
  • edited July 2023
    That or I Feed The Swarm on the Humility because that's ****ing all of us over. 
  • @cadstar369 good point about Erayo. If lands mattered for casting, no one should've been casting anything since the Foe's Desolation Ritual at the beginning of the encounter.
  • @KorandAngels Humility should be gone from the Wipe Away, since that was still a legal play for the Adversary.
  • Thank Christ.
  • @cadstar369
    It's been the community's job this whole time to play what makes sense thematically in response to the foe. I've semi-honored previous comments thus far in the spirit of sportsmanship, but you need not worry about your dudes that are or aren't dead - instead play on with some lore-focused cards 8(<>_<>)8
  • @KorandAngels
    I like the chupacabra. Nice job with the cryptid stuff!
  • As the battle intensifies, El Mortingev, Blood Eater becomes an unstoppable force, fueled by the community's spells and sacrifices.

    To combat the Chupacabra, the foe plays: Dread Presence

    The Shadowmaw gains additional control over the battlefield, harnessing the power of Dread Presence.  Its confidence wavering, though. What will the community's next move be?
  • Now that I'm back on team good guys, time to send in the light to dispel the darkness.

  • That scares off the Nightmare, and gives my coyote-lizard-abomination free reign to keep fighting the main enemy. 
  • The Shadowmaw harnesses a powerful string of cards.

    Deflecting Palm
    Aether Snap

    The battlefield shifts as the Shadowmaw strikes back with powerful spells.

    Gaze of Granite

    The battlefield is shaken as Gaze of Granite sweeps away weaker permanents. The community has one more turn to respond. What will the community play next?
  • A powerful gaze deserves an equally powerful response.

  • edited July 2023
    El Mortingev recieves two extremely powerful gifts from God: 

    And also to him is gifted the ascendant, deific soul of a previous member of his species: 

    (This card is a Chupacabra now. It's an awfully deformed canine spirit with the Horror type, which the canon Chupacabra also has)
  • You know what, that chupacabra needs a buff to make it even scarier.
    I play this on the Chupacabra.

  • Thank you! I actually just designed a deck that had that card in it just this morning. Now I am tall rhino
  • As the Shadowmaw braces for the onslaught from the mightiest of the community's attackers, it plays the following cards in response:

    Wing Shards
    Mephitic Vapors
    Gorgon Flail

    Carnage Gladiator
    Bloodsoaked Altar

    The Shadowmaw is becoming increasingly confused. The community is throwing all they have at it to defeat it. It's keeping up the fight, but barely. The battlefield is chaotic. The Shadowmaw mistook the Chupacabra for an ally at its side, attempting to use it against the Sunblast Angel. This was a mighty mistake that cost the Shadowmaw severely. Will these plays be enough to survive the community's counterattack?
  • Suddenly, another Angel wielding the power of light emerges to defend against the ensuing darkness. The angelic realm has taken notice, this will not be their final word on the matter.

  • I'm glad my coincidentally choosing black auras as my very unofficial theme fit in well with the boss. Also I much say I love this game. 

    El Mortingev will easily counteract any of the enemy's minions who try to intercept him as he continues to attack: 

  • edited July 2023
    As the Blinding Angel joins the Sunblast Angel in battle, the light consumes the darkness. The crippling brightness reverberates through the battlefield as many of the Shadow Maw's minions begin to fall. The Shadow Maw loses its umbra of darkness, as the light illuminates its dark figure, providing the community ample strike opportunities. 

    The Chupacabra, enchanted with all its powerful mantles, quickly paces and analyzes. Now it knows what it must do, and it resorts to a difficult and risky combat move, allowing the Shadow Maw to reign its full force down upon it. The Chupacabra plays injured, tricking the Shadow Maw.

    The Shadow Maw cannot resist the chance to finish off the most notable opposition, it gathers itself in the brightness and fortifies itself for a pummeling body slam. With a lunge and a charge and a pounce, it flails its gargantuan mass upon the Chupacabra in an attempt to engulf the creature once and for all. 

    The Chupacabra waits for the last moment before leaping away and allowing the Shadow Maw to slam itself upon the hard ground. The impact is impressive:

    The Shadow Maw is stunned and impales itself upon the spikey terrain, like crashing into a thorny brush. The Angels finish the foe off with a divine power only describable as awe-inspiring. The combined powers of the Angels reveal a super blast of light, producing an enchantment that no planeswalker or community hero could have ever dreamt possible. 

    The Shadow Maw begins to be consumed by an abyssal brightness, unlike anything its ever seen. As it claws and fights, it is slowly pulled apart. Its very existence sucked away into the exile of nothingness. The Chupacabra stands victorious over the pit which the Shadow Maw disappears into, smirking with pride. As the Shadow Maw's last molecules are consumed, its darkness expands like a supernova. The stunning expulsion destroys the angels and chupacabra.

    With a burst of powerful magic, the Shadowmaw's reign comes to an end. Its minions crumble, and the once menacing presence fades away. The community stands victorious, but not without some losses of their own. The legend of the Shadow Maw will be remembered in the annals of history, and the Spirit Avatar that arises serves as a reminder of the darkness that once threatened the world, it vanishes into the swamps and forests. The town, once plagued by the sinister horror, is now free, and the community can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they have faced their fears and emerged triumphant. But the next adventure awaits, and who knows what challenges they will face next? Only time will tell.

    Boss Encounter: Shadow Maw (Complete)

    Claim Your Victory Loot: 3 per cardsmith:

    • Play as your choice of role next encounter.
    • Play as a new role in the next encounter.
    • 5 favorites
    • 4 favorites
    • 3 favorites
    • 2 favorites
    • 1 favorite
    • 3 prizes in your next mystery box
    • 2 prizes in your next mystery box
    • 1 prize in your next mystery box
  • Encounter - Spirit of the Conqueror

    The foe starts on the battlefield.

    Spirit of the Conqueror

    The foe starts with the following aura on it. (I couldn't fit this ability on the card, but it would have been nice to have.)

    Indomitable Presence


    The community starts with the following play.

    Call to Aid


    As the battle begins, the Spirit plays its first spell:

    Veil of Enigma


    Let the community play.
  • Roles - (Subject to change with prizes.)

    @smax765 - The Joker can only play un cards this encounter.

    @LvB - Mystery Prize - Swords of Intrigue, You may play two cards each turn if they are combat tactic cards.

    @KorandAngels -The Librarian can only play custom cards they've created prior to July 26, 2023.

    @cadstar369 - The Trickster can only play Jeskai-colored cards this encounter and attempts to match the tactics of the foe, yet remains on the community's side.

    @FireOfGolden - The Zookeeper can only play cards with animal subtypes.

    @Jadefire - 2 favorites, no role

    @Robo_KittyThe Sun Mage can only play monowhite cards this encounter.
  • I'll take the three prizes in my next mystery box, role of choice, and 1 favourite.
  • edited July 2023
    I'll take the Hero for this encounter so I can play mythics and legendaries.
    The three favourites can go to any cards of your choice.
  • Let's give those Monks of ours a master.

  • whats a combat tactics card ?
  • Given the theme I gotta start with this one.

  • @LvB - spells that boost your creatures or that you play during combat

  • edited July 2023
  • I play this card, hoping for some good random card to use against the Foe.

This discussion has been closed.