Is there a way to increase the size of the card images?

Like the title says, Is there a way to increase the size of the card images?


  • What do you mean by this? Do you mean to export higher-resolution images, with larger pixel counts?
  • Correct, the ones I download seem to be 375x523 and I was wondering if there was something I as missing to, as you say, export higher-resolution images, with larger pixel counts.
  • That might be tricky; the code used in the current version of the site is pretty archaic (something that's greatly slowed the updating process), and originally when the site was made, there was a concern about people making proxies and trying to swindle people, as silly as it sounds.

    I'll look into it, but it might prove a task.
  • I just took a look at the source code, and published cards have that as their resolution. I was able to get larger (though not as clean but cleaner than just inflating) images by zooming and screenshotting. I'll check what previews have to do with this!
  • What are you trying to use these images for? The answer to that may influence what next steps I'd recommend.
  • Howdy! I'm new around these parts, and had a question that might tangentially be related to this post from (sigh) six months ago. I'm making a custom set of cards for the characters in a Strixhaven campaign I'm running, with the ultimate goal being to get them printed and send a set to each of my players as a Christmas gift. To do that, I would ideally want higher-quality images of the cards than what Cardsmith outputs as a default. Is there a way to get those higher-resolution images (I think DriveThruCards wants 825 × 1125) here? Or would I need to use a different site to get my desired result? 
  • I am not an expert, but I think I heard somewhere that the images are kept intentionally low-resolution so you can't make realistic fake magic cards with them. Forgery is illegal. 
  • @BocookGaming try MTG Design for higher res
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