Card Questing: A Contest of Storytelling, Cardmaking, and Heroic Prowess



  • edited August 2023
    Regeneration still costs an action. Anyway, Aron punches Nigredo in the face for 1 damage. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do? 

    Would you like to expand militarily, technologically, or territorially? Sorry I didn't respond to your question, I didn't see it. A marketplace doesn't exist because Ink gets equipment and spells from expansions. 
  • @kaoz42 Aron should die before combat on their turn from Nigredo's ability, no? If not, Nigredo will defeat Aron with his triggered ability on his turn, then use the Centella Salve to heal himself and protect from whatever might show up in the next wave.
  • @kaoz42 What's different about military, territory, and technology?
  • edited August 2023
    @FireOfGolden military expansions give you minions, tech expansions give you noncreature cards, and territory cards give you lands you can use so long as you don't venture too far from them. (See the first post and this one for more detail.)
  • @kaoz42
    I would go with Military expansion.
  • edited August 2023
    Aron murmurs "You are foolish to have fought Phyrexia in the first place. You will not enjoy the glory of compleation, you will be tortured and executed instead." before he falls to the ground and dies. However, before Nigredo can leave, a voice behind him says "I see that you have slain my companion. However, you cannot slay me, and I, not Aron, shall be the one to slay you." He turns around to face Brimaz.
    Fight! Wave 2 vs. Brimaz, Blight of Oreskos

    Nigredo's ability triggers, but Brimaz is just as fast as Aron and slashes Nigredo with his sword for 2 damage. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do? 

    Right. Create a card that follows all of the rules in the following challenge:
    Expansion Card Challenge: Create an uncommon creature with mana cost 2 or less.
  • @FireOfGolden
    What would Ink like to do now? Head on a quest with the Color Eater?
  • @kaoz42 Yep! Color Eater is 2/2 now because Ink has ability that says "Colorless creatures gets +1/+1." Or that ability won't work?

    Ink will start new quest.
  • @FireOfGolden
    Yes, the ability works. Ink finds a quest to deactivate or destroy some runaway battle golems. As Ink heads toward the area where the most sightings have been reported, Ink hears a loud BOOM! as a duo of charging golems run down the road towards Ink.
    Fight! Wave 1 vs. x2 Prototype Boulderbranch Golems

    Ink goes first, what will Ink do? Also say what the color eater does, or it will become an NPC.

    What will Nigredo do?
  • @kaoz42
    Color Eater drains one of the Prototype, that one turns into a lifeless stone! Color Eater becomes green as Ink's ability no longer applies.

    Ink's ability and Experience together makes Ink's power and toughness up to 7/7. He then smacks last Prototype in the face.
  • Nigredo puts another -1/-1 counter on Brimaz with his triggered ability, then creates another Centella Salve via the Alchemist's Mortar.
  • @cadstar369
    Brimaz attacks Nigredo for another 1 damage, leaving Nigredo as a 2/3. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do?

    Quest complete! Deactivate the Runaways. Rewards: 1500 XP, plus 200 Silver Stars. Ink also got a:
    Level up! Ink is now a Paragon, rather than a hero.
    What you need to do to level up:
    - You have exactly two points to divide among increasing Ink's power and/or toughness.
    - Add an activated ability that costs 3 or less to activate, a triggered ability that has an effect that is worth 2 mana or less, or Ink gains haste, trample, skulk, reach, flying, first strike, vigilance, lifelink, or toxic 1 (-1/-1 counter instead of poison counter.)
    Once you're done improving Ink, adjust Ink's mana cost accordingly.
  • Nigredo puts another -1/-1 counter on Brimaz with his triggered ability, then heals and protects himself with the Centella Salve.

    (Do opposing creatures not go to combat when they attack Nigredo? His ability should also be triggering during their turn.)
  • edited August 2023
    I think that would be too powerful an interpretation. Brimaz tries and fails to damage Nigredo, due to all the counters making him a 0/1. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do?
  • edited August 2023
    If you think Nigredo's cards/abilities are too powerful, please veto them outright (preferably with reasonable explanation) and have me redo the relevant entry rather than do this fuzzy 'interpretation' thing you've done at least twice now. How am I supposed to strategize if my cards don't do what's written on them? How am I supposed to design future cards and abilities when they consistently won't do what I think they will?

    That said, Nigredo puts a -1/-1 counter on Brimaz with his triggered ability, defeating the leonin.
  • @cadstar369
    Interpretation does matter, since we are using MTG wording but in a non-MTG world. In future, I think the ability should trigger only once per wave, In the meantime, I will work on making combat less oriented on melee every turn and might add bonus actions. Anyway, Nigredo has completed the quest but has a bonus quest to feed the nearby villager a centella salve to stop the phyresis process before it finishes. Doing so will yield more rewards.

