Who could go for a Dragon right now?

Dragons are my favorite creature type so what better way to start off a challenge?

1. It must either be a dragon or directly have to do with dragons, Some Examples http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=shivan dragon http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=178016

2. It must be based in realism. This would mean that the card can't be a joke, proxy, or not serious.

3. Cards may be legendary.

I will accept up to two submissions from each cardsmith.

Prizes: First Place: 5 favorites of my choice from your cards.
Second Place: 3 favorites of my choice from your cards.
Third Place: 1 favorite of my choice from your cards.

And of course the winners will be mentioned here.
Have fun!

EDIT: The contest closes on February 4th.
Thank you all for the submissions so far! They're all great!


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