Mystery Box Challenges



  • @Robo_Kitty
    Absolutely! Here's your mystery box. It contains:
    • Golden Ticket: The deadline ends. You get a favorite on each entry that wins a duel.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Dragon with high stats and with abilities/flavor conveying its fiery power and ferocity.

    The deadline has arrived!

  • The Waffle - It's time to see if it falls over and explodes (entries on 317 not judged) or no explosion (entries on 317 favorited).

    Entries on 317 will receive a favorite.

    1. Late Bloomed Knight by @TheKeefMan
    2. Mindflare Devil by @cadstar369
    3. Fabricated Skinwalker by @Creid233
    4. So-So Similar by @TheKeefMan
    5. Stormcaller's Fury by @jpastor
    6. Elemental Summoning by jpastor
    7. Divine Dispersal by cadstar369
    8. Ogopogo Tide's Hunger by @Jadefire
    9. Treacherous Omen by cadstar369
    10. Calming Winds by jpastor
    11. Traitor's Curse by @Robo_Kitty
    12. Vilebloom Creeper by Jadefire
    13. Elemental Storm by jpastor
    14. One with Infinity by Robo_Kitty
    15. Mage Runaway by Robo_Kitty
    16. Unbridled Chaos by jpastor

    Round 1

    1. 1 vs 16 (Late Bloomed Knight vs Unbridled Chaos)
    2. 8 vs 9 (Ogopogo, Tide's Hunger vs Treacherous Omen)
    3. 4 vs 13 (So-So Similar vs Elemental Storm)
    4. 5 vs 12 (Stormcaller's Fury vs Vilebloom Creeper)
    5. 2 vs 15 (Mindflare Devil vs Mage Runaway)
    6. 7 vs 10 (Divine Dispersal vs Calming Winds)
    7. 3 vs 14 (Fabricated Skinwalker vs One with Infinity)
    8. 6 vs 11 (Elemental Summoning vs Traitor's Curse)

    Round 2

    1. Late Bloomed Knight vs Ogopogo, Tide's Hunger
    2. Elemental Storm vs Vilebloom Creeper
    3. Mindflare Devil vs Divine Dispersal
    4. One with Infinity vs Elemental Summoning

    Round 3

    1. Ogopogo, Tide's Hunger vs Vilebloom Creeper
    2. Mindflare Devil vs One with Infinity

    Round 4

    1. Vilebloom Creeper vs One with Infinity

    1st Place

    Vilebloom Creeper by @Jadefire
    Vilebloom Creeper
    Vilebloom Creeper by Jadefire | MTG Cardsmith

    Judge's Summary: Check out this card with a sneaky ability that lets you raid your opponent's graveyard like it's your own personal treasure trove! Plus, the card has a killer Escape ability, but damn, you'll need to invest some serious resources to use it. But hey, nothing worth having comes easy, right? With a proper Mythic-level mana cost, the power/toughness ratio is just right, making it a balanced and valuable addition to any deck lucky enough to have it. 1st Place, but close call with 2nd and 3rd.

    2nd Place

    One with Infinity by @Robo_Kitty
    One with Infinity
    One with Infinity by Robo-Kitty | MTG Cardsmith

    Judge's Summary: Oh boy, have you seen this card? It's got an amazing ability to bring back permanents from the graveyard with infinity counters! That's right, INFINITY! The cost is not overly restrictive, so you can do it over and over again. The theme of infinity fits so perfectly with the mechanics of the card, it's like they were made for each other. And the overall design is so unique and flavorful. The only downside is the high mana cost, but when you're dealing with infinity, a little extra mana is a small price to pay, right?

    3rd Place

    Mindflare Devil by @cadstar369
    Mindflare Devil
    Judge's Summary: This card is a wild ride! The unleash ability and its sweet synergy with discarding and drawing cards make for a totally interesting and flavorful design. And that devil creature type? Perfect fit with this card's abilities. The black and red color combo screams discard and aggressive play - so on theme! Plus, the random element of the ability adds an element of surprise and can lead to some totally exciting gameplay moments. The only con is a toughness of 1 - since removal is a thing.
  • Lol, didn't even make it past first round, good job everyone!
  • edited May 2023
    A spell that copies something other than a creature:

    Extracted Aura

    I'll take another box.
  • Challenge - Prestige's Choice: Design a card that functions in line with your personal playstyle and preferred deck type.

  • My favorite color, blue, and my favorite playstyle, sucking all the fun out of the game until I win.
  • And this is why I'll never invite @TheKeefMan to my game nights.  Cool card idea, though.
  • @StuffnSuch
    Your mystery box contains:
    • Hot Potato: You become a prestige mystery boxer until someone else gets the hot potato. (You can give people mystery challenges as they request them.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a multicolored creature with an activated ability that costs 1.
  • Oh, forgot to ask for another box!
  • @TheKeefMan
    Your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a variant of Wind Drake with a new ability that complements its flying attribute.
  • @jpastor My office Wi-Fi blocked the image you attached.  What was the cost I'm looking for?
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a variant of Wind Drake with a new ability that complements its flying attribute.

  • Another box sir!
  • @TheKeefMan
    Don't think that synergizes with flying well. Can you retry?
  • edited May 2023
    Maybe not my place to say, but tapping down other fliers (potential blockers) makes it much more evasive.  I read this as absolutely complementing flying.
  • @TheKeefMan
    My bad I wasn't reading that right. Your mystery box contains:
    • Golden Ticket: The deadline ends. You get a fave on each card that wins a duel.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an enchantment that monoblack decks hate.

    The deadline has ended.

