Mystery Box World



  • @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • Leonitus Prize 21 (Raincheck)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Aura with a built-in ability that causes it to move around.
    @cadstar your mystery box contains:
    • WX-L9 Prize 14 (Raincheck)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that's very good in constructed but very hard to make work in limited.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a combat trick that causes a creature to deal more than twice its current power's worth of damage. 
    What does the lantern do again?
  • The lantern doubles prizes received in the box it's used on.
  • Then consider your Prize 14 doubled.
  • Catching UP

    - Milestone 725 ❓
    - Milestone 330 〽️
    Discrete Annihilation Addendum ? Message me 2 cards that can't win this deadline.

    ? Stellar Genesis Amulet ? Bestows the Mortal's entry with an additional traid or aspect, enhancing its value during judging.

    @kaoz42 - Riggin' Cord ? Initiates a Draft with prize and challenge options.

    Draft - Riggin Cord ?

    Anyone may choose a prize and challenge that hasn't' been chosen.

    - Prize 89 ? Master Cadstar's Detonators?
    2 explosives used to open your boxes next deadline - Devastation Charge, C4
    - NO PRIZE
    - NO PRIZE

    Oink Oink Challenge: Create a Pig Citizen creature card.
    Mischievous Challenge: Create an artifact that has a human in the artwork.
    Overdraft Charges Challenge: Create a creature that has a trigger upon blocking a creature.
  • I'll take prize 89 and Overdraft Charges.
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Tribal Instant.

    @jpastor, @Robo_Kitty or @whoeverisgonnagiveabox
    Another box please. I'd like to use my raincheck, whatever that does. I don't know.
  • edited January 29
    A Mystery Challenge: Create an aura that cares about the power of the creature it enchants.

    I've been completely underutilizing this perk, but I'll set my ? perk to the Ornate Skeleton Key⚙️.
  • edited January 31
    @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 46 (Raincheck)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that gets a buff whenever you cast a spell from somewhere other than your hand.
  • February 2024 Updates

    Action Prizes
    • When we roll for a prize, we do -150 to 150 (a random number generator) since there are 150 prizes. Action prizes will now be (-) negative prize numbers on this roll, allowing for even more opportunities to get things in your Mystery Boxes.
    • Action prizes are as they sound, you need to do something to get something. 
    • There are only about 50 action prizes to start this list, so sometimes you won't get anything in your box except the Mystery Challenge.
    • All of the activities you can do in Mystery Box World are now action prizes instead of come-and-go opportunities on the App.
    • Unless a prize turns on a deadline, there are no more deadlines.
    • With the addition of action prizes, there's no need to check the app anymore for what's going on or what attraction is open. Just ask for Mystery Boxes.
    • The App will come in handy for certain action prizes, so keep it if you have it!
    Mystery Box Givers (Any of the following cardsmiths can give you Mystery Boxes. Tag any one of them when asking if you have preference.)
  • Challenge: Create an Aura with a built-in ability that causes it to move around.
    Eternal Undeath

    Another box please!! :)
  • Hi @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an instant that's basically a liquid substance.
  • @kaoz42 - Prize 42 rain check: cash this in any time. It will also start a deadline when you do.
    Mast Swinger ?Scallywags with more entries than you can't target you or your entries this deadline.
  • @jpastor looks awesome, thanks!!!
  • @jpastor
    Create a card with artwork showing anti-flying.

    Hit me another please
  • @FireOfGolden your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone 40 〽️? (10 Zib + 5 Favorites)
    • Prize 128 - Temporal Compass ⏳Lets the user set the deadline for a specific hour within the next 24 hours.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Inkling with monstrosity.
  • edited February 8
  • Challenge: Create an instant that's basically a liquid substance.
    Bubbling Ooze

    Another box please! :smile:
  • Movie Character/Creature: Remy the Rat from "Ratatouille"

  • @jpastor Count me in for a box here too, Thanks :smile:
  • New Deadline Starts Now

    Attraction: FHArt Funhouse

    Boxes being constructed.... stand by
  • Overdraft Charges Challenge: Create a creature that has a trigger upon blocking a creature.

  • @jpastor Can you please speak with my Satyr pipes? thanks! :D
  • edited February 25
  • I'm really sad. I put 2 years of work into my YouTube channel, then last week I made a side channel as an experiement with movie clips where I removed the voices. Every clip seemed to pass the initial checks for copyright infringement, but on Friday night, while sleeping, 3 of my videos got copyright i woke up to a terminated channel. Okay no big deal, so I proof my main channel to make sure I have no copyright content, but it's all flight simulator stuff, which is clean. - - - then today, I got an email saying they've terminated my main account just because it's my sister account...

    I appealed this for obvious reasons, but it was denied.

    Now, I must start over with a new email, new channel, new everything. 

    I'm sad... and I don't know what to do.

    I suppose I can start fresh with an all-purpose variety channel with no niche's - this way from the start, people can expect an array of stuff, like Magic Card reviews, short stories, flight videos, etc.

    What do you guys think? Should I just give it up?
  • LvBLvB
    edited February 26
    Thats sad. Youtube is kinda stupid with copyright and other stuff. If youre big enough you can claim anything. They wont even check then. Youtube doesnt want to get into trouble so their preferred method is to ban/delete more than they would have to if they would really check the claims.

    If you want to continue with youtube make one separate account for everything. That way if one account gets banned, you still have the rest left on other accounts.
  • Thanks @LvB - I think more accounts makes sense, but perhaps just focusing on two or three of them will be better.
  • edited February 26
    Hi guys - i'm experimenting with a new ai text to voice video maker thingy majig... there are many voices to choose from, but I'm more interested in the type of video: which one do you prefer


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