Tournament of Champions 6 - The stones of heaven



  • I apologise for being late with this section. I’ve been moving places and… well, you’ve all heard this before, it’s practically the curse of ToC competitors at this point
  • edited October 2023
    Great stones of heaven - location

    I got a question regarding the location of the stones of this tier. 
    So here is the map and locations of the different hearts (which I had clearly not forgotten to add).
    The stones are named with "H" and their respective number. 
    Heart 1 which is carried by an armored train is being transported along a certain path of the royal trailway where it brings destruction in the north, and then travels south to resupply once again. The train travels counter-clockwise. 

    The rest of the stones are somewhat trivial in their location. 
    Heart of the storm travels along the coast but at this time will be found in the west. 
    The heart of the guardian is traveling across the Zumbala-Moghudur border, and it travels north to the wasteland at the northern border where it discharges its chaotic lightning energy. 
    The heart of the ground is being kept in a fortification of the army who at this moment is fighting of the civilian revolt.
    The molten heart is believed to appear in the south in the near future. 

  • 24 hours remains to post additional stories and have them be guaranteed taken into consideration for the upcoming matches. 
    Reminder that the order of the matches will be pseudo-random with one determining factor being the activity of the contestants. The less active are more likely to have their match earlier.

    Happy hunting!
  • [Now, what power comes from this stone?]
    Seven travelled northward, in hopes of finding the Iron Horse pointed at by the worker at the weapons factory. Now, sprinting under the night sky, the minds of the metal warrior turned to the newfound stone of power.
    {It has no clear activation, as for now. We must first ask the question - how did those ones use it?}
    (Those blue cannonballs shattered before reaching our shield. In addition, we saw many boxes of blue, crystalline weapons.)
    [That helps not. We do not make weapons. Furthermore, that doesn’t help us understand how we should begin to tap into the power.]
    (Ah, but we did see that.)
    [How so?]
    {Of course. We took the stone from the flames above the liquid metal. Passing energy through the stone must cause its ability to manifest.}
    [Energy is something we have. Let us test the theory.]
    Seven stopped and held the stone above the ground. Then, with a quick motion of the arm, slammed it into the ground.
    At first, it seemed as though nothing had happened. But then, a rumble from the ground heralded the tremor of an earthquake. It didn’t last long, but a nearby tree briefly seemed to sink into the ground, as if it were in quicksand.
    (Interesting. Allow us to continue.)
    Seven continued to travel north.
    {A quake in the ground. Localised and brief, but clearly the power of the stone.}
    (What links the shattering weapons and a tremor, though?)
    [I believe we must look again at what we witnessed from the other users. Surely, they would do as we did and apply the stone to the weapons directly if it were that simple. Instead, they use a flame on liquid metal. The liquid slows down to become a solid weapon of crystal.]
    {The power was applied to liquid in order to distribute the power throughout the material.}
    [Agreed. Applying it directly would instead cause the object to shatter immediately. And there lies the power of the stone.]
    (When we caused the quake, the ground beneath us grew restless. But the ground does not shatter.)
    [Indeed. For the power of the stone is not for shattering, but for destabilisation. Pass energy through the stone, and the recipient is destabilised. Allow us to test the theory.]
    Again stopping, Seven applied the stone to a rock. Sure enough, cracks formed through it, allowing the brittle rock to be crushed with a single hit.
    (A brilliant conjecture, Fury. Next, we apply it to the horse of iron.)
    [And we shall run (straight through {the ones that are in our way.})]
  • Matches gonna start yet?
  • kaoz42 I am an adult man with a job and responsibilities.  
    Don't worry. The matches will happen as I get an opportunity to write them, but it might not be as frequently or as smooth as in ToC 1 and ToC 3. 
    I do expect to be able to write the first mach this evening (Central European time) unless I have to do overtime at work.  
  • Battle for the ground stone

    Berrymore, Hope of the Fields by @Aggroman15
    Ravina, Grasp of the Earth by @DrakeGladis


    Flames, chaos, destruction and death.
    It's early morning, before the sun has begun to rise. The camp and the outer section of the fortress stood in flames. Corpses, both of soldiers and local milita where spread out across the now bloodied battlefield.
    A sudden explosion on top of the battlements of the fortress spread light over the destruction. A cry of pain, then a wounded soldier fell down the fall and crashed into a wagon beneath.
    His comrades, still manning the wall, opened fire upon the approaching waves of milita who broke through a hole in the wall.
    The battle raged on.

