Post your cards here. Actually see what others think.



  • @LvB
    I don't think that's possible... Or when a card becomes snow, it already required mana only snow to cast it. I am not sure about how casting a snow spell work.

    However, there is a wording issue, it seems. It doesn't make sense, if land or echantment could receive the damage. So, instead;

    Until end of turn, snow spells you cast cannot be countered, prevent all noncombat damage would be dealt to snow creatures and snow planewalkers you control, and nonsnow permanent enters the battlefield tapped.
  • @FireOfGolden You're getting confused because I made a second Orzhov skeleman, Bone Hero isn't legendary. 
  • @KorandAngels
    Whoops, my brain's dead then
  • @FireOfGolden
    Foxsssnake isss pretty balanced and there's not much else to say due to the card's simplicity. I do wonder where you managed to find the art though.

    @smax765 countercounter, protection, slowdown, and mana reduction, all at instant speed and for 1 mana? I think the sheer utility of this card far makes up for the snow only limitation. It could even be used as an anti-ramp card in a non-snow deck. This should definitely punish the caster for not playing snow and/or cost more (I'm aware the tapped ETB affects the caster, but it actually doesn't since it won't be cast for that on the caster's turn). I'd also add some flavor text to fill the space, though that's more of a personal design choice.

    I'd like feedback on this:

  • @jaceberlin
    You would like a link to that picture? I got it off deviant while I am surfing for fox arts
  • edited September 2023
    It would be cool to have text like "As an additional cost to cast this spell, reveal a snow land from your hand".  Can't say where that would put the card balancing for sure, but I would be fitting of the card's theme ?
    Whoops, sorry, didn't see I wasn't on the last comment page when I posted my reply to an earlier card ^.T

  • @jaceberlin
    I want to know what is difference between "At beginning of your turn..." and "On your upkeep...", otherwise, I can't call it "Wording issue".

    Yet, when giving a block of ability to a newly creature, you should capitalize it at first letter after quote such as;
    On your upkeep, create a black 1/1 Bird token with "Flying. On your upkeep, this creature deals 1 damage to you."
    I cannot say whether wording about "At the beginning of your upkeep..." is either outdated or not. Until I get knowledge about the difference of these. You don't have to clarify that the token is a creature, if you mention "1/1". What happens;

    * When I say 1/1, Game makes a creature with 1/1.
    * When I say Bird, Game assigns Bird to creature 1/1 as subtype.
    * When I say token, Game changes it into token creature.
    * When I say a block of abilit(ies), Game assigns said block onto the Bird.

    Bird is subtype to creature, hence, it's capitalized to remind people that it's a subtype to creature and applies that such only.
    {b}{b}: Target player gains control of Birds you control, Diverter of Fowl gains menace until end of turn.
    You don't have to clarify "All", since only saying a subtype creature is enough to apply EACH creature with same subtype you control.

    I think you can get away with {1}{b}{b}, that might be my opinion either way.

    I would like to get a feedback on this;

  • @FireOfGolden the difference between "at the beginning of your turn" and "at the beginning of your upkeep" is that there are abilities that give you additional upkeeps. Assuming none of those are in play, then both kinds of triggers would go on the stack during your upkeep, providing no effective difference. (However, note that there are no cards with 'beginning of turn' triggers, since it'd be unintuitive given how the beginning phase works.)

    There's a number of issues with your feedback. The token declaring ability is correct as is save for the uncapitalized 'at' after the quotation mark. For example cards, see From Beyond and Goblin Kaboomist. For rules reference, see rule 111.3:
    111.3. The spell or ability that creates a token may define the values of any number of characteristics for the token. This becomes the token’s “text.” The characteristic values defined this way are functionally equivalent to the characteristic values that are printed on a card; for example, they define the token’s copiable values. A token doesn’t have any characteristics not defined by the spell or ability that created it.
    Using your feedback as an example, if you left out 'creature' from the ability, the token would have no card types, which means the players (and the rules) have no idea how the token functions.

    Additionally, 'all' is necessary for the activated ability because its effect is not well-defined otherwise. For example, if the 'all' were dropped and you had three Birds, 'giving target player Birds you control' can be satisfied by giving them two, and it's unclear whether you're supposed to do that or give them all three. (For examples of similar abilities, see Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, Trostani Discordant, and Hellkite Tyrant.)
  • @cadstar369
    Oh, I see why it's necessary to mention "all".
  • I still would like a feedback on this card;

  • @FireOfGolden The card is very unbalanced. First of all, both abilities give a lot of p/t bonus. Treat could only be skipped by control players and Trick is very powerful. Maybe increasing the mana or decrease the p/t bonus to +2/+1?

