Mystery Box Challenges



  • Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with an ability that triggers differently if a certain player has no cards in hand.

    Mindflare Devil

    I'll throw my 3 Bombs at Traitor's Curse, Monstrous Whiptongue, and Stormbringer Dragon.

    Another Mystery Box please. :)
  • @cadstar369
    Your mystery box contains:
    - Fave, BOOM, Fave
    - ? 
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with an ability that lets you take control of an opponent's permanent and do something with it.
  • @jpastor Hit me with a Mystery Box, please! 
  • Sure, here's a mystery box for you @Creid233. Your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that can change its type and subtype at will, and has an ability that triggers whenever it changes its type or subtype. Good luck!
  • Waffle Falling Over FIXED  videosThe waffle will fall over at the start of page 318. Will it explode or not?

    - Explode (Entries on 317 won't be judged this deadline.)
    Nothing (Entries on 318 receive a favorite.)

  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card that represents a mythical sea creature.

    Can I get another mystery box?
  • @Jadefire Your mystery box contains:
    - Encounter: You may Kickstart another encounter (opponent TBD). This fizzles out when you submit your entry. 
    - A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with mana value 4 that interacts with another player's graveyard. 
  • @jpastor I'll start the next encounter.
  • Encounter - The Elemental Storm

    Elemental Storm
    Elemental Storm by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    The skies darkened as the clouds began to swirl, unleashing a fury of fire, wind, and earth upon the plane. The villagers knew they were in trouble when the storm began to take on a life of its own, lashing out at everything in its path. This was no ordinary storm – it was an elemental force, bent on destruction and chaos.
  • edited April 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a card with an ability that lets you take control of an opponent's permanent and do something with it

    Treacherous Omen

    Another Mystery Box please. :)
  • @cadstar369
    Your mystery box contains:
    Stormcallers Fury
    Stormcaller's Fury by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    As the villagers desperately tried to fend off the raging storm, a lone figure appeared in the distance. With a piercing scream, he raised his arms to the sky, and the storm grew even more intense. Lightning struck the ground at his feet, and he began to summon a torrent of elemental fury.

    • A Mystery Challenge: Your move, what do you have to counter the Stormcaller? A planeswalker that the villagers only thought was a fairy tale? A Legendary Creature that can summon the powers of the ocean and sky to combat the storm?
  • edited April 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Your move, what do you have to counter the Stormcaller? A planeswalker that the villagers only thought was a fairy tale? A Legendary Creature that can summon the powers of the ocean and sky to combat the storm?

    I've got a cleric's prayerful incantation, producing a miracle with which the villagers can try to weather the storm:

    Divine Dispersal

    Another Mystery Box please. :)
  • @cadstar369
    Your mystery box contains:
    Elemental Summoning
    Elemental Summoning by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    • As the storm raged on, the villagers could hear a faint whisper on the wind. It grew louder and louder until it was a deafening roar, and out of the chaos stepped a towering Elemental, a being of pure magic and fury. The storm seemed to bend to its will, and it prepared to strike back at those who had dared to challenge it.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that has an effect that triggers whenever you gain life, but also has a drawback that triggers whenever you lose life. Good luck!

  • Challenge: Create a card that relates to the theme of eternity or infinite recursion.

    One mystery box please!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Your mystery box contains:
    Unbridled Chaos
    Unbridled Chaos by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith
    • The storm raged on, tearing through the land and leaving chaos in its wake. But amidst the destruction, there were those who saw opportunity. They rode the currents of the storm, sowing destruction and mayhem wherever they went.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a rare creature with two abilities. One of the abilities should either (A) exile a card from your graveyard; or (B) interact with a specific card type or subtype.
  • Yo dawg, can I get one of those mega cool mystery boxes I keep hearing 'bout?
  • Me, too.  Box please!
  • @TheKeefMan and @StuffnSuch
    Your mystery box contains:
    Choose one that hasn't been chosen...
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that copies something other than a creature.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Design a sorcery spell that allows you to search your library for a card with a specific keyword while also having that keyword itself.

  • edited May 2023
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with mana value 4 that interacts with another player's graveyard.

    Can I get another mystery box?
  • Dibs on copying something.
  • Ight i got the other, i love searching my library anyway
  • Challenge: Design a sorcery spell that allows you to search your library for a card with a specific keyword while also having that keyword itself.

    Waiter! Another mystery box please!
  • @Jadefire
    Calming Winds
    Calming Winds by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    As the storm continued to rage, a soft breeze began to blow. It grew stronger and stronger, until it was a powerful wind that blew away the storm clouds and brought peace to the land. The villagers breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the respite from the chaos.
  • The Elemental Storm Encounter Has Ended

    Your mystery box contains:
    • Prestige's Choice: One of the 3 prestige mystery boxers will award you a prize of their choice (@Jadefire, @cadstar369, @Corwinnn)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card with an ability that interacts with +1/+1 counters. The card's name should be a pun or play on words related to growth or increase.
  • edited May 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card with an ability that interacts with +1/+1 counters. The card name be a pun or play on words in relation to growth or increase.

  • edited May 2023
    Sorry for the delay on this; I've been under the weather for a few days now. 

    Create a card that can change its type and subtype at will, and has an ability that triggers whenever it changes its type or subtype. Good luck!

    Fabricated Skinwalker

    I'll take another box please!
  • @TheKeefMan ;Prestige's Choice: Design a card that functions in line with your personal playstyle and preferred deck type.  Your score out of 10 will be the number of likes you get.  Included with the grading is as much feedback as you care to have to refine the design.
  • ooh thats cool, im gonna have fun with this one
  • @Creid233
    Sure, here's your mystery box:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Write a short story (2-3 sentences on each challenge) about a group of explorers who stumble upon a mysterious cave in the heart of the jungle. (Create an exploration card or the cave.) As they venture deeper into the cave, they discover a hidden chamber filled with strange artifacts and ancient relics. (Create an artifact card.) However, as they start to examine the objects, they realize that they are not alone in the cave and that something is watching them. (Create the 'something' card.) Finish the story however you'd like with one final card.
  • Challenge: Create a rare creature with two abilities. One of the abilities should either (A) exile a card from your graveyard; or (B) interact with a specific card type or subtype.

    I didn't know what exactly two abilities meant specifically, so I just winged it.

    I'd like another mystery box please!
This discussion has been closed.