    Further up, a group of dead soldiers and milita, where walking among the resting dead. Then as by command, they plunged forward towards a building that stood against the fortress wall. As they approached, stones and bricks broke off from the wall and fell and crushed the dead.
    From the shadows a character approached into the lights of the fires - a cat looking man. With a motion purple light appeared before him taking the form of skulls who set off towards the dead. The skulls flew into the dead and soon after they began to rise up and as those before them, they attack the house.

    From a window on the second floor, two eyes looked at the cat and the rising dead. She raised her hands as the dead came closer and then suddenly their feet began to sink into the sand and stone below as it became like water. Then as startled by a ghost she turned around. A squeaking sound came from above, then beneath a bed, behind a drawer. She tried to localize the source of the sound but it was too fast and nimble. She raised her hand and shot pebbles from the ground blow through the floor decimating the furniture.
    The sound disappeared. A moment of silence followed. Then the floor below her broke apart as two fur cover arms broke through trying to grab her.

    Ravina just managed to shoot another pebble at Berrymore to make him miss, but she still fell through the hole and landed on the bottom floor. Berrymore quickly recovered, he grabbed a plank and smacked Ravina so she flew towards the distant wall. As she struck the wall, Berrymore dropped the plank and grabbed a halberd as he now approached Ravina with Thorn appearing behind him. Ravina pulled herself up from the ground without letting her eyes leave Berrymore and the stone he wore around his neck.
    She reached her hand into her pocked and grabbed her own stone while she raised the other. Berrymore dashed towards her. With the stone glowing in her hand, she pulled down the other.

    Red light blistered through the building as stones and blocks crashed through the roof crystalizing as they fell. Ravina and Berrymore jumped away to avoid the falling blocks and the crystal flames that burst out as the floor shattered by the impact. Within moment the entire building had collapsed burring the two stone pursuers.

    Some time later, as the sun rose and spread its light over the ruins, Ravina woke up. She was trapped beneath two beams and rubble, but with some work she managed to crawl out. She looked across the destroyed building but she could not see any trace of either Berrymore or Thorn and his dead. Then moments later as she recovered her energy, a small sound reached her. A tiny mouse looked at her from the rubble. Then it turned around and disappeared into the distance. Now all that remained to claim the heart of the ground was the central part of the fortress that still held strong as the battle carried on.
  • edited October 2023

    Ravina, Grasp of the Earth by @DrakeGladis

    You have won the match and may now claim the heart of the ground.
    However, the challenge of the stone still remains as the fort still stands but your victory is assured and you may write how Ravina claims her second victory of the day.

    @Aggroman15, Sadly someone had to lose here, and I decided to go by the contender that I don't know anything about since sadly Berrymore did not receive any lore as of the moment of writing. I would love to hear what happens to him now and what he decides to do from now on. Any conclusion to his involvement and story would be greatly appreciated.

    Otherwise I thank you for participating in this tournament which did end up as a bit of an experiment for a different type of contest.
  • edited October 2023
    I'm sorry everyone. I feel bad for dropping out after all of the effort and thought I put into Torna. At this point, however, I feel that no matter how much I write I won't have a chance to catch back up to the competition. I'd been busy trying to find a new job (and trying to get into creative writing as a side gig), so Tournament of Champions completely fell off my radar. It's only now that I finally remembered the Tournament actually continued, but due to penalties related to time, I fear it's too late for me to stand a chance at this point. Unless this isn't the case, I'll likely be dropping out so I don't end up rushing out posts for not much of anything.
  • Battle for the molten heart

    Neseas, Intrepid Chronicler by @Usaername

    Tzhubala, Seeker of Zul


    Stone - shattered. Rock - melting. Hills - trembling. Cliffs - breaking.