    I want feedback on this card. It is very powerful, but at a cost. Remember: with great powers come a great nap.

    I have to use the share link because my body was "13167 characters too long" after uploading the image.
  • @cadstar369 Costing Lowlands Runner at 1R and giving it haste is quite strong.  Even leaving out the potential for acceleration like Simian Spirit Guide or Rite of Flame, being on the play with this gives you very high potential to become the monarch unimpeded and begin accumulating card advantage immediately.  Looking at the next cheapest card that lets you become the monarch (Denethor, Stone Seer), it requires two colours to use, it's subject to summoning sickness, the ability actually costs 4 to activate, and it requires sacrificing Denethor.

    On top of granting card advantage in hand, Lowlands Runner also ramps and fixes colours to accelerate you even further ahead on board.  Unlike with Ragavan, once you get that first hit in, you can just sit back and defend the monarchy and build up cards and mana (but more likely, you'll be continuing to play one threat after another and holding up any extra mana to hold off counterattacks).  If the opponent takes the monarchy down the road, you'll probably have accumulated enough card advantange and dealt enough damage to them by then that haste actually becomes more useful for pushing damage through to finish them off.  A nonlegendary card that does all that Lowlands Runner does (despite it being symmetrical in theory) should cost double what it does at that rarity.

    Festival Furnace is an interesting card because both the trigger condition and its effect applies to all players.  I'm not really sure what the incentive would be for a red opponent facing this to pay for its trigger, both because it involves a random discard (which generally feels miserable) and because the controller of the Festival Furnace clearly has what breaks the symmetry in their favour (so why feed it?).  The second ability seems  unnecessary (except perhaps as a flavour addition) and doesn't really make sense, both because the Furnace is a red card and because the ability itself costs R.  There are other artifacts that can hate on the graveyard (E.g., Relic of Progenitus, Moratorium Stone, Honored Heirloom, Agatha's Soul Cauldron) but these are all colourless, so introducing an off-colour requirement to that same effect seems needlessly restrictive.  The third ability gives the same rate of return as a Grim Lavamancer, so that seems fine.  I'm not sure a cost of RRR is justified for what Festival Furnace does (1RR would be fine), even if it can help to fuel the cost of its own Bolt and is harder to remove than a 1/1 creature.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Karenuma is like Urborg and Yavimaya, only for blue, but with the little twist that not all but only your lands are islands in addition. Nice card.
    Heres mine.

  • @LvB the card is balanced, because looking at top card is a basic effect. You have chosen the best color pair and the mill effect is balanced. 

    I want feedback on this card. It was the one I was thinking to post the last time, but I couldn’t upload it.

  • It is supposed to be a commander card.
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    Imagine this:
    play this card: search 20 lands, draw 7 cards.
    use a spell that says: exile target permanent then put it back on the battlefield.
    Step III triggers, destroying everything i have, but hey i get 5 extra turns, then it comes back, i search no lands, but draw 7 cards.
    Hand now: 20 lands, 14 cards.
    First extra turn: draw 7 cards. Hand now: 20 Lands, 21 cards. Since Lands are permanents i can put em all on the battlefield for free. Now lets say one of the 21 cards is something that gives my creatures haste. I can oneshot anyone with now with creatures.
    Or lets say i play a card that removes all counters from a permanent, resetting the saga to I while having 3 extra turns left.
    or just play this in a red/blue deck with Valakut and a lot of mountains.
    Valakut, Saga, Blink Saga, put Valakut+30 mountains into play at step II, win the game.

    Would also be fun to play this card, use its I and II effect and then use

    Theres so many ways to exploit it with blinking it back and drawing cards and removing counters from it.
  • Maybe giving the card shround?
  • @Jadefire thanks for the feedback. :)

    @smax765 there's so many problems with this card that shroud does nothing to solve (though blinking it like LvB mentioned isn't really one of them given the small window of opportunity). Removing or otherwise preventing counters from being placed on it is definitely problematic though, especially since your opponent can't remove it.

