Mystery Box Challenges



  • Mystery Challege: Create a monored skeleton creature!

    Eternal Immolators by 12SidedGuy | MTG Cardsmith
    Eternal Immolators

    Another box please?
  • Prompt: Create an instant spell with hybrid mana in its mana cost.
  • Can I have another mystery box?

    PS: I'm still waiting on a prize (namely, prize 41).
  • @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:

    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an uncommon creature with a tribal effect that decreases power and/or toughness.

    @12SidedGuy your mystery box contains:

    • Prize 17 — Elaborate Key: Another mystery box inside this one?!
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a nonsnow card that cares about snow cards.

    Your bonus mystery box contains:

    • Prize 13 — Fire Pot: Bomb 3 cards. (Bombed cards are destroyed and become ignored.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that causes abilities to be lost.

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 your mystery box contains:

    • Prize 2 — Jeweled Scepter: Steal 3 entries. (Those entries are treated as your entries. If you don’t steal 3 by your next box request, 3 of your entries become others’ entries.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that only works against specific color(s).

    P. S. — Gentle reminder that all prizes (excluding uncashed rain checks) only last until your next box request, vanishing if unused.

  • edited July 2023
    12sidedguy's eternal immolaters, ManinMaroon's bloodbonder bishop, and Kaoz42's enchanters summons.
  • edited July 2023
    Those are the entries I choose for the jeweled scepter prize. Those are allowed, right? Also, sorry that I didn't understand about the prizes disappearing thing.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 since those three have been submitted this deadline (as far as I can tell), they’re all legal targets for the Jeweled Scepter. You don’t have to worry about your Prize 41 going away yet because it’s still a Rain Check. (It will only go away if you request a box after you’ve been given the actual prize.)
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a spell with delayed card draw.

    I'll cash in my 2x Chalice (2 Hugs + 3 Favouites), 2x Sapphire (3 Favourites), and 1x Powder Keg (Bomb entries with unknown artists). Not sure if the card has to explicitly say "Unknown" as the artist to be affected or if this would also apply to cards without an individual, group, or AI service explicitly identified, even if it says something else.

    Along with my 13 previous favourites (10 Points Milestone + 3 from Encounters) that puts me at 4 hugs and 25 favourites.  I'll give the 4 hugs to @12SidedGuy and 4 favourites each to @ManInMaroon_948 and @kaoz42 since they had entries stolen, which leaves me with 17 favourites.  You can go ahead and put those on any of my cards:

    Do I have to use the two prizes from my 25 Points Milestone before I ask for my next mystery box as well, or does that not expire because I haven't received the prizes yet?
  • edited July 2023
    Prompt: Create an uncommon creature with a tribal effect that decreases power and/or toughness.
    I also just noticed this is similar to @Jadefire's entry.

    This is a redo of my stolen entry:
    Prompt: Create an instant or sorcery spell that affects auras and/or equipment.

    Another box please.
  • Prompt: Create a card that only works against specific color(s).

    Another box please.
  • CS Masters Draft
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @Jadefire
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @cadstar369
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @Corwinnn
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @jpastor
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @TheDarkKnight1234567
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @kaoz42

    Your mystery box contains:
    • Raincheck 41 - Figurines: This post of boxes becomes a CS Masters Draft
    • A Mystery Challenge: Choose an option from above.
    Your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 42 - Fine Perfume: Your entries can't be destroyed this deadline.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Choose an option from above.
    @Jadefire - all favorites applied, ask for two prizes before your next box - powder keg is only unknown artists

    The following cards are destroyed by the Powder Keg:
    - Skirk and Paladin of Eos by @R@Robo_Kitty
    (Unless Anonymous is the name of the artist)
  • @cadstar369

    Thanks for box and judging help this past weekend. Feel free to submit any 3 cards from your collection to the current deadline. This offer can be gifted to another cardsmith.
  • @jpastor

    I don't understand. What am I supposed to do for my challenge? Also, what is a CS Masters draft?
  • edited August 2023
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 choose any challenge you like from the draft list that hasn’t already been claimed; that will become the mystery challenge for your box. Each other person that requests a box will draft an unclaimed challenge of their own, until we run out of challenges and the draft ends. CS Masters (Cardsmith Masters) is the theme for this particular draft, hence the challenges being based on cardsmiths.

    It may help to look at threads like this one for reference/inspiration:
  • @cadstar369
    I apologize for the lack of clarity! Please forgive me. Your mystery challenge is to create a card themed around a cardsmith, which are typically accomplished by putting the cardsmith's name in as part of the card name somehow. As a "draft" you can pick any option you like from the choice I gave in the spoiler!
  • I had a lot of trouble with the wording (I still probably worded it incorrectly).
  • Oh yeah- if I were to ask for another mystery box, would I have to choose another from the list of cardsmiths, or will I get a regular prompt?
  • In that case, can I get another mystery box?
  • Challenge: Create a Zombie Soldier.

    Hit me with another box please!
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Squirrel card that's not for laughs.

    I'll draft making a card for kaoz42
  • Question @jpastor; my prompt was to "Create a card where both you and an opponent choose something." Would a commander mechanic like "Will of the council" count towards this prompt?
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card themed after @kaoz42

    A 4/2 Dragon for kaoz42 using their custom mechanic Pact seems like an appropriately themed card given all the Dragons in kaoz42's collection.  There's a bonus Easter egg if you look at the page for this card.  I snuck in some flavour text that didn't fit in the textbox.

    I hope you don't mind that I updated the reminder text for Pact to reflect the changes that were made to Overload's reminder text.  I really appreciate the open-endedness of the ability, that you can make almost anything the pact condition, and then it protects you against the symmetrical drawback.  If it's OK with you, I'd like to do a riff of this mechanic on a future card.
  • edited August 2023
    @ManInMaroon_948 Will of the Council generally would not count (voting and choosing are completely different in Magic). You want something more along the lines of effects like Barrin’s Spite, Call to the Void, Cataclysmic Gearhulk, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, etc.
  • edited August 2023
    Oh- that’s a shame, lol. No worries. I do have a rlly cool card using “secret council” that I already brewed for this, but I’ll make a new card for the prompt. But I’ll post the “secret council” card tonight.
  • edited August 2023
    @ManInMaroon_948 I suppose you can also do a double-modal where you and your opponent choose from a list of options.  You can also specify that the choices be made in secret and then revealed afterwards (Think Negan, the Cold-Blooded).
  • Thanks for the feedback @Jadefire, that might give me an idea for a new card.
  • edited August 2023
    I've gotten a tad bit bored could I get another Mystery Box to tide me over?
This discussion has been closed.