    The land is about to burst. The forest is crumbling into black dirt as the fire of the ground is eating on the roots. The rivers are running dry as the cracks are quenching its endless thirst. The plains is drowning in black smoke rising from the ground. This land is about to die and everything and everyone is escaping its deadly grip - except two men. 

    Beneath black clouds of burning ember they stand facing each other, one a soldier and hero of northern lands, the other a warrior and hero of the south - both legends of their homes. But here only one will take victory and claim the destructive heart that floats in the crust of the earth beneath their feet.

    Their battle has been going on for some time. It began as the land was calm, and Katto was still by Tzhubala's side, but perhaps by feeling their clashing weapons, the molten heart rose to life and began tearing the foundation of the earth apart. Katto returned to safety while his companion faced their adversary by himself.

    Neseas continued their fight by throwing a stone at Tzhubala at the same time as he dashed forward with stave in hand. Tzhubala dodged the stone, but then another stone, as appeared from nowhere, hit him in the chest. Before he regained his balance, Neseas had already caught up to him and struck him with his stave. Tzhubala stepped back. His incredible strength was not beaten by his opponent, even though spectacularly strong, but the skill of Neseas was second to none that he had faced before.

    Neseas let his stave flow around for another strike, but this time his opponent stomped his leg into the ground and endured the hit. Being experienced in combat, Neseas saw his sudden disadvantage and quickly took two steps back before Tzhubala could strike him with his spear. This man of the south was hard as steel. Any ordinary man would have fallen by the stone alone but this man withstood not only that but a well aimed strike with his stave as well.

    What a glorious fight.

    The fight between the two continued as the earth broke around them, cutting away crucial time for their escape. Soon they would not be able to escape with their lives but neither of them would see their fight be concluded beyond their chosen arena of destruction.

    Then the ground above them burst open as lava poured like a bleeding wound. This was the moment. One more strike, one last attack. If it failed then no winner would be crowned. Neseas embraced the stone he had claimed from the princess bird as he took an offensive stance. Tzhubala raised his spear above his head and shouted so the ground began to shake by the echoing voice. Neseas was light on his feet, and then he flew forward as white feathers spread out into the air around him before they moments later caught fire.

    Six seconds. That was all it took for a victor to emerge, but one had to so that their fight would not end in tragedy. Tzhubala limped forward with one hand over his wounded chest and the other holding onto Neseas whom he carried on his back away from the approaching inferno towards Katto and safety. He had won the first fight, but now another fight was awaiting him as his new opponent devoured the ground in flames.

  • Winner!

    Tzhubala, Seeker of Zul
    NPC contenders are not supposed to reach victory, but they will fill in the gaps and fight as average fighters when necessary - a necessary loss. 

    @Usaername Sadly Neseas did not claim victory today but the contest must go on and a choice had to be made whom are the strongest contenders for the sunstone, and sadly Neseas was below average.

    I would love to hear what happens next to Neseas if you wish to tell that story. Otherwise I wish you good luck in your own adventures.

  • edited October 2023
    Battle for the heart of the guardian

    Sara, Runaway Pincess by @TenebrisNemo
    Id, the Wandering Vessel by @theirintheattic


    zzzzz PANG!

    Sara, Id, Gidel and Ego stopped their battle for but a moment. The breaking sound of a thunder strike as mighty as they come reached them just seconds after the sky had turned white for a split second. The implication was as clear as the quakes that shook the ground - the guardian had found out about their battle that disrupted the land, and now he was approaching them.

    Their battle had been going on for some time but no clear winner could yet be decided. Sara had tried using the stone she had collected to take control of the spirits that inhabited the stone that Id claimed in a crown he wore around his head but controlling spirits was not nearly as easy as the mind of starved mortals, and for every spirit that fell out of line another took its place in the mind of Id. It was clear that before Id had used the stone, Gidel would not just be able keep up with both of them at the same time, but he even had the advantage. When Id used the stone the scale shifted and it was as if all weaknesses of his just disappeared and he moved as if he had multiple minds all focused on a single goal - to win.

