Fighting against human nature is a losing battle - that can make you win.

Hello, internet. My name is [REDACTED] and I am here to create a contest with the idea that losing is winning.

This contest was mainly inspired by the card Patrol Hound ( and it's interaction with the mechanic Threshold. Basically, a strategy that design for Magic wanted people to do would be something like discarding your entire hand with Patrol Hound to activate Threshold (giving a bonus for having 7 cards in your graveyard.) However, people did not do so because they felt discarding their hand was bad, as Magic is a game of casting spells. It was one of the tips that MaRo had not to do: Fighting against human nature is a losing battle. I am here today to say ....screw that!

1. You must design 2 cards.
a. One card must have a new mechanic.
b. The other card must have an ability that defies human nature. (If a player would do something that would normally be nature to them, no matter what it is (having a hand, in the case of Patrol Hound) the new card paired with the mechanic would remove the whatever it is from gameplay or slow it down in some way.
2. The mechanic or either of the cards may not be broken.
3. No using cards that have already been made.
4. No discarding or graveyard counting cards. It's already been done.

I will judge the results on June 8th, so next Wenesday. Happy crafting, and Gateways out.

When I say Human, i didn't mean an actual human. I was referencing the first rule is - "Fighting against human nature is a losing battle." I apologize if I did not make that clear before.


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