Weekly Challenge: Create an enemy-color Dragonlord!

All right, the Ally challenge ends today, so it is time for a new weekly challenge from me! The challenge will be to create a Dragonlord (A powerful legendary creature with the type Elder Dragon, like the five from DTK) that is of an enemy color pair (White-black, white-red, blue-red, blue-green, black-green). It must be balanced, but powerful. It must be a good fit for the color pair of your choice. If you make a blue-red dragon that returns creatures from your graveyard to the battlefield, you are doing it wrong!

There will be two winners: One for creativity, and one for accuracy with the chosen color pair's flavor. Both winners will also be judged on balance.

The limit is one entry per person, however, you can change your entry. Your latest entry will be the one that is judged.

Winners get a favorite on the winning card (I only give favorites to the winners of my weekly challenges, so it is kind of like being in a hall of fame).

Previous Weekly Challenge winners: http://mtgcardsmith.com/user/Nicholas_Bolas/favorites


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