I tag around? I would like to take a look around this colored dimension" Wenkman ahemed, "I think we should leave that colored person to take a care of wounded fellow colored. I don't think he can survive that wound."

    Wenkman chosen B.
  • Duucxejial doesn't care either way regarding the current choices.
  • edited September 2023
    Eldric has helped us on lots of battles, and we should take it with us (voting for option B

  • @LvB Does this card look good?
  • Raulus votes for option A. (What a weakling. So easily falls for succubuses. He's too young to be an adventurer.) He is also prepared to kill Eldric if needed.
  • @kaoz42
    Wenkman would notice Raulus's face as if he met someone before. "I must admit you look like someone I knew. So, I have a question for you; are you that type which would to attack anyone who gets in the way?" Wenkman would rubs his chin, "I am merely adventurer, who would love to learn about new dimension they are in, if you were to harm other fellow adventurers... You may find it to be not-so easy to take life from them." Wenkman smiled. "Just a friendly advice."
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    @FireofGolden, nice card, i only wonder who the elf and who the orc is xD

    But anyway, since the Majority voted for B, Eldric will live on for some time.

    Demonica shows you a secret door that is well hidden behind some old sewer pipes and levers. The door leads into a tunnel that heads straight into the cellars/dungeons of the old city guards fortress.
    "Here our ways part. Good luck in finding your stolen gear. And dont forget to bring back as many magical items as you can find. After all, we have a deal about that." She says with a smile. "Oh and dont worry about Eldric, i will help him and bring him back to your hideout. And Raulus, im a Succumbus, not a Succubus, thats something different. Now show me your best smile, one thats worthy of a warrior such as you and then get your sword back. One last advice though, in the city guards fortress stealth could be as good as violence. Tada."
    And so Demonica leaves to save Eldrics life.

    As you move through the tunnel and think about what has happened so far, youre not so sure if it was the right decision to leave helpless Eldric in Demonicas hands, but what choice did you have? And afterall she promised to help Eldric and she also seems to like him, so Eldric will probably be fine. And you also think about her words that stealth can be as good as violence.

    And while doing so and moving through the tunnel, you realize that you have gathered enough experience for a level up!

    You are Level 6 now!
    - Your character gains either +1/+0 or +0/+1
    - Your characters combined power+toughness should then be 9 plus the bonus from Path of the Body/Mind/Versatility.
    - Create a common level 6 spell that costs 6 mana
    - Create an uncommon level 4 spell that costs 4 mana.
    - One or both of the Spells you create should consider this "Stealth can be as good as violence" and be able make your character "stealthy". How you achieve this is up to you.
  • Duucxejial's LV6 spells (might add flavor text later)
    A gallery of all Dragonspeaker cards can be found here.

    Level 6 cards:
    Dragonspeaker Duucxejial LV6Rekkas RampageGladewalker's Shroud

    Duucxejial's character sheet:
    Char Sheet

  • Here's some cards and updated Wenkman;

  • @LvB
    Elf represents Wenkman, Orc represents someone who cares but then is confused by Figure races as they look exactly same (Mostly). Female human represents someone who don't care at all or already met a Figure like Wenkman before.
  • edited September 2023

    Raulus's level 6 cards:

    Raulus's Character Sheet:

  • @smax765
    Please post your level 6 cards so the campaign can progress.
  • edited September 2023
    This is my level up!

  • @smax765 neither of those cards appear to achieve the 'stealth' requirement for this level.
  • edited September 2023
    oh, true! I have updated the comment. The "stealthy" requirement is just some flavor. Think that the team is more stealthy without a torch that says "hey monsters! We are here!". I also wanted to create that card, meaning that Rarg is linked a lot with his torch. @LvB is that OK?
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Well, i said "should" so you dont HAVE to make a "stealthy" card. I just thought it would be useful to have something like that should the situation come that you dont want to fight, but sneak past a group of enemies. Or if you have to flee and must hide or something like that.

    Btw. i just recently discovered this:

    then select a Set you created - i just put all Eldric related cards into a Set - and then use the "Beta Try Set Stitcher" Button, you get all of the cards in the sets as a single picture.
    I tried this for Eldric and its really nice to have a overview.
    With this you can easily create a "Spellbook" for your character and get a fast overview about everything. Might be helpful here to not lose track of all the cards you have created in this campaign.
  • But anyway, lets continue.

    As you reach the end of the tunnel, there is a lever on the wall which lets a part of the wall slide aside as you pull it.
    Behind the secret door is a small room, maybe 4x4 meters that is full of crates, barrels, boxes and other stuff. Everything is dusty, full of spiderwebs and it looks like this is an old storage room which hasnt been used for some time now. The room itself has only one other door that is closed. Everything is silent and it seems so far no one knows that you are here.
    - A. We ... (you know how this work now)
  • hahaha! Moment to 

  • Wenkman would take a peek in a small room to see any whether it's useful to him or not.
  • Duuxcejial carefully puts his head and claws against the door and surrounding wall, expanding his perception to listen for any sounds or other vibrations that might alert him to nearby presences, detection systems or other potential interests. If there is well and truly nothing in the area, he will quietly slip out the door to scout.
  • As you search the room, you find out that the barrels are filled with ogrebeer that is at least 20 years old. Now while fresh ogrebeer is already disgusting, this 20 year old stuff will make everyone except ogres very fast very sick.
    The crates and boxes were once filled with grain and wheat and nuts and stuff like that, but over time it either went bad or got eaten by insects and vermin.
    You find nothing useful in the room, but youre sure now, that this room was once used to store food and drinks.

    Optional Quest for everyone: Create "20 Year old Ogrebeer" as a card. Whoever creates the most vile and disgusting drink gets a surprise later during the campaign.

    Duuxcejial hears something as he presses his head against the door, a "stomp, stomp, stomp" that is becoming louder with every "stomp". It sounds like steps that are getting closer. But who would be so heavy, that his steps sound like this? While thinking about it the "stomp, stomp, stomp" becomes louder and louder and suddenly you realize, that whatever it is, it is now right in front of the door. "Stomp, stomp, stomp", and you can now definetely say that the stomps moved past the door. Whatever it was, it came from the right side of the door and is now walking past the door and on to the left side. "Stomp, stomp, stomp", but this time a bit more quiet. It didnt look into the room youre in and is now walking away.

    - A. We ...
  • Duucxejial sighs. "Sounds like golems patrolling outside," he quietly warns. "One just went by, so I'm going to have a quick look around."

    The dragonspeaker mutters a soft invocation, casting Gladewalker's Shroud to blend into the surrounding area like a chameleon as he slips out the door.


    I'll pass on the optional quest.
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