Challenging Dice Roll


This is my first attempt at a contest and as such I decided to do a challenging dice roll.
I know there are plenty of dice roll contest were you can end up rolling a White/Human/Soldier with Vigilance... talk about easy. I wanted to make it a little more difficult so that you need to think about how you are going to make your card. I hope people enjoy this so here we go.
Rule #1. Only 2 entries per person. If one of your cards is picked for the top 3 spots then your others will not qualify.
Rule #2. Have fun while making your card. I want this to be a challenge but also enjoyable.
Rule #3. Hybrid mana is allowed as long as the colours you roll are also represented.
Entries must be submitted bye September 27th. I will begin to judge on the 28th.
Prizes. Kind of standard but First place will get to pick 3 of their cards for me to favorite. Second place gets 2 and third place gets one. Now get ready to roll!

1. White/Blue
2. Blue/Green
3. Black/Red
4. White/Blue
5. Red/Green
6. All 5 colours.

Creature Type:
1. Atog
2. Efreet
3. Noggle
4. Kobold
5. Thrull
6. Homarid

Creature Subtype:
1. Ally
2. Barbarian
3. Mutant
4. Specter
5. Minion
6. Drone

1. Flanking
2. Amplify
3. Rampage
4. Fading
5. Shadow
6. Landfall


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