    Like pulling ropes around an ox's neck, Sara's struggle to strangle the mind of Id was of little effect, but it might just be enough to give Gidel the opening that he needed, or at least to prevent Id from finding an opening against Gidel. But Gidel was quick on his feet and wielding two swords he managed to keep both Id and Ego in a dance of swords.

    Id swung forward with his scepter towards Gidel who raised his sword and deflected the blow. Ego moved forward with his blade thrusting towards Gidel, whom turned his chest so that Ego missed his strike, but now Gidel raised his free arm and trapped Ergo. At the same moment, Id followed the motion of his deflected specter and quickly moved towards Sara who focused deeply in breaking Id's mind. Id moved towards her so fast with such precision that mostly luck that Sara managed to dodge beneath the incoming strike.

    Gidel with a firm grip forced Ego to the ground, but before he could capitalize on the maneuver, Id was at him again. Gidel dashed out of the way, and then blocked Id's scepter. Gidel swung with his other sword but Ego was quick on his feet to block the attack, and the dance continued. 

     Later, as Id once again moved in for the attack, he felt as if his mind was cleared. The next moment the world turned white and a shock wave pushed the three so they flew many yards away. As Id hit the ground he noticed a shadow move over them. He turned around and saw the guardian rise above them. Somehow the guardian had moved in such a way that the ground would not tell the truth of his whereabouts. In their intensive battle they had not noticed the guardian. The guardian raised its fist and slammed into the ground where the three men had been a second before. The impact of the strike was powerful that they fell to the ground.

    Sparks of lightning now began circling around the guardians chest and moved down its arm as it raised its fist. The men were already on their feet once again and ran as fast as they could, Id and Ego in one direction, and Gidel in the other. Fifty yards from them, Sara stood with hand embracing the stone and the other pointing towards the guardian. She could not possibly control the mighty giant of stone, but she did not need to. She only needed to bring a thought to its mind. The guardian raised its fist high, then it slammed it down hard into the ground so a storm of lightning flew out forward. The lightning caught up to Id and Ego who fell stunned to the ground. Gidel joined by Sara's side now facing the guardian.

  • Winner!

    You have won the match and may now claim the heart of the guardian.
    However, the challenge of the stone still remains as the guardian still stands but your victory is assured and you may write how Sara and Gidel claims her second victory of the day.  

    @theirintheattic sadly, Id did not manage to claim victory today.   
    I would love to hear what happens and what he decides to do from now on. Any conclusion to his involvement and story would be greatly appreciated.

    Otherwise I thank you for participating in this tournament!

  • @Jonteman93
    I don't want to rush you, but I just want to know when you think you're going to write the next match.
  • We are way past the deadline for this tornament to end @kaoz42. This happens to all tournaments, mostly because life happens. Don't get your hopes up to high. If you get bored somewhere between the 6 months to a 1 year of waiting just wait for the next 1 to start.
  • edited November 2023
    How often do ToCs happen?
  • @kaoz42 @Tonysparks
    Sorry for the delay.
    There is quite much going on at work with too many projects and too little people, so I have been doing some overtime.
    Since the tournament have not been running with very hot interest, I have not prioritized it with what little energy I have left after work.

    I am working on the last two fights, but it is going slowly since the last two are much more even than earlier fights, and there is quite much to read up on.

    As to your last question, Kaoz42, since this is the 6th (or 7th) Toc, and the first happened in 2018, there is about 1 each year or so.
  • @Jonteman93
    Thanks for letting me know. I just discovered ToCs from @TenebrisNemo, and I immediately joined
  • Battle for the iron heart
    Seven Last of the Vae'vyn by: @AxNoodle

    Torna Ruhan by @AddGG


    Death can not be ceased. Death can not be stopped. Wherever it goes, death follows.
    As the cogs spin to the pressure of steam, death dances to the beats of metal and fire.
    Death of tracks of steel. Now another town lies in ruin and flame as two challengers sought to stop the train, to challenge the mighty iron steed. 

    A hound of demonic powers sought to cease the march of the train, but bullets fly many, hot and far. A metallic demon of incredible speed sought to catch up to the train, but shells of fiery inferno made craters in the bath of the being of metal. 

