Post your cards here. Actually see what others think.



  • @kumma89, please don't forget to credit the artist. We get cranky easily.

  • edited August 2018
    Goblin Problemsolving seems to be a solid design for a common, and is appropriately costed for a land destruction spell by current standards. My one issue might be the name, which sounds slightly more un-ish, while weirdly appropriate for a goblin card. Perhaps a name such as Goblin Tatics?

    Next up:
  • @Lujikul, thanks for the advice. The card was originally Goblin Initiative, but I changed it in a bout of misplaced ingenuity.

    Magivore is such a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing card! But would it be better if the last ability triggered on your end step? Otherwise, it would self-destruct without an instant-speed spell.

  • edited August 2018
    Edit: Deleted the card because I wasn't happy with it.
  • edited August 2018
    Heya, if you haven't read the rules, please read this copy/paste set forth of a decree by @Faiths_Guide!

    To post a card for others to look at in this thread, first leave a FAVE or COMMENT on the card preceding your own. The next person will do the same. In this way, every card that gets displayed here will have some form of feedback.

    Please leave comments on the original card's comment section for any future discussion!

  • @Fantastic_Fantasy_Cards - I commented on your card.

    Behold and share your thoughts!

  • @TenebrisNemo, for the flavor text line, I prefer to use underscores, as it creates a seamless line. Here is one of my cards for reference:

    Other than that, thoughts?
  • @Temurzoa - Whenever I put flavor text, I use the line which fits. The line you showed me would have pushed the flavor text out from the card's border.
  • edited August 2018
    I commented on your card.

    Up Next

    Comment on or favorite this card, then post up to two of your own!
  • @Damnation (Copied and pasted comment)
    First off, the art for the card is stunning. Secondly, it's flavorfully fitting to be able to retrieve the card when a creature cards leaves the grave, giving us that sort of "dance." However, I'm not as sure about the cost to bring it back. The initial mana cost seems fine for a sorcery speed murder. But assuming you don't spend any other mana to enable shenanigans, it's currently nine mana to kill two creatures, and a whopping fifteen to kill three. While there's something to be said for card advantage, it's definitely a heavy mana investment. Perhaps it could be just two mana to bring it back, since you're returning it to your hand and would have to pay the cost again?

    Next up:
  • @Lujikul - I favorited your card.

    *whistling noises*

  • edited August 2018
    Not meaning to be rude here, I do like the naming idea you've come up with, but that card is totally busted. I try my best to say "broken, busted, etc." as infrequently as possible, but you really only need to use his ability once.

    You on upkeep:
    "Hmmmm... I think I'll choose 'Omniscience'"

    "Aaaaaaaaaaand I scoop."

    This list clarifies further: [Enchantment]

    Next up:

    (To post a card for others to look at in this discussion, first leave a FAVE or COMMENT on the card preceding it.)
  • edited August 2018
    @Faiths_Guide, nice Mel card. As always, I think this card would be better at a higher rarity because of its complexity. I also think the name is a bit awkward. What about "Inscribed Lessons"?

  • @Temurzoa - Can't find anything I wouldn't like in your card. It's awesome through and through!

    Fifteen men on a dead man's chest...

  • edited September 2018
    Really like the two effects on the card, i may use them in a future design if you don't mind it.

    Thoughts on this?
  • @kumma89, nice card. If only there was an enchantment border...

    My only suggestion would be to change the title for Mictlantecuhtli. What kind of Death is it? Just...death? The death? Not like a deathlord, or Death-Bringer? Just some thoughts to chew on.

  • edited September 2018

    Seems can be used to be a broken combo with a very good enchantment or something like that. Faved the card.

    Have no idea though.


  • edited September 2018
    @Fallen_Lord_Vulganos, love the -ling creatures. I do think that giving Shadowling menace instead of intimidate would be more fitting, as intimidate has been phased out of modern card designs. Besides, it would appeal to all the Mels out there!

  • @Temurzoa
    Apparently I commented on the card before. I'll copy/paste the comment and then provide a more in-depth review.

