The Name of the Game (Daily Mini Challenges)

In order to make a card for Magic, you need a few vital things: A name, art, and in most cases, a cost. However, this is where you come in.

I have a list of names, but no good ideas for cards to base around them! Every day, I will post a name below (along with some special rules to add some pizazz), and your goal will be to make a card with that name following those rules! Are you in? If so, let's go! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Note that the cards must be made as if they were meant to be published in a real set, so no unglued cards! Also, by entering a card into any of these daily challenges, you agree to allow me to add that card to the set "Saving Tommia", where that card may be altered and potentially played.

Current Challenge:

Contest over! See below for the winners!


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