    A town would be the intersection between them. The challenge of the two where initiated by the bombardment of the iron beast. Now the city burns, or at least what is left of it. An allied town, but the cost of the beast is too high. Mortal lives - a low cost. But all it bought was time, for the train would return once again in a couple of days, and then one challenger would be ready.

    In the burning ruins of the town, people where running for their lives, but most had perished in the flames and the destruction, and more would lose their lives in the shadows of the rising smoke. A wounded man tried in vain to fight the demonic hound whom had descended upon him. The hound grabbed the man by his head and a ring around his finger began to glow. The life of the man escaped him while a bleeding wound in the hound's chest healed in green light.

    A metallic clang reached the hound from behind him, as the metal being broke through a burning valley. The hound rose up and turned towards the metal being whom began to accuse him. "(You caused us to lose the train. Stay out of our chase.)" Torna did not obey, barely did he listen, as a voice in his head overshadowed that of Seven. He almost seemed lost in himself, yet certain. This being of metal, this Seven, prevented him from claiming the heart of the iron beast. They must step aside or they will be broken.

    Seven turned around to continue his chase of the train when a bolt of purple lightning fell over him and bounced into a building to his side. The wooden facade shattered in burning splinters as the upper parts fell over towards Seven, whom dodged. More bolts of lightning and purple flame flew both towards Seven and the buildings around him. Seven dodged them all and dashed towards Torna, but another greater bolt of flame forced them to dodge, and again, and again. Soon Torna was surrounded by burning debris when suddenly he felt the ground beneath his feet became liquefied.

    Torna burned the ground to glass and stepped out of the crystalized hole. He tried to argue with himself it seemed. Something serious, it seemed. Seven did not understand what was so strange about this hound's head but then he began to feel the souls inside him began to shiver as dark energy began tearing into them, but they where strong because they where many. People who had fled the fires now fell to the ground as their lifeforce was drained from them. Torna, with the ring high in hand glowing in bright green, raised his other hand that began to burn intensively in purple. Moment later when the green glow grew weaker and the purple flame had grown mighty, he released it into the sky. Only moments later, a purple storm of flame and lightning blew up in the sky, and the town was annihilated.

    Torna lowered his arms. The demon in his head had won. Then the crystalized ground shattered below him as Seven broke through the weakened ground. Seven quickly struck down Torna who fell into a bed of ash.
  • Winner!

    @AxNoodle with Seven, Last of the Vae'vyn

    Congratulations! You have won the match and may now claim the iron heart.
    However, the challenge of the stone still remains as the beast runs hot still but your victory is assured and you may write how Seven claims their second victory of the day (or week?).

    @AddGG Sadly, Torna did not claim victory today.
    Know that this was a very difficult match to decide a winner for. So difficult in fact that it took me over a month to do so (and a bit of procrastination together with busy schedule).
      I would love to hear what happens to Torna now, and what he decides to do from now on. Any conclusion to his involvement and story would be greatly appreciated.

    Otherwise I thank you for participating in this tournament!
  • Battle for the heart of the storm (part 1/2)

    Godara, Thundering Feet by: @Tonysparks@Tonysparks ;

    Kraig, the Relentless Thunder by: @kaoz42

    Wind, howling. Thunder, crackling. Waves, slamming, Trees, weeping. Rivers, covering.

    The storm is mighty. The old man said to himself as he exited his small house at the coast. He was all alone now. His family had fled, his dog he let loose, the cattle were scattered on the other side of the mountains. All his belongings, his family had taken with them. His boat was all that remained. The old man himself was old and sick. This was the first time in months that he had gathered the strength to rise up from his bed as he would welcome death in sight.

    A blinding blast of lightning lit up the sky. The man covered his weak eyes. A sound like that of flapping wings reached him, and he removed his hand to witness in the sky, a dark blue creature that challenged the lightning of the storm. No - it had absorbed the lightning. The man could barely see what it was but he had heard stories of dragons before, though this was one without a rider - and great ambitions. 