    I could see this card being like a meta call where people train to be as stonefaced as possible and telling jokes at the pro tour.

    I struggled with identifying how this spell was blue and black for a while, since white is usually the color to deal with endgame denial. However, after a while I remembered Abyssal Persecutor and the various attempts at Lich effects, and recognized the donating requirement as a predominantly blue effect. Ultimately, thanks to the third potential condition for victory, i think this card would bring a lot of fun moments to the table, with players stifling their laughter as they try desperately to not smile, and jokes being told all around. It'd be a wonderful tension reliever at the table.

    Next up:

    Comment concerning the Technique subtype:
    "Entertaining a new idea I had regarding a potential noncreature subtype. The idea is that you can only use one technique at a time. They can range in vary levels of power and rarities, but the core rule is the same: You get a benefit, but some come with drawbacks if they're especially powerful. It might be too complex a mechanic for commons, though."
  • @Lujilkul, thanks for the feedback. I designed Eternal Searching as a strictly top-down design based on finding the key to happiness. If I were to redesign it, yes, I would probably choose something other than making a player smile. Do you have any mechanical suggestions on expressing spreading joy?

    Concerning the Duress, I like the idea of Technique. What if the drawback was something like "You can't draw cards during extra turns?" Then you could make the spell cheaper, allowing the name to prevent bleeding.

  • @Temurzoa

    Really interesting concept. I think it would be better to keep it to just "base power and toughness" since there could be a lot of confusion with abilities. For example, two creatures with metalcraft don't actually share an ability unless the metalcraft ability is identical.

    I also think tracking base power and toughness together makes sense because it is easier to see on the battlefield quickly.

    Finally, I think the ability makes more sense in GW than GU because white is about community and equality and having creatures that are physically equal feels very white-green and not really blue.

    I think the rate (5 mana 2/3) is appropriate as well as the rarity.

    Overall, this is one of the coolest cards I have seen in a while, awesome job!

    Here is my card:
  • @bnew07
    I commented on your card.

    Up Next :

    Comment on or favorite this card, then post up to two of your own!
  • I run green blue all the time! love the artwork as well.
  • To continue this thread, since it seems someone was skipped over. I will be commenting on and favoriting @Damnation's card, Planar Observatory.

    Also @Zmonk92, I think you'll appreciate the card we made as well as it lines up with the sentiment of your card. Link:


    [Comment on or favorite at least one of the posted cards, then post up to two of your own!]
  • edited September 2018
    @murkletins, does the effect replace the noncreature spell? If so, probably should add something that exiles the spell. Otherwise, the card seems very powerful. I would probably up the mana cost a bit.

    Thoughts on my own custom commander?

  • @Temurzoa I love it! I have one question: Is it really a mythic rare? I don't wish to get caught up on that, but my legendary creature below seems more OP than yours and i made it a rare... Idk, just typing aloud.

  • edited September 2018
    @jpastor, There is a saying that for each thing "everybody knows" by the time they're adults, there are, on average, a hundred thousand people hearing about it for the first time.

    You may know where I'm going with this. But I won't say what you're thinking of. I don't think that's the right way of thinking about it.

    Think of it this way instead: you're one of the lucky hundred thousand people today.

    One of the most fundamental rules of MTG 'smithing I have discovered over the years is as follows: Rarity is not about power. It is about complexity. Common cards are simple because everyone plays with a lot of them. Drafting with Future Sight is pretty awesome, but it screws over all the newer players. The Mythic rare cards are not generally the most powerful, but rather the most complicated. They are that way because newer players won't be confused by them too often.

    As one of the lucky hundred thousand people of today, you have every right to feel entitled. Walk straighter. Chin up. Smile at everyone because you have just learned something that I promise will make all of your following cards better automatically. If you think I'm sarcastic, I'm sincerely not. You're a pretty awesome smith already. Now think about how much better you are going to become...

    Concerning Parashi, I really like the mechanical aspects of it. I would only change two things: having the draw trigger happen on your draw step, and putting the cards onto the bottom of its owner's library instead of shuffling them in. You could also use Fateseal if you want.
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