Mechanix Challenge - Twelve



  • The results are in, but It's after Midnight here, so I'll post the results in the morning!
    Thank you for all the entries! There were some really close calls this time around!!
  • edited October 2016
    Here are the RESULTS for Mechanix Challenge Twelve

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    Frost Aura - Estalice, Satasiomancer by @Monty
    I still remember playing Stasis decks when they first popped up, and this card brings me back to those days! It's a somewhat more subdued version, but the sentiment is still there... If you control the state of the board, you control the tempo of the game!

    Pain Monger - Fettered Ghoul by @FatCat23476
    This is one of my Flavor wins of the day! No, Wulff! Stop attacking it! A two drop defender that can only take so much abuse, and then BAM! I feel like five is a bit much to get to the transformation, but overall a really great use of the Mechanic, Art and Flavor!

    Feed N - Nyxthyl, Savage Devourer by @AustinSmith
    Some really fun cards were made with FEED, but this one comes at you with all barrels loaded, and really helps define the color identity of this mechanic - R/G Hate! I want this for my Ulasht deck!!

    Worship - Devout Youth by @kltmtg29
    This mechanic got a little crazy on some cards, which made me really love the subtlety of this card. Another great flavor decision in my book... A devoted follower who prays for his hero... should that hero fall, he will die of a broken heart!

    Despise - Enraged Veteran by @kltmtg29
    Despise had some really interesting takes on it, but again, the flavor of this card is spot on. As a whole it's slightly on the OP side, but the mechanic and abilities are wonderfully represented!

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    Spoils of War - Intruder Squad by @Rednaxela
    While I'm not a huge fan of this mechanic, I do know a certain Mrs. Corwinnn that would instantly BAN this card from the house, and that makes me smile! Goblins are back baby!!

    Infest - Rennd, Poisongrip by @Faiths_Guide
    Infest has some interesting potential, and I thought we would see more entries with it. Of the ones we did see, I think Rennd is the one that has a good balance and presents itself with a fun twist!

    Adaptability - Simiri Chaser by @RohanDragoon
    #simic4life - This is definitely a Simic keyword, and this is a super creative way to display that! Funky mechanic on a funky creature that generates it's own protection or gives you card advantage? Sign me UP!

    Rebirth - Makeshift Skyship by @MaverickGV
    So, I really like this card more than I should... It's a flying boat with "Rebirth", and that just sounds... weird! And yet here it is, a big bucket of bolts that crashes into everything in sight, and is in constant need of attention... sounds like something Han Solo would want to pilot!

    Rhapsody - Centipede Soother by @Rednaxela
    I was worried no one would try to tackle this one, but you did! WooHoo!

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    Soul Sibling - Siege Charger by @MaverickGV
    I like this mechanic, but I'm not sold on the name. I am, however, sold on this card! I want my own little army of these rickety beasts!

    Preserve - Found Protection Field by @racnoss900
    I was pleasantly surprised to see this little gem come in from a new Cardsmith! Very good job in capturing the essence of the preserve mechanic!

    Binary - Peaceful Bot by @Faiths_Guide
    I've never been a huge fan of this mechanic, but I really like this little guy and I even think he could be costed a little lower.

    Repair - Smuggler's Boat by @Rednaxela
    This is a mechanic I really like! It appears that you did too, as this had one of the most entries of all the mechanics. It was a tough choice just to narrow it down to two cards, and even more difficult to eliminate one of them, but ultimately the flavor of the Smuggler's Boat tipped the scales.

    Warp - Ulterior Design by @DomriKade
    How do you make a counterspell work at sorcery speed? You give it Warp! Granted it's not the best card to have the turn after you draw it... but I love the creativity that went into it!

    And now... THE WINNERS!!

    Honorable Mention!!

    Monothopter by @TrippleBoggey3
    This one barely got edged out for a top spot, so I wanted to highlight it, in case you didn't get a look at it!

    Third Place - Simiri Chaser by @RohanDragoon

    Second Place - Estalice, Stasiomancer by @Monty

    First Place - Nyxthyl, Savage Devourer by @AustinSmith

    Thank you to ALL the entrants! You make our work difficult every time, and we really appreciate it!


    Be on the lookout for Mechanix Challenge #13

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