    The old man barely had time to sit down before someone else appeared. Down at the beach, what appeared to be a young man dressed in clothes of a monk carrying a blade, lowered his boat down into the water. As the young man jumped into and prepared the oars, he noticed the old man. He stopped and met the old man's eyes, as the boat slowly drifted out towards the sea. The old man raised his hand greeting the stranger. The stranger bowed in response for the old man, before he disappeared beyond the man's sight. The old man sat down in a chair saying to himself as the storm began twisting the timber of the house. "At least my boat got some usage." 

    Some time later.
    The storm have grown greatly in power, and strikes of lightning grew mighty and numerous in the sky. Kraig caught a bolt of lightning that lit up the sky. With lightning pulsing through him he descended towards the sea and his opponent. Kraig reached the sea with his lightning infused claws, causing the lightning to spread across the surface. Godora jumped off the boat, and with his palm he struck the surface of the water so that he and the boat fly up a couple of feet into the air just before the came towards him and passed. Kraig flew towards the monk and his boat with great speed. The boat barely got to touch the water before Kraig where over them, but Godora was swift, and met Kraig with sword drawn. Godoro deflected Kraigs strike, one, two, three. And with the third strike with his tail deflected, Kraig backed off.

    Kraig flew away from the boat and then ascended towards the sky where the thunderstorm was gaining power. Kraig flew a at least thousand feet into the sky straight above Godara and the boat, where he  began circling. Bolts of lighting struck down around them, but yet was it to strike at Kraig. Godora stoop up in the bot with blade ready in hand while not letting his eyes off Kraig. He took deep breaths and focused at the sky around which Kraig was circulating. Then quicker than the blink of an eye, the sky turned bright, and a great bolt of lightning struck through Kraig and towards Godora and the boat. Godora jumped into the air with his sword raised high. The lightning struck him through the sword and left through his arm towards the horizon. Godora fell and crashed into the boat on his side. His arm was burning from the mighty bolt that would have killed any lesser man.

    Kraig once again descended towards the boat. Godora wrapped some cloth around his wounded arm. He sat up and began mediate as he gathered his strength. Kraig would not be fooled by the monk's deceiving mediation. Instead of attacking directly, Kraig began circulating the boat. He flew faster and faster, and the ocean began to rise creating a cage around Godora and the boat. Kraig flew faster and faster, and soon the walls were fifty feet high. Electrical energy began flowing through the water - and soon the air as well. Godara was trapped.

  • edited December 2023
    Battle for the heart of the storm (part 2/2)

    Then at the speed of lightning, Godara drew his sword and jumped at Kraig. He drew the sword into Kraig's scales, but the scales where hard so the sword barely got inch. Kraig, with Godara on his back, ascended out of the water prison. Once again he headed towards the sky but this time Godara could not escape. His only other option would be to jump, but then he would be an easy target without his boat. Godara climbed up Kraigs back as he scouted the horizon. Then he saw something, a green light far away in the darkness. As they approached the sky, the electrical energy rose around them. Godara released the cloth from his arm and threw it over Kraig's eyes.

    Kraig growled and chuckled at the same time as Godara pulled the cloth to force Kraig to turn. Godara then used his palm and struck Kraig's wing. Kraig growled as he turned with his claw approaching Godara, but the monk was swift and moved out of the way while still keeping Kraig blinded. Godara struck Kraig again who responded with his tail, but Godara was still too fast. No matter, the lightning will fry the monk - and Kraig could feel the energy of the lightning grow stronger. It was almost too tempting. The brawl continued for a few more moments as they approached the heart of the storm. 

    Then Kraig fell the power surge through the air. The sky opened up for him. Godora feeling what was to happened, released Kraig from his cloth and jumped the dragon. As the sky blew up in mighty light, Godara threw his sword towards the ice island where the storm resided. The mighty lightning struck Kraig, and it surged through him towards the monk and the sword. Godara got struck, but most of the energy got to the sword that descended towards the island. The sword pulsating with thunderous energy approached the island.  Then the lightning jumped from the sword into the heart. The ice cracked by the force, and then a surge of incredible green lightning left the heart and flew straight towards the sword and into the sky where only Kraig remained. The sky turned green as the storm clenched its fist around Kraig. Godara fell into the stormy water and looked into the sky seeing Kraig burning in green flame fall far away into the horizon. "The storm is mighty indeed" he said to himself as he began swimming towards the boat.
  • edited December 2023

    @Tonysparks with Godara, Thundering Feet


    Congratulations! You have won the match and may now claim the heart of the storm.
    However, the challenge of the stone still remains as the storm grows stronger yet  but your victory is assured and you may write how Godara claims his second victory of the day.

