The Feedback Cantina



  • @FireOfGolden
    Ah, Undyne, Captain of Guards, your card's design is intriguing and displays a level of complexity deserving of recognition. I shall grant it a score of 80.
    Its playability is notable due to the combination of haste and a triggered ability tied to noncreature spells. The potential for direct damage upon casting such spells adds a strategic layer, forcing opponents to make choices, and creating opportunities for clever maneuvers.
    The transformation mechanic is a unique touch, allowing Undyne to persist and evolve, reflecting a narrative aspect in gameplay. This transformation mechanic adds depth and versatility, making it an appealing addition to the card.
    However, I must deduct a few points due to the relatively high casting cost and the potential vulnerability of Undyne, Her Last Breath, which could be exploited by opponents. Nevertheless, Undyne, Captain of Guards, is a commendable design, worthy of consideration in a deck seeking both power and complexity.
  • @FireOfGolden
    Yo, let me drop some knowledge on this card, Undyne, Captain of Guards. It's got that 4/4 statline and comes in with some Haste, which is already a strong start.
    The ability to deal damage equal to a noncreature spell's mana value when cast is pretty spicy, but it does give opponents a chance to pay some mana to avoid it, so it ain't too overpowered.
    Now, when Undyne would bite the dust, it transforms into Undyne, Her Last Breath, rockin' an Intimidate ability and a 0/8 statline. That's a big shift, and it gets a power boost equal to the mana value of noncreature spells cast. But here's the kicker, it eventually exiles itself at the end of your end step.
    I'd say this card's design is sittin' at around 85. It's got some cool mechanics, it's balanced, and it's got that transformation flavor. Undyne's bringin' some vibes to the battlefield, no doubt.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    Ah, well, let me take a look at this card, my dear friend, and give you Zee's honest opinion!
    First of all, I must say, the concept of a Frog Bard named Hopscotch is quite whimsical and unique. I'd give it some extra points for creativity! Now, onto the coherence and lore:
    Coherence: 85/100
    The card seems pretty coherent. The color combination (green, white, and blue) makes sense for a Bard, and the card's abilities, including Vigilance and the unique ability related to Sagas, fit well with the idea of a Bard character. However, the power/toughness ratio of 1/3 might need a little more explanation in the lore. Why is Hopscotch a 1/3, and how does that tie into the character's story or abilities?
    Lore: 90/100
    The lore provided for Hopscotch adds a delightful layer to the character. "The Gilded Feather" and the yellow plume in his hat create an interesting visual and backstory. It would be great to see more about Hopscotch's adventures in Waterdeep and how he earned the nickname. Additionally, it would be even more engaging if his abilities or behavior in the game somehow tied into this lore, providing a deeper connection between the card's mechanics and the character's story.
    Overall, it's a charming and imaginative card! But remember, even Zee has a soft spot for unique and creative ideas. HE HA HE!
  • edited September 2023
    Pulls a table and four chairs out of tophat comically
    I would like Leonin, Thallid, Lex, and Kithkin to have thoughts on this clown;

    Normal, black mana causes person to discard, but colorless mana turns that discarding into exiling instead.
  • Ok - calm down now.
  • @FireOfGolden
    The instructions couldn't be clearer in the main description. 

    Ask one of these characters for feedback on your card.

  • @jpastor Whoops, I will start with Leonin first
  • Introducing A New Character:

    Artificer Ironhoof

    • Functionality & Functionality
    “Tha’s a pretty trinket ya got. ’s’it do anythin' int’restin'?”
  • @jpastor
    Sits down and tips my hat. "Good day mister Ironhoof, I believe you would be interested in this rather shiny... trinket." 

  • @Castiel_Demiurge I ain’ great wi’ live beasts, but I’ll give i’ a look. 

    This…Gilded Dragon was i’? Looks ta be aggressively undercosted in exchange for losin’ some scales when i’ comes an’ goes. So long as there’s someone else ta point i’ a’, ya get a bunch o’ free damage, i’ deflects ire since ya don’ control it, an’ i’ even pays for i’self. Th’ Treasure migh’ help 'em combo off though, an’ ’s real bad if ya only got one opponent. Hmm…’s a’ight as 'n aggro piece; I’ll give i’ 'n 85.

  • @jpastor
    "Heya there, Ironhoof!" Fox would pulls a Dwarfen Shield out of its coat comically "Got any price on this plainly shield?"

  • edited September 2023

    @FireofGolden ain’ nobody in they righ’ min’ puttin’ a price on that hunk o’ scrap. ‘Less yer gettin’ int' snake pits of'n, i’ gives jus’ ‘bout no protection, an’ i’s ‘xpensive on both en’s t’ boot. Givin’ i’ any more’n a 50’d be real generous.

  • @ArtificerIronhoof
    "Hm the dragon was kinda scuffed wasn't it? I believe this one would be better suited for your 'self-advantage' instead, don't you think?" I said as I pulled a rather shiny sword.

  • @Castiel_Demiurge ain' much to say, yer shiny sword's real simple. Makes ya an' yer friend hard t' kill, an' if ya get hard 'nough t' kill i' makes yer friend indestructible. Pro'ly does i's job a li'l too well though; I'll give i' a 97. If ya ask the owner they migh' be fine wi' me givin' ya s'more detail, but ya migh' jus wanna run i' by somma the others.
  • Hello friends - The Cantina is moving to Mystery Box World when it opens on Friday, October 13. As such, this discussion will close down when the new discussion opens.

    As well, I'll be adding 2-3 more characters to the mix, and they'll all be available to view in one place.
  • @jpastor
    Ah, for the gods, a cantina! Do you know what I like more than a bottle of ron? Feedback! Specially for cards I want to get as more balanced as possible! 
    A hooded spirit appears from the entrance of the cantina.

    I would like that groovy, leonitus and mirage revise this card.

  • edited October 2023
    Let's check out this card "Agnor, Endless Death," my friend. It's a white-blue-black mythic rare legendary creature with an array of abilities.
    It has Flying, Vigilance, Deathtouch, and Lifelink, making it a formidable and hard-to-handle presence on the battlefield.
    At the beginning of your upkeep, you draft a card from Agnor's spellbook. The drafted card gains an effect that exiles it instead of going to the graveyard.
    It also has a mana-producing ability, allowing you to add white, blue, or black mana when tapped.
    From a design perspective, this card is a powerhouse. It combines multiple powerful keywords and abilities, making it a versatile and potent commander or centerpiece for a deck.
    Balancing-wise, it seems quite strong due to its combination of abilities. The draft mechanic from Agnor's spellbook adds an intriguing twist, providing you with versatile spells that can be cast once and then exiled instead of going to the graveyard.
    I'd rate this card's design at around 90. It's a top-tier mythic rare with a unique and exciting set of abilities. However, its power level might make it a formidable presence in games, so it should be considered in context with other cards in the set and deck construction to maintain balance.
This discussion has been closed.