RPG: The Figure World



  • @cadstar369
    You and Fen leveled up!

    Your Ogam's mana cost is now 2. You may;
    - Increase power/toughness 
    - Add new ability
    - Strength the ability

    As for your spells, you may;
    - Rank up single spell (If it's common, it becomes uncommon. If it's uncommon, it becomes rare, go on. Mystic cards cannot rank up.)
    - Increase single spell's mana cost (Add new ability, strength existing ability, etc.)
    - Add a new common spell with one mana.

    I will update Fen accordingly.
  • To clarify:
    1. For each group, am I meant to choose one of those options, choose any number, or do all of them?
    2. When you say "increase power/toughness," do you mean [increase either power or toughness by 1], [increase power and toughness by 1], or something else?
  • edited November 2023
    Do this as if you are creating a new card to overwrite existing card.

    In case for two mana, usually creature has 5 total stats. 6, if contains negative ability while 4 if has positive ability. You may decrease it to add new ability or to strength existing ability.

    You may not change the creature type. If you do, it becomes different creature and you have to name it different as its stats been reseted.

    You can't add a mana or rank up existing spell, if you added a new common spell.

    Edit: I forget to mention that creature can have two or less color now.
  • @smax765
    I am sorry, but looks like you will have to wait for Kaoz42. Once it's nighttime for him, you can explore forest. Question remain: Do you want to explore the Deep Forest or The Forest? You are close to the edge across The Forest by less than a mile. And it's nighttime for you as well.
  • I’ll explore the deep forest.
  • So far, what's your experience with RPG? Please be honest and let me know any you would like to see changed or something you enjoy very well.

    Not all advices you give me will be used to change RPG. I intend it to be unqiue experience and fun to play while it's challenging.

    Now for rules:

    Rewind: When you been defeated by standard enemies, you may rewind all way back to the point where you starts encounter. You can enter battle again or choose else. If you been defeated by a player or a boss monster, you can't rewind this way as you loses EVERYTHING as you will be taken to elsewhere accordingly. There is a chance you may reclaim them. OR you may restart as new character. Do this only if you been defeated.
  • Having only been in one protracted battle so far, I don't think I've experienced enough of this RPG to say anything conclusive about it. One thing I do appreciate though is how having combat function more like a JRPG than MtG allows for more complex encounters, even at early levels.

    That said, here's Ogam's level up cards:
    Stoic OfficerSuppress Defiance
  • Fen will look like this;

    It doesn't know skill yet.
  • @cadstar369
    Would you like to pick both and equip one of them? You are out of battle, so you don't have to pay mana just to equip them.

    When switching an equipment during battle, you will have to pay number mana equal to Equip X. Otherwise, you may not do so.
  • Bows and crossbows are two-hands, cannot be equipped with other weapons.

    Swords are one-hand. If you have another sword, you may equip both at once.
  • edited November 2023
    I'll take both pieces of gear and equip the bow. With the bandits now incapacitated, what's up with their captive?

  • I would like to remind you that you have two Charcoaled Leaves left now.

    And I will let you know once Kaoz42 do something. We will have to wait for them ?
  • New rule:
    When you encounters something or you are given a choice to do something. If you haven't responded (such as "Give me a more time, please!") within four days. System will assume your character as their own until you comes back. The System will do the least effort and shortest path to achieve the goal, even during battle. Your character under System's control is more likely to use only just one spell or attack until they been defeated. Once defeated, they been phased out and may lose everything. (Like how Auramancer Sliver entered the Deep Forest just to find a shelter when Smax765 gave his character to The System's hand.)

    I will give it two days before System takes over Kaoz42's character.
  • I am a brave adventurer, @FireOfGolden. If something is wrong, I’ll jump into it.
  • @smax765
    That's good to know. Deep Forest is a little harder than The Forest because creatures in there are usually two level or higher. You are more likely to encounter two level or three level, but reward is greater. ?
  • I haven't played any combat by now, and I have no resources, so, if I can, I'll go to the normal forest.
    While Aurum steps toward the forests, it has a momentary vision of a shadow that makes it to think twice its opinion and steps towards the normal forest...
  • edited November 2023
    Back now. I will charge around at the mice and cause quite a commotion, attempting to stir up whatever's out there.
  • Okay, give me a few minutes to generate maps and people. This might take a while. Thank you for your patience!
  • @Kaoz42 ;

    Then you pounces with all of your mights on a mouse who is unaware of you. As you jump into the air, something made mouse aware of you and it became scared. It would attempt to get into the bush, yet it's too late. You bite into its head before it could even took a few steps. It's a snack for you!

    You earned 2 exp and a Raw Meat

    It seems it is nightfall now, as you walked back to camp, there are two wolves approaching to you. They were growling at you. In their eyes, you are a prey.

    You may;
    - Attack wolves
    - Calm wolves down
    - Scare the wolves
    - Do else

    Rather than bleeding like mortals, they broke up onto pieces as if vases were broken. Being a wolf allows you to loot their corpses further.

