You Make The Card (YMTC)



  • Inxaeyis the Timeless
    Card by: Floodkiller

    (This is just for my personal ease)
  • edited November 2023
    @Floodkiller45 Out of curiosity, what does Inxaeyis transform into?

    This was an experiment to see what a common legendary creature could look like.  While the bonus Tarik gives is substantial, like Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, it can only coexist with so many of the creatures it interacts with.
  • Welp, I am being challenged lol
  • @jaceberlin I still have to make that card
  • But it will probably be a land or artifact
  • @jaceberlin here is the transformed card:

  • edited November 2023
    Week six deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 8 entries this week, I can't believe this has gotten so popular! Thanks so much!

    @Castiel_Demiurge ;- Severin of the Dark Realms
    Starting off strong with a great card. Lat's get into it.

    Firstly, amazing card, I could totally see this as a commander. This card is powerful, I don't think it falls into broken territory, but definitely very powerful. I definitely think that this should be a mythic rare. bump it up in the mana possibly, and make it a mythic. But overall, love the vibes of this card.

    Overall, great card with some awesome potential. I give it a 89/100

    @FireOfGolden - Heju, the Dead Studier
    ooh, another Heju card, I really liked the first, so lets see if the second can live up.

    Starting off, This should not be a common. A three mana anthem that also creates zombies? That should be an uncommon at least, maybe even a rare. Not a common. Secondly, you say "exile a creature from the graveyard" do you mean "your graveyard" or "any graveyard"?

    Overall, a great card, but needs some grammer fixings and a rarety fix. 83/100

    @smax765 - Benalia's Flagbearers
    Yes! I love seeing Flagbearer cards. It's a creature type that definitely needs representation.

    Starting off, I love the use of affinity for knights, but this can get broken pretty quick especially with tokens. Maybe add two white blips in its mana cost instead of one. Also I did notice some formatting issues, such as the word player going off the edge of the card. It's an easy mistake but try to catch those.

    Overall, love the use of flagbearers and the main ability is so cool and unique. 88/100

    @kaoz42 - Dextratith, End of Kingdoms
    Wow, this is a very scary fellow, lets take a look at him.

    Starting off, what is a Toiroar? I mean no points taken off for this, I'm just curious. Mainly, I have to say that I HATE that second ability. Games ending in draws is unavoidable most of the time, but there is no reason to print a card that purposely ends the game in a draw. I already think win the game and lose the game cards are annoying, and this just takes it to a whole new level of unfunness. Drop the guy's mana cost and change the ability to "you lose the game" instead.

    Overall, Interesting card, but the last ability really is stupid, I give it a 78/100

    @jaceberlin - Landon, River Glider + Selena, Driftwood Guider.
    I never really clarified the rules with partner, but yes they are allowed as long as they are specifically "Partner with..."

    Firstly, wow this card design is AMAZING, the use of 1 image (I'm pretty sure) in two card is so cool! I don't have any real complaints, I think the card draw is a little powerful on the 3 mana creatures, and the skulk can get out of hand, but those don't seem like incredibly pressing issues. 

    Overall, amazing card design and some great cards. 94/100

    @flatmap - Purrslane, the Punctual
    Alright, saying it off the bat, I am a sucker for cats. And I just love cat cards. But, I will try not to be biased.

    Overall, there really isn't much to critique, mainly because this is a very plane card. Not sure if you wanted it to be a legendary creature or not? I mean it has a legendary creature name, but I'm not sure. Secondly, what's the lore for this, is the cat healing them through meowing? Sure, why not. Also, now that I'm looking over it again, I think this card is actually pretty powerful. I mean regeneration is a powerful effect and its 1 mana? Yeah... bump up the mana cost and make it an uncommon, it is actually very powerful in something like an elf or human deck.

    Overall, great, powerful, yet still kind of plane card. I give it a 80/100

    @floodkiller45 - Inxaeyis the Timeless // Heart of Inxaeyis
    When I first look at this thing, I have one question. What?????

    Oh my gosh this card is so complicated. I unironiquley had to read this card 5 or 6 times to understand it, and wow there is a lot to go over. Firstly, what is the theme of this card? Spirits and golems? Lifegain? Card draw? It just feels like a lot of random abilities all slapped together. Also, when Inxaeyis the Timeless transforms, wouldn't Heart of Inxaeyis be usless, as X would be equal to 0? Also, why is the X for Heart of Inxaeyis the casting cost? Can you cast it on either side? Or does it need to transform from Inxaeyis the Timeless? Also, I don't feel this really fits the prompt, I mean the only creature tribal it has is some random spirit and golem +2/+2.

    Overall, crazing card. I have read it like 5 times and I still don't know what the frick is going on with it. I give it a 70/100
    @Jadefire - Tarik, Wildheart Tamer
    I really like this as a common legendary. There should definitely be more things like this in Magic.

    I think that Tarik giving beasts +1/+2 is a little unnecessary. I think it would more fun if it just gave the dogs and wolves it to make making a commander deck around it more of a dog tribal.

    Overall, amazing card, I really don't have any real critiques on it. I give it 91/100.

    This means Congrats @jaceberlin! You have won Weeksix of YMTC! I honestly loved your cards!

    Your prize is:
    1. 3 favs + 3 hugs
    2. ? Gambler's Dice: Next week, your card submitted will be judged more heavily, however, if you win you will get an extremely large prize with over double the normal amount of prizes.