    1st Place

    It's an interesting card that can create some powerful and unexpected effects. Its ability to copy a countered spell or ability and make it uncounterable can be very powerful in the right deck and can lead to some exciting and unpredictable game states. However, it does require some set up and may not always be useful depending on the current game state.

    2nd Place

    Extracted Aura
    The card's ability to create a copy of a non-creature permanent is interesting and versatile, allowing for potential combo plays or just providing additional value. The added bonus of the copy being a Spirit creature with a built-in protection ability adds an extra layer of complexity to the card and could lead to interesting gameplay decisions. However, the mana cost of {W}{U}{R} may limit its playability in certain formats.

    3rd Place

    It has a solid flying body with a relevant ability that can potentially neutralize two blockers, making it a good threat in the air. The triple blue mana cost is a bit restrictive, but it's not too difficult to cast in a deck that's focused on blue. Overall, it's a decently designed card that could fit well in certain blue-based strategies.

  • Monoblack trembles before my stupid blue cards
  • edited May 2023
    Create a multicolored creature with an ability that costs {1}:

    Kuni Frontline Medic

    Also, thank you for the 2nd place rating!  It feels great to be appreciated.
  • @TheKeefMan Cast in the Shadows looks like a well composed and thought out card.  The effect is reminiscent of Guile, even if the way it does its thing is slightly different, so I'll use that as the benchmark.  Cast in the Shadows' effect is slightly broader than Guile's because it will also trigger for countered abilities.  The fact that the copies it creates can't be countered is another thing it has over Guile.  On the other hand, it's not also a large evasive, resilient creature, so it's less versatile (but also less vulnerable to removal).  For a card that singlehandedly turns all of your counterspells into potential copy effects as well, three mana may be straddling the top end of acceptability, but it's probably not so over the top that the cost absolutely needs to be increased.  Being a mythic rare potentially offsets this a bit as well.

    Given that the copy-creating effect is a straight triggered ability instead of a replacement effect, making Cast in the Shadows legendary was a good call so that players can't control multiple copies and get more than one trigger per counter.  The one thing I'm going to have to ding Cast in the Shadows on is that, unlike Guile, the effect triggers whenever a spell or ability gets countered by any player.  In a two-player game this is highly unlikely to matter, but in a multiplayer game if Player A counters Player B's instant, you will get a free copy of Player B's spell for no resources spent.  Player A 1-for-1's Player B but you 1-for-0 them both (or better depending on what that copied spell does).  This is both pretty powerful and represents a departure from how you'd expect the card to work based on the "typical" two-player use case.  I do like how you can counter your own spell if your opponent threatens to fizzle it, which turns your counterspell into more of a Deflection, but that's something that you can do with Guile as well.

    The layout and formatting of the card are really on point with the text centered well in the textbox.  The choice of art was also really good, though a druid-looking figure with mystical owls in the forest doesn't quite convey the feel that the card name evokes.  It's not a big deal, finding perfectly appropriate card art is hard and a good piece was still chosen.  As for the wording of the card, though there's no precednece for how "nonpermanent" should be formatted, there's plenty of precedence for "nonland," "noncreature," and "nonartifact" being unhyphenated, so I'd recommend removing the hyphen.  Also, though you're somewhat breaking new ground with the wording about the copy being uncounterable, Beamsplitter Mage has wording that begins the sentence with "the" copy (not "this" copy) which I would go with.  Finally, "can't" be countered is a fairly established standard.  For the flavour text, was there an incomplete replacement of "as long as you do it silently" with "as long as you remain silent"?  It doesn't quite make sense.

    Overall, Cast in the Shadows is a well-made card with only slight areas for more standardized wording and flavour text grammar correction.  Aside from requiring its controller to have been the one to do the countering for its trigger to happen, I don't have any suggestions for changes.  Grade: 8.9/10, we'll round this up to nine favourites.
  • @Jadefire Wow, a better score than I'd bargained for! Yeah, the reason I made it a legendary card was for the exact reason you stated, to stop people from making a farm of copied, uncounterable, I don't know, Murders for example. Also you hit it on the head for why I also made it an enchantment, for harder removal, though I could've also made it a legendary creature with hexproof. You know what, I should've done that. Also the incorrect, or should I say less straight wording with "This" copy instead of "The" was just an error I didn't see looking over the card. Although I am awful when it comes to wording. Nevertheless I appreciate the feedback more than you can understand, being one of the weaker, and newer creators in he custom MTG scene, compliments and appreciation of my work means a lot to me. I assure you that my cards coming forward will have a standard of quality
  • @TheKeefMan You may be newer to the scene but that doesn't come through in your work. This example alone shows a level of professionalism and attention to detail that more established cardsmiths haven't achieved.  The rest will come with experience.

    I wouldn't second-guess your decision to make Cast in the Shadows an enchantment.  A big temptation can be to want to make a card do too much.  Something doesn't need to be 100% self-sufficient and cover every possible base to be a good card.  Focus is a good thing that can make a good combo piece.

    When you're ready, you can DM me with your choices for the favourites.
  • @jpastor Was the below post intended to come with a Mystery Challenge?
  • @Jadefire
    • A Mystery Challenge: Find an old card of yours with a monocolored framed and remake it to have a hybrid-colored frame.
  • Challenge: Create a Dragon with high stats and with abilities/flavor conveying its fiery power and ferocity.

    I'll take another mystery box please.
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a zombie animal creature card.
  • Challenge: Create a zombie animal creature card.

  • I’ll take another Mystery box
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 8 - Encounter: Please accept or decline a new encounter. 
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card that has the ability to swap its power and toughness each turn.
This discussion has been closed.