    Yes, it is good. Would Ink like to head on another quest?
  • edited August 2023
    Then I will edit Nigredo's card to reflect your interpretation.

    Nigredo will use his Mortar to create a Centella Salve for the villager.
  • @kaoz42
    On to another Quest!
  • @cadstar369
    The struggling villager begins to relax after being fed the centella salve. "Th-thank you." the villager says to Nigredo. Quest complete! Stop the Phyrexians. Bonus Quest complete! Stop the Phyresis. Total Rewards: 1000 XP, plus 300 Silver Stars. A second faction expansion is available for all of Nigredo's money, at 500 Silver Stars.

    Ink finds a quest to negotiate peace with a group of aggressive draconians raiding nearby settlements. How negotiation works:
    - You may begin with any statement, or a persuasive statement. For persuasive statements, I will roll a digital d20. If the roll hits or exceeds the negotiation's difficulty class, the other party's attitude will shift one category toward the friendly direction. If it fails, the attitude will shift one category toward the unfriendly direction. If you have a positive charisma score, I will add it to the roll to get a final result.

    This negotiation has difficulty class 13, and Ink's charisma score is 0. What statement will Ink begin with?
  • @kaoz42
    Ink will attempt to convince draconians that they can do anything with town, as long as they don't destroy buildings, burn it down, or do anything damaging to town itself rather than the people in it. (Ink is Netrual Chaotic, he cares about Nature/World only rather than the people in it.)
  • Nigredo will take another tech expansion.
  • edited September 2023
    Expansion Card Challenge: Create an uncommon enchantment with mana value 3 or less that doesn't mess with or cost colors that aren't in Nigredo's colors.

    "Hmmm. You've got a good point there,  valuing material over petty humans." the leader of the draconians says. (Attitude has shifted from hostile to unfriendly. I got a 15. You need to get attitude to indifferent, then make another well-meant statement to complete the negotiation. Say something else to the draconians.)

  • @kaoz42
    How embarrassing! Ink forgots what is going on. He then proceed to ask the leader of draconians; "Wait, why are we talking about raiding the no-loot worthy town?" 
    By unintentionally, the sentence may attempt to convince the leader to think there may be nothing loot-worthy to raid the town.
  • Expansion Card Challenge: Create an uncommon enchantment with mana value 3 or less in Nigredo's color identity.

    Numbing Vapors


    A hooded figure stepped out of the largest trading establishment in the city, burgundy robes rustling in the light breeze as they slipped into a nearby alleyway, hoping to avoid the growing afternoon crowds.

    After making a few turns to make sure he wasn't being followed, Nigredo slammed a fist against the stone alley wall. A handful of cities, a dozen villages, and more than twice as many so-called alchemists. How are these people all so thoroughly useless?! Is there a plague of third-rate education and misinformation that I'm unaware of? It's been a year and I still have yet to find even the faintest lead on any of these ingredients.

    He sighed. Perhaps it's time I tried less savory avenues again. Three people died last time when I got caught up in some idiot's scheme, but I might never make any progress at this rate.

    As he stepped out of the alley, Nigredo had to shield his eyes against the sun reflecting off the gleaming towers of a castle perched on the other side of the city. Hmm…haven't tried getting into a royal library before. Not worth the hassle of being tied to a kingdom, but perhaps I can find another way in. Before that though, let's see if I can't find an information broker worthy of the name…


    Time for another quest.
  • edited September 2023
    @cadstar369, @FireOfGolden
    Sorry for the inactivity. I will post an update tomorrow.
  • edited September 2023
    Nigredo finds a quest to fight off a pair of dragons that have been systematically taking control of cities. As Nigredo heads to the dragons' occupied "capital" the dragons swoop down from the sky towards Nigredo.
    Fight! Wave 1 vs. x2 Opportunistic Dragons
    The dragons, however ignore Nigredo's carefully concealed alchemist's mortar. They each get a -1/-1 counter. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do?

    The draconians' leader says "Oh right, I forgot the town is very poor and not loot-worthy at all." (The d20 roller is rigged! I got another 15. The draconians' attitude has shifted to indifferent. Another successful persuasive statement will result in a quest success.)

    @FireOfGolden, @cadstar369 Prizes!

    Both of you have recieved 1st prize (3 faves of my choice), cadstar for story and FireOfGolden for Ink, Protector of Worlds. Favorites applied.

  • @kaoz42

    "So... Are we gonna attack the town or nah?" Ink asked calmly.
  • If it rolls 20 out of 20d, Ink will convince the leader to have him join them and raid the town. ?
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