    Wooh! Finally done! Thank you all so so much for your participation! I cannot believe how much attention this has gotten! Thank you all so much!! <3 <3

  • Week Seven Prompt

    Make a creature with an extremely underutilized existing creature type. (Note: It cannot be a joke type / un type.)(ex: Aurochs, Flagbearer, Ferret)

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Whoops, I meant to say "Exile a creature from a graveyard." The intention was to do this way on ANY graveyard.

    You are right about rarity. I pushed the rarity too far while I created it for RPG purpose.

  • @Robo_Kitty
    What about goat or inkling?

    Thalakos being a underused creature type is totally understandable given the extremely limited design space of it being tied to the Shadow mechanic.
  • edited November 2023
  • @FireOfGolden Yep those both work!
  • There was a wording issue on Kylern I corrected.
  • I don't think mouse appeared a lot in MTG while rats are pretty common.

    (I forget to add Figure to make it Figure Mouse)
  • edited November 2023
  • @jaceberlin The favs have been applied!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Toiroars are huge, bipedal wolves. I didn't invent them, but there's no site that talks about them, so I can't direct you to one.
  • Week seven deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 6 entries this week, let's get into judging.

    @Jadefire - Thalakos Aug
    Alright, thalakos, now that is a fun creature type, glad to see it used.

    Now this is a fun effect. I really like cards that interact with the sideboard in interesting ways, and this is one of the best ways I have seen it done. It definitely seems like it is on the powerful side, but randomizing the card and the low toughness balance it out quite well. 

    Overall, amazing card with an amazing ability. 95/100.

    @smax765 - Kylern, The Spellcaster
    I always love to see spellshapers. It's a  crfeature type that shgould be used more.

    Firstly, I notice a few wording mistakes across the card. Some way I would fix it are "Then, discard a card unless you discarded one or more cards to activate that ability." and "It costs you {2} less to activate abilities of permanents you control." Secondly, this card should definetly be a mythic rare. The loot ability combined with the cost reduction is extreamly powerful. Finally this goes infinite with quite a few cards, notably basalt monolith, like we needed more of those lol.

    Overall, I see the potentil in this card, but needs some wording fixes and possibly some balancing. 78/100

    @FifeOfGolden - Blank Mice
    Now this is a really good example of a plain common card.

    There is really not much notably to say about this card, but I honestly like it. The devoid seems a little weird on a mouse, but I know that's what you put on your stickmen cards, so no points off there. The ability definitely makes it a pretty weak card, but for a filler common I think its great. Btw, I must say I love the visual of the mouse getting scared and running away. Awsome.

    Overall, a plain common card, but still packed with lore. 85/100

    @kaoz42 - Netharion, Charger of Storms
    Wow this card really jumps out at you with these abilities. 

    Starting off, I think its a little weird it has such low toughness. One of the cards main abilities relies on it attacking, and with 2 toughness, you're really not going to want to do that very much. Secondly, the ability at the bottom is worded very weirdly. I think it would be better with something like "Instant and sorcery spells you cast have overload {3}{u]{r} and cost {1} less to cast for each forerunner role you control." Finally, giving overload to all your spells seems really weird and world be extremely hard to do rules wise. I feel like with most instants and sorceries would have no use from overload or become extremely broken with it. I just think that the overload makes the ruling too complicated.

    Overall, fun fast paced card, but with the wording and the strange overload, I give it 76/100

    @jpastor - Deepsea Forager
    Another really good example of a filler common, let's get into it.

    Like with FireOfGolden, I really don't have much to say. This works really well as a filler common. Something i must say though is homarids are usually depicted as humanoid lobsters rather than normal lobsters, but with AI it's probably pretty hard to get that right.

    While this also works as a great filler common, it is a lot less interesting than Blank Mice, so I'll give it an 81/100.

    @jaceberlin - Echo-Dwellers
    Ok, this is a fun one.

    Starting off, on first glance I really like this card, it seemed simple enough. However looking into it this thing gets out of hand. Fast. With things like cloning spells and even just in standard with 4 copies of each creature this thing can go off like crazy. Plus, it is exponential, so with the first copy its 2. Then 4. Then 8. And it just keeps going. Additionally, the things are 2/3s and have menace, making them extremely hard to block. With just 3 cards with the same name, you basically win the game. And it's 3 mana. Oh my gosh.

    Fun card in theory, but in practice is insane. 75/100

    @flatmap - Hidden Mouse
    Another mouse? We might need to watch out, soon there'll be an infestation!

    Once again I really don't have much to say for this card, it's pretty simple but I think it remains interesting. I must say though, that 0 mana phase out would be crazy in a voltron deck. Imagine loading this thing up and swinging and any time it would die it just doesn't. Crazy and awesome. However, it is still 4 mane which definitely balances it out. 

    Overall, simple yet really fun card. 83/100
    This means Congrats @Jadefire! You have won Week seven of YMTC! 

    You prize is 5 favs. Shoot me the cards you want to be faved.

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Eight Prompt

    Make a card that has 5 or more words in its type box. (ex: Legendary Artifact Creature - Construct Warrior.)

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    just so you know, i intended my homarid to be an actual lobster, not the traditional homarid in magic... lobsters are more PG than a human/lobster creature that annihilates things in the sea...
  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  The faves can be put on any of my cards that you like:
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