LHunter’s Mechanics Tournament



  • OH MY GOD 
  • edited July 8
  • @Jadefire: OH MY GOD YES
  • Sorry, everyone. We will stop yapping about that.
  • About 24 hours till judging time, friends.
  • Judgement Day!
  • Yo it’s a movie reference. @Jpastor: It’s better than the first in the series, don’t you think?
  • Probably 3 hours, friends.
  • edited July 10
    Hmmm… now, you will be JUDGED.
  • @Jadefire, @jpastor, @TenebrisNemo, @Mantis17, @ManInMaroon_948, @LvB, @Mila and @cadstar369: Great work! Before I release the results, the matchups were completely randomized. I based the challenge off of a point system, where each card can get a maximum of 10 points, making the perfect number 30. Literally every single match was within 3 points, making this hard. Jpastor and jadefire tied in their matchup, so I selected one with a randomizer. I want all of you to remember that this is a friendly challenge. I’m not really worried about conflict, but we need to avoid it. With no more delay, here is the completed bracket:
  • Our winner for LHunter’s Mechanic Tournament is TenebrisNemo!
    I want to congratulate all of you, though. It was a long wait and some work. 
    Next, should I make a tournament for commanders or a season 2 for this tournament? 
    I’d love to hear your opinions and suggestions. Feel free to ask about this tournament and I will answer any questions you have.
  • edited July 10
    I guess, I'd be in for a new challenge. I like challenges. And congrats to @TenebrisNemo
  • i beat @Jadefire ahahahahah ... by coin flip ...
  • Thank you!

    @LHunter - I'd like to keep testing different card ideas with the "gaze into the Abyss" mechanic. Also, I've created a lot of legendary creatures in these past months (maybe even too many), so I vote for Season 2 of this tournament.

    Then again, if the commander tournament allows us to create non-creature commanders, then I'd be interested to take part in that. I'm fine with either option, while still leaning a little bit more towards Season 2 of mechanics tournament.
  • Congratulations @TenebrisNemo! Glad to see Gaze into the Abyss get a resurgence after its dedicated tournament. It was certainly one of the most well-rounded and deep mechanics in this tournament from a design perspective.

    A well-earned victory @jpastor. Temporal Warden really showcases well why you would give up the surprise factor of not revealing what you have the potential to cast until you cast it. While I think Transpose as a name and a mechanical concept is straightforward and easy to understand, I discovered that the design space for it is very shallow. I had to go deep and really struggled to come up with an idea for my third card.

    Thanks for hosting this contest @LHunter. Either contest works for me. I already thought of an alternate mechanic that I would've used if I didn't have Transpose.
  • This was very close for almost every single match. You guys did well!
  • edited July 12
    GG @TenebrisNemo, I really like the Abyss and am going to try to use it on some cards. Tough luck going up against probably the unofficial #1 seed but I'm glad with how I did. @LHunter I'm keen for S2 of this tournament!
  • I’m glad you have the sportsman like conduct, @Mantis17. I thought you might be a little mad that you were matched up with @TenebrisNemo. Real tough opponent. I guess the next season will come out in… a week or two? Remember that judging doesn’t start until 2 weeks after the season starts. I thank everyone for being patient and supportive and competing in my competition. Until next time!
  • edited July 13
    @Mantis17 - GG! I'm looking forward to see how you'll use the "gaze into the Abyss" mechanic on your cards!
    @Jadefire - Thanks! I doubt I would've been able to make the mechanic as fun as it is now without the inspiring ideas of other great 'smiths such as yourself, back when I was hosting a contest for the mechanic last year!
    Transpose mechanic got me intrigued, so I tried it out just now. And yes, like you mentioned, I kept finding myself in dead ends when I tried to think of different effects working together as intended. Perhaps I tried to hard to stay faithful to the card's art and theme, which restricted my ideas even further. In any case, here's the result:
    Song of Longing
  • edited July 13
    @TenebrisNemo: Yo. That’s pretty cool. 
  • That's a great use of Transpose @TenebrisNemo! Props on knowing to make the effect sorcery speed so you can't discard an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or Worldspine Wurm and then make the token in response to the graveyard shuffle trigger. I like you found another modifying clause that can be moved around to tweak the effect of two things. I think that's what it ultimately comes down to and what the limiting factor is for Transpose.
  • Dang, I came to this custom mechanic tournament to showcase a mechanic that can only exist on instants and sorceries.  Oh well.  Maybe next time.
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