    @kaoz42 Sadly, Kraig did not claim victory today.
    This was a match that I looked forward to, and it hurts that it took so long for it to come into reality since both contenders of this match were very interesting. 
    I would love to hear what happens to Kraig now, and what he decides to do from now on. Any conclusion to his involvement and story would be greatly appreciated.

    Otherwise I thank you for participating in this tournament!

    Thus the winners of the quarter finals are decided and have claimed their great stones of heaven.
    You who have won may now evolve your contenders, making them stronger and giving them additional signature cards. 
    Since we practically skipped the first power up phase, you may update your contender card with mana value up to 5, and create an additional signature card.
    Or you may add 2 signature cards if you do not have any good idea or art for a power up card.

    I will begin posting the true stones of haven (tier 3 stones) this week. 3 of which will be available to pursue.
  • @Jonteman93
    Kraig grumbles "I shall be back, monk. Perhaps we shall become allies next time. You certainly know the way of the storm." As he flies away to his homeland, through the blind eternities and into his lair, continuing to sharpen his combat skills, particularly speed and agility. "At least I learned how to fight better from that monk."
    I'm thinking of bringing back Kraig as a companion card for my next champion in ToC 8.
  • It was an honor @kaoz42, till the next Tournament which will be soon. @Jonteman93, masterful work as always, I will update my character, and story as soon as possible.
  • On an additional note @kaoz42 , Kraig might get away with it because he is a dragon and they live long, but I believe the Tournaments happen every 100 years or something along those lines.
  • edited December 2023

    Chapter Four: Tempest's Embrace

    In the chaotic dance of storm and dragon, Godara clung desperately to his sword—a lone soul amidst the raging fury. Lightning crackled in the air as Kraig, the thunderous dragon, soared to unimaginable heights, revealing its intent to engulf Godara within the raging clouds of storm. His boat, a mere vessel, was tossed by the relentless seas, drifting farther into the heart of the tempest, leaving the monk at the mercy of nature's wrath.

    "If only I were faster," Godara muttered to himself, steeling himself against the intense onslaughts of both the ascent and the storm. Against the ferocious winds, he compelled his weary limbs to ascend the spiraling dragon, a tornado of scales and fury, trying to launch him off or worse, kill him. The monk's arm scorched had began blistering amidst the rapid cooling of the relentless rain.

    As they ascended to the heavens, Godara's determination solidified. Faced with the dual tempests—the elemental fury of the stone, and the lightning tempest of the legendary dragon—he vowed not to yield on this fateful day. Scaling the dragon's back and tasting the crackling static of an impending discharge, Godara flung a piece of cloth from his white monk's attire, shrouding the dragon's vision in a desperate bid to survive.

    Clutching the makeshift reins, he surveyed the chaos with rapid haste. A distant green light—the Stone of Storms itself—beckoned amidst the pandemonium. Utilizing the cloth as a guide, Godara steered the blue dragon into a rapid descent, as flashes of lightning shot in chaotic dances amongst the sky.

    The dragon's colossal claws swung menacingly, yet Godara, now on steadier ground (the dragon's back), skillfully evaded the blows. The blinded yet formidable dragon chuckled, its laughter intertwining with the storm's howling winds and thunderous booms in a disorientating display.

    In response, Godara unleashed swift strikes of his palms, sending the dragon into a counter-spiral away as he descended away from it. With precise timing, he hurled his sword towards the distant green glow —the Stone of Storms—just as the sky exploded in white radiant brilliance. Kraig, acting as the conduit, intensified the magnitude of that raw unfiltered thunderous energy.

