LHunter’s Commander Tournament



  • Infinite mana isn't needed to go infinite with Volrath.  You just need an artifact with MV 4 or more that you can cast for 0.  Frogmite seems to be a clear candidate.  Even if you have to spend 1 mana to deal 4 to your opponent (Refurbished Familiar) or 1 life to deal 3 to your opponent (Scale of Chiss-Goria, Tooth of Chiss-Goria), you won't have to do that too many times to win.
  • I would play this combo ...
    You lose 4 life, but gain 8 life and 8 mana and enemy loses 8 life. Infinite combo.

    This here works as well. You lose 4, gain 3, but deal 3 damage to the enemy. So as long as enemy doesnt have more than three times your life, you win.

  • Alright, kids. Meet Chakthas. He’s gonna come down with a little sickness, (that deer skull isn’t very sanitary) and won’t be able to participate. He’ll be a first round loser for sure. If you have any questions about judging, ask now, because the tournament happens tomorrow. Get ready to win or lose… (it is non competitive and friendly just so you know.)

  • If Chakthas is forced to drop out due to illness, may I propose a new challenger?
    I’ve always hoped for a second effect that changes names to be put into the game - there are some cool combos to be done, but Spy Kit only gets you so far.
  • Yes, Master Of The Mirrorhall may step in. I would put him into protective custody to safeguard him from attempted murder via Chakthas. We have an 8th competitor. Tournament is closed and judging will take place tomorrow.
  • Damn. I wish I had the time, but today was extremely busy and exhausting. Tomorrow will be the day, I’m really sorry.
  • Okay, I’m still drowning in work. It’ll happen on the weekend, no procrastinating. That’s my free time, so it’ll happen very soon. I’m really sorry, everyone. This is hurting me too.
  • …did you procrastinate?
    But really though, take all the time you need. Nobody’s in a hurry here.
  • Yeah I did sry I’m not so busy this week it’ll happen
  • Thanks for procrastinating!  It let me sneak this in:

     Maretta Faceless Reflection

    (I get that it's probably too late, but, hey, this juts for fun anyways)
  • Sorry, @StuffnSuch! I had judging done a while ago but completely forgot about it until now.

    I did not make a bracket, instead I went through and looked at all of them and got the point total for each of you lovely competitors. Our winner is @Jadefire! If you want info on how you did in this contest, please leave a comment asking about it and I will answer when I see it. Once again, @Jadefire is our winner! Congratulations, @Jadefire!

    Please remember that this is friendly tournament. If you aren’t feeling positive and need to vent, please do not do your venting here.
  • Congratulations, @Jadefire! The background/commander combination you came up with reads to be a fun spellslinger deck.

    I’d love to see my point total if I could, @LHunter.
  • @LHunter

    Same here - could I hear my point total?
  • Thanks for hosting this tournament @LHunter, it was fun.

    Thanks @AxNoodle!  It looks like there were only a handful of us who chose to make both the commander and Background.  I'm glad to have had the chance to compete against cardsmiths who were aiming for maximum score.
  • edited September 11
    @TheDarkKnight1234567: You got a 10.
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