
  • As destruction is attempted on the light orb that's expanding, Queen (@KorandAngels) and @jpastor could see a shadow behind Heju moved on its own for a second. The light orb, before its end of life, would start disarray. The orb loses its color as its black grew from inside. It would expands much, much rapidly as something warns Queen and jpaster to take cover immediately.

    "You could be spared and allowed to be left alone, but that chance is wasted the moment you took opportunity to mess with the spell. Now because of you, that orb killed hundreds of people in this town! Was that worth it? Do you no longer care for your subjects?" Heju hesitated for a moment, "... Or you think you can sacifice some people just to stop a single person? You disgusted me." Heju would pulls his wand out, he would shout in different language as a ghost-like would be summoned out of the ground. The ghost would splits into two afterwards.

    "In name of justice...!" One of these ghost-like echoed, another one would echoed "... For people!". They are the Echoes which is Heju's specially ability which allows the knights and soldiers continue fight as the voice as their soul would rest in the heaven.

    Extirpate the Existence been destoryed! It was put into the graveyard, Burst Into Corrupted Flame was casted which exiles Extirpate the Existence from the graveyard. Burst Into Corrupted Flame destroys ALL nonland permanent with 6 or less mana value!

    Agitated Knight is played and its ability allowed Heju to put Lost Soul's Echo onto the battlefield without casting it.

    Heju seems tired as he used mostly energy to keep the light orb safe. It is up to the community to determine whether Heju's worth to stay alive or not.

  • @jpastor
    How's my performance as an Foe?
  • With the Queen having destroyed that major threat, she will withdraw from the supporting role and conjure her 
    , the creature she was trying to play in the first place
  • Heju would let out of a white light coming from his palm of hand onto the ground. An object would plants into a figure that turns out of this;

    "... Knowledge is meant to shared..." and "... Protection is all it matters...!" Are echoed from the wizard that appeared to be ghost. Heju would let guard down a little to rest for short time.

    Heju is tired! He is now attempting to rest. It could be opportunity for something...

    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]

    Ceta Disciple (1 Mana value), Hyena Pack (4 Mana value), Izzet Chemister (3 Mana value) were destroyed by Burst Into Corrupted Flame. (X was 6 or less mana value)
  • @FireOfGolden
    Astounding. How does it feel?
  • I will play: Nettlecyst That should do the trick.
  • @jpastor
    Thank you! I must admit that being the villian is certainly interesting experience.

    Nettlecyst is equipped by Germ 0/0, its ability strengths to 1/1. What would you like to use to attack? Heju or the Echoes? Or you may wait by and try to add more and more artifacts and/or enchantment? ?
  • Due to summoning sickness - I must resist attacking or my germ might catch a stomach bug.
  • @jpastor
    There is another Foe can appear once Heju is defeated - The shadow you call it "Shadowcaster" - will you take over that foe or I may continue until Shadowcaster is truly defeated?

    Additionally, may I reward people who defeated Foe? I plan to give a Treasure token and/or Mystery Chest token that usually works in my Mystery Battle Card, but it can be used universally, if other people allows.

  • What would you like to do @FireOfGolden
  • @jpastor
    I would like to take over Shadowcaster then hand Foe back to you once it is defeated.

    Redeeming treasure tokens are up to you. In my Mystery Battle Card, they get one favorite on random card.
  • Sounds good to me. Go for it.
  • Heju uses all energy ounces remaining to destroy figure folks and the inkling parasites for all and done!

    The energy which Heju summons the orb appeared to be dark similar as the light orb that blew up... Is there something at work behind Heju? The energy would rapidly gives up wave onto each creature. The Echoes seems unaffected, while rest of others would be setback for an inch by an inch as if they are in beach with waves hitting them.

    Heju is exhausted! He loses three turns to rest.
    (Spirits will be able to react whenever possible.)

    Heju's battlefield
    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]

  • @KorandAngels
    Any reactions? Or I may procced?
  • The corrupted light orb would rips the reality through the timeline and it would sucks countless figures and inklings into it from anywhere in the timeline. As the crack collapses, the giant energy wave would be released that crushes every creatures in timeline to death, yet, the Spirits left alone, unharmed. Germ and Dinosaur were killed this way, their voices as spirit would comes out of their body as their souls would be returned to its rightful place. Echoes as well would comes out of the spot where crack collapsed. There are 21 Spirits right now.

    @jpastor casted a spell which causes loss of knowledge upon Heju... Combining that with the exhaustion making it worse for Heju. Heju went insane and no longer function now.

    It seems the battle's over, but...

    All suddenly, all Echoes let out of terror howling as something black would grows from their core.

    It turns out of something behind Heju is responsible for this. The shadow creeps out of Heju's body slowly as Heju passed out from both exhaustion and insanity.

    It seems some of corrupted Echoes are calling it "Master". It could be it.

    Heju been defeated! Take your treasure here.


    The Community's turn.

    Shadowcaster's battlefield:
    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]
    21x Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
  • Are we still the same roles
  • New Roles - Choose any role you'd like that's been listed so far.
  • I will create a new role called Teammate: Choose another player, you are now on the same team as them, two-headed giant style. I will choose @KorandAngels. My first play will be Soul Warden(Any creature entering the battlefield for me or my teammate gives us +1 life. This will help us outlast the opponent over time.)
  • Wait a moment, being AFK some days and now @FireOfGolden is the foe?
  • @smax765
    Yep! I was surprised too!

    I am going to hand Foe to jpastor once Shadowcaster is defeated.
  • I am going to pause Foe to give a chance rest of community to do something to either support jpastor, take control of the battlefield, or go on.
  • edited August 2023
    Thank you for choosing to help me, Jpastor. I will play 

    (I know she's a legendary but she's not a very intense one so it shouldn't be problematic)
    (This triggers Soul Warden)
  • Wait I don't need to be the Queen any more, keep Skushnik in but let me choose a real role
  • @smax765 Are you in or out?

    @jpastor Is it okay to let Skushnik slip through? They has ability to cause opponent discard a card then controller draw a card after combat damage is done to the same opponent.
  • @Colby814225
    As the Foe, I find that to be invalid to battle me.

    Please use properly, balanced, easy card for us to read. Otherwise, it may be dismissed and force you to play a card again.

    Please see to first page to learn about rules.

    Even if you managed to play that creature for single mana. It would be already dead the moment it hits battlefield.

    Please build a card similar as this;

    Or you may use real card to play as well.
  • The Shadowcaster would grab the idea in the wind about what is its enemies are planning to do. Its mouth opened and nothing came out. However, it seems Soul Warden is shaken as if it heard something terriblying from that shadow. Soul Warden would drops its kneel onto the ground and lost motivation and idea about what to do.

    Then Shadowcaster would lets out of shriek to fill the air which seems made up whispers now.

    It seems Shadowcaster is planning about something... Perhaps to build the number of Echoes... Or it is willing to make them stronger?

    Shadowcaster discards this card.

    As the knowledge would be dissolved into meaningless void which is stored into the rotten, ancient book. After knowledge dissolution, an echo would comes out.

    Shadowcaster's Battlefield:
    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]
    21x Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
    1x Corrupted Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]

    Reusable in Shadowcaster's Graveyard:
    Disturb Scroll
  • I haven't been very active, and I ought to keep going, but I can't think of what to do now
This discussion has been closed.