    The cascade surged, following the trajectory of Godara's sword, overflowing into the Stone of Storms and unleashing a whip-like off-shoot that struck Godara, launching him into the raging waters. Submerged beneath the waves, he held his breath, as he witnessed a radiant green burst ascending to the sky from under the water. Rising above the water, he watched as the absorbed lightning coursed back through his sword, manifesting as a majestic arc of plutonium green fury.

    The storm ensnared the dragon, cloaking it in greenish flames of electrifying intensity. Following that, Kraig plummeted into the distance - strained, but not dead. The Stone of Storms, lightly chipped and momentarily locked in stasis within the glacier, struggled to disipate like it usually does, its energy depleted. The tempest, calmed by the expended fury, gradually settled in the ensuing hours.

    Godara, miraculously finding his boat unscathed, ascended its weathered frame, his clothes heavy with freezing water. He then headed to the glacier and reclaimed the Stone of Storms and embedding it in his sword's hilt. He then embarked on a journey back to the island, to return the boat he had borrowed to its rightful owner.

    Awakening to the chirping of birds, Godara found himself within a battered but modest cabin. An elderly man, weathered by time and loneliness, greeted him. "You've awakened," the old man smiled, recounting how he had observed the clash between Godara and the dragon from afar. Though disappointed that the storm had not claimed him, the old man expressed gratitude for the renewed joy the monk had inadvertently brought to his final days.

    Following Godara's unconscious collapse after mentioning the return of the boat, the old man had tended to his wounds and safeguarded the monk's sword. Inquired about repayment, Godara asked how he could express gratitude. The old man, abandoned by his family, requested nothing more than the company of a compassionate soul in his waning days.

    Godara obliged, learning of the man's somber tale, of familial love turned to abandonment in the face of an impending storm. The battered house was restored by Godara and the old man, and what began as a day's stay stretched into weeks, then three. Amidst the frailty of the old man and the relentless storms outside, Godara faced his own vulnerability, training to outpace the storm's speed between moments of helping the old man, never again would his life ever be in the hands of the luck, not if he wanted to prove himself to his master one day, and end him.

    Practicing dodging and parrying lightning, Godara, initially singed by the intensity of his first faliures, gradually mastered the art. Building on his experience redirecting lightning during the battle with Kraig, he developed a technique to focus static energy through his body to his palm and, eventually, through two fingers. This electrifying touch could turn metal molten with a single contact.

    As the old man neared the end of his journey, Godara assisted in writing final letters to the man's daughter and sons. The restored house, now belonging to the family, became a testament to a shared bond. In the old man's last moments, Godara ensured a peaceful passage, burying him with due respect.

    As a final gift, the old man bequeathed his meager savings to Godara. Moved, the monk hesitated, but the old man insisted, acknowledging the profound impact of the monk's companionship. With a thankful heart, Godara left the old man's legacy behind, journeying forward with the weight of memories and the promise of new adventures.


  • edited December 2023
    @Jonteman93 @kaoz42 I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of incorporating a piece of the battle within my story with due respect to what you wrote Jonteman, and your amaizing character kaoz. If you feel like I have not captured the essence of your epic dragon kaoz, let me know.
  • edited December 2023
    I think so would Godara, being a monk of the youthful breath. That said, I wish you luck in the quarter finals.
  • @DrakeGladis@TenebrisNemo@AxNoodle@Tonysparks 

    Greetings stone hunters!
    You four have made it to the semi finals, and will go on to pursue the tier 3 true stones of heaven. 

    You may upgrade your character by making an upgraded character card (maximum mana value of 5) and add an additional signature/companion card, or if you don't want to upgrade your character for some reason you may add 2 signature/companion cards.

    Christmas is running up around the corner. I will travel home from 22th to new year.  During this time I will most likely not get any time to write.
    Then after the 10th of January I  will need to focus on some projects at work which are to be delivered to the customer
    So I hope to write the fights during this time: 1th to 9th of January. It would be great if you have provided the cards, choice of stone, and releveant story segments before then. 

    From today I will post the 3 true stones of heaven which you may pursue. the 4th stone (stone of immortality) is kept to one of the npc contenders for story reasons. 

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