Mystery Box Challenges



  • @jpastor YouTube would work.
  • Hey we are 6 pages away - prepare for 200!
  • Great job @jpastor!  And you thought the reveal video was only going to be 2 minutes long, lol.
  • @jpastor I don't have an X by my name, does that mean I can't participate?
  • live again to get murdered on dead by daylight!

  • @ShadowReign You'll have the X now since you joined the Twitch stream today,
  • Yes you all have it now!
  • I got it!
  • edited May 2021
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a non-Thopter, non-Sphinx Artifact Creature with flying!

    Could I get another box?
  • Mystery challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently submitted entry.

    Made in response to Ominous Strix by @Jadefire, though upon further reconsideration I suppose there are better answers such as burn spells or counters, but that feels too easy.

    I'll take another box if possible.
  • edited May 2021
    Mystery Challenge: Create a wonderful - destructive... HYDRA!!

    The Hydra would consume anything it can sink it's teeth into, and one fateful day, it foolishly ingested a Mystery Box. For many an eon, soldiers, archeologists, planewalkers, ect. have attempted to kill and extract the artifact from within the beast, and lost their lives doing so.
  • edited May 2021

    I'm new to youtube, but if you would be so kind as to click the button on the youtube video that says "Watch on Youtube" that would be great! I believe that way you can thumb up the video and it counts as a watch!

  • Yep that's exactly why i only have 2 views and no likes lol
  • edited May 2021
    @jpastor Nevermind, I got it.
  • Hello everyone - results are all over the place right now! Please vote/revote really quick to secure a new prize 100% guarantee.

  • edited May 2021

    Mystery Boxes

    Challenge Mode (Answer That!)

    You are in a duel with the cardsmith who most recently posted a Mystery Box entry. They play their entry. You have the best possible response in hand. It's not a counterspell, though. It's much, much better. Create that card.

    Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)

    @Zaheer_The_Grim your mystery box contains:
    • A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)
    @TheDukeOfPork your mystery box contains:
    • A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)
    @Jadefire (left pinky) all green entries submitted this deadline get faved! Your mystery box contains:
    • A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)
    @CS101 your mystery box contains:
    • A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)
    @ShadowReign your mystery box contains:
    • A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.)
  •  :) Live broadcast for a park walkthrough/critique <- These are always fun!

  • Do I need to go first? Or are other people able to post and then, when I've got time, post mine in response to theirs?
  • @Zaheer_The_Grim I think you have to respond to @CS101's Henri, but don't quote me on that.
  • @Zaheer_The_Grim any time you are ready. It will he the latest post
  • @Zaheer_The_Grim I guess that means you're responding to Menacing Hydra, unless someone gets to it first.
  • @Jadefire I guess, but my entry wasn't an Answer That! Challenge Mode entry.
  • @ShadowReign Someone's entry has to be the first one so either the first entry won't be a response to anything or it'll have to be a response to the most recent non-Challenge entry.
  • @ShadowReign

    Yes it goes as follows, for example: @TenebrisNemo can post their entry from 1 year ago if they want... then their entry becomes the most recent entry in the discussion - so if you're about to start making an entry for the Answer That! challenge, you would then make it in response to TenebrisNemo's entry.
  • edited May 2021
    A Special Challenge: Create a card that's the best response to the most recently posted entry. (Changes frequently.) 

    In Response to Menacing Hydra
    Blissful Serenity

    I'd like another box, please.
  • @jpastor If that's the case, it sounds like we need an entirely separate discussion just for Answer That! cards so we can easily get back to the most recent card, even if a lot of time passes in between challenges, and so that people don't end up responding to the wrong cards.
  • can I have a box please?
  • @Jadefire, but the most recent entry is right here on this page? It's now Blissful Serenity... before Blissful Serenity was posted, it was Menacing Hydra...
  • @WarriorCatInAhat your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a spell that burns creatures and destroys permanents.
    Your additional mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a common Snake creature card with two abilities.
  • I'll take a box! <-- Anyone with an appetite for destruction?
This discussion has been closed.