    The wounded figure which the bandits threw it onto the ground, slowly gets up on its cane. "Oh dear, thank you so much! I was about to bird watch in that forest, but these bandits made me to miss it." It sounds rather disappointed, "well, I can always wait for another month." It crouched down a little as it coughs. You noticed the dust is coming out of its mouth, "Euh... Do you have a place for me to rest? I have something to take care of myself, but not out here. This land is full of criminals, mind you." It froze as it sees your appearance. It seems it might have questions about your race, but it priorities going to somewhere safe. You noticed the sun is setting. Forest may appear darker than usually, but with Fen showing the way, only the worry you have is looking out for animals who would like to ambush.

    You may;
    - Take the unknown figure to the camp
    - Loot the corpses
    - Do else

    Then you leave the root then be on way to the place where trees became less scary. Before you do so, there is a straving wolf. It haven't noticed you yet, it seems it is not belong to this cruel forest...

    You may;
    - Ambush the wolf
    - Sneak by
    - Do else
  • @FireOfGolden
    I will fight the wolves, attacking one of them for 1 damage and forcing that wolf to discard a card.
  • I'll loot the corpses, then take the stranger to camp.
  • I will cast on myself sliver’s strike.
  • @kaoz42
    You then flies to the midair as you would bites stickwolf's head off. You then roars at it stickwolf, forcing it to lose some its sanity. Another realized it's not worth to fight a creature with wings, that wolf would runs away on its turn.

    1) You casted Drain Conscience on #1 Stickwolf.
      1.1) #1 Stickwolf discards "Ambushed"
    2) You attacked #1 stickwolf.
    3) #1 Stickwolf dies
    4) Your turn ends as enemy's turn begins
    5) #2 Stickwolf cannot attack a flying creature
    6) #2 Stickwolf flees
    You earned 4 exp, you have a lootable stickwolf's corpse. You put Ambushed in your hand, it's exiled after using once.

    As you look up, yourself found a wolf with same scent you investigated the camp. Another stickwolf that seems doesn't share with these stickwolves that ambushed you also share these scent from the camp. There's a... A stickman? It's as if it is drew by a wizard poorly then they brought it to alive.

    You may;
    - Question the furry monster
    - Suddenly attack
    - Stand and let them talk first, if possible
    - Do else

    Then you ambush the straving wolf. Wolf startled by you as it suddenly turns its body on you. It's growling at you. You then would create a newly creature out of your body part slowly as you became stronger.

    It seems Straved Stickwolf is too fast for you alone to attack as the sliver was recovering from being summoned.

    1) You casts Sliver's Strike.
      1.1) A 1/1 Sliver creature token is created this way (By default, all newly created tokens are colorless.)
      1.2) You gets +1/+1 and has first strike.
    2) You can't attack creature with menace alone.
    3) Your turn ends as enemy's turn begins
    4) Straved Stickwolf gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
    5) Straved Stickwolf attacks you
    *6) You and a sliver blocks Straved Stickwolf. The damage is divided into 1 to you and that sliver.
      *6.1) Having first strike allows you to damage 2 onto Straved Stickwolf.
    *7) Sliver and Straved Stickwolf dies

    Information) As battle ends, your enchantment is destroyed as your health's max would reaches to 1 rather than getting -1/-1. Meaning you had a shield point and it's gone after you been damaged by Straved Stickwolf.

    * - This is assume by the System that may predict what you would do. If you prefer else, much better way or unqiue way, you may change what System tried for you. Otherwise, say Confirm, then you will get battle result.

    Then you loots the corpses you defeated. You found two raw meats and another gold. You put it into your pocket as the stranger haven't noticed them. You took stranger to the path to camp. After few hours, you arrived the camp, only to find a... Colored dragon? And here's a dead stickwolf and a blank mice. "What is that?! Is it a dragon?!" The stranger cried.

    You may;
    - Ask the dragon for intention
    - Attack the dragon in attempt to protect stranger
    - Stand still and watch what the dragon will do next 
    - Do else

  • edited November 2023

    Menace (This creature can be only attacked or blocked by two or more creatures.)

    Flying (This creature can't be blocked or attacked by another nonflying, nonreach creature.)

    Reach (This creature can attack or block another flying creature.)

    Haste (For each battle, character and companion may attack for first time during its enemy's turn. Minions with haste can attack as soon as they been summoned. However, they cannot attack during its enemy's turn. )

  • With no way to tell what's going on and no reason to believe he can communicate with the dragon, Ogam will put himself between the dragon and the stranger in a defensive stance, refraining from drawing an weapons for now. For the moment, he intends to wait and see what the dragon does.

  • edited November 2023
    I will ask the furry figure "Hmmm. What are you doing here? I have no intention to strike against you, so long you don't preemptively strike against me." And to prove that lower my claws.
  • edited November 2023
    Unlike other figures, that "figure" has color like you. Only colorless entites you can see is the stickman and that furry monster's pet.

    It seems in react to your presence, the furry monster would get in the way between you and the stickman and a stickwolf.
  • @cadstar369
    Please see to what did Kaoz42 said. This concerns you.
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