    Looking at The Multiverse Beyond chapter by chapter:
    • Chapter I gives you Overflowing Insight (which costs 4UUU) + no max hand size + an absurd amount of ramp (which isn't a blue effect) + effectively prevents your opponent from interacting with it unless they have an answer right this instant. Even without the rest of the card, how exactly is this effect worth only 7 mana?
    • Chapter II gives you a second Overflowing Insight + a one-sided Eureka (note that no effect like this is blue), which lets you present an overwhelming board state with minimal opportunity for your opponents to respond, which is especially nuts after drawing 14+ cards.
    • Chapter III is easily circumvented by any effect that flickers or phases out everything you want to keep, e.g. Semester's End, Teferi's Protection, etc. Alternatively, you can stifle the end step trigger with cards like Sundial of the Infinite to get the five extra turns with no downside. Note that the only way to get this many extra turns at once is by winning five coin flips after ultimating Ral Zarek, which not only takes more turns and is more vulnerable, but also is a 3.125% chance (≈23.7% with Krark's Thumb). In comparison, chapter III is trivial to setup.
    Overall, The Multiverse Beyond provides an obscene amount of value, has an easily managed downside, and your opponent(s) can't even do anything about it in the vast majority of cases.


    I'd appreciate feedback on these cards:
    Gudul WardenSilver Stalwart
  • edited September 2023

    Those are both awesome cards, but Gudul Warden is just on a whole other level. Good color identity and great ability. The flavor takes it from a great card to an amazing card. Nice work.
  • @cadstar369 ;
    Gudal Warden:
    This is actually very balanced yet very powerful. The effect is excellent graveyard hate but can also be removed and still allows for some interaction to pass through, making it perfect for its mana value.

    Silver Stalwart:
    Give this absolute freak of a first ability some sort of removal evasion and for around 3-4 mana you've countered every single card with 1 target in the game. To reiterate, this card almost singlehandedly counters removal, noncreature aggro, every single aura, most battlefield interactive instants and sorceries, and so, so much more. Either restrict the first ability to only work when the opponent is targeting creatures you control or have some optional payment to negate it. Increase the mana cost either way. The concept is great and should definitely be expanded on, but this card is incredibly powerful.

    I'd like feedback on this:

  • edited September 2023
    @jaceberlin regarding Silver Stalwart, what exactly are you calling "removal evasion"? Because it sounds like you're suggesting making Silver Stalwart an illegal target, at which point its ability no longer applies. In general, I'm fairly certain that whatever you might be suggesting one could do to protect Silver Stalwart is better spent on whatever card(s) you're using it to protect (which is likely why the existing Flagbearers don't see play).

    Edit: As far as I can tell, the main (and relatively) unique strength of Flagbearers is messing with your opponent's targeted buffs, which the vast majority of decks play little to none of. Outside of that, there's plenty of white creatures that sacrifice themselves to protect your other creatures (which Flagbearers effectively do via eating a kill spell) so I don't see why you're calling Flagbearers "incredibly powerful."
  • edited September 2023
    @cadstar369 I'm talking about indestructible, regenerate, return, instant speed triggered hexproof, etc. It's powerful because with something like that it blocks a vast variety of effects and can very easily not die.

    I am surprised to learn that they don't see play though, considering that there is a two mana one. I might be wrong about this in that case.
  • edited September 2023
    @jaceberlin is it really worth it for most decks to spend one or more slots fielding a card(s) that they're going to protect instead of their key pieces just to turn off opposing targeted buffs? Because that's the only thing Flagbearers bring to the table relative to other cards, which likely isn't particularly useful against the average deck.
  • Decks that do that usually run Spellskite and then either use cards that bring artifacts back from graveyard to play or make artifacts indestructible.
  • edited September 2023
    @jaceberlin flagbearers literally are made to "take the attention" of your opponents:


    For mother's love:
    -Gaining 1 life each turn is not the important thing of the card but fateful hour.
    -Fateful hour has never been very famous on mtg players because of the difficulty to get it. The avatar is powerful and the mana cost is not small, so I think the card is balanced.

    I would like feedback on this card:

  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    0 mana, 1/1 flying haste is already very strong.
    With the mana ability on top, this is overpowered.

    Imagine you start the game, drop two of these, the enemy cant do shit, you attack, and then on your next turn you coul play a 4 mana spell on turn 2. And that could even be one that costs 4 diffrent mana.
  • @LvB Read the definition for archspells
  • LvBLvB
    edited September 2023
    I dont know what an archspell is. Other games have that, but magic doesnt. Or is it a custom mechanic ?
    Anyway, i see two ways of fixing the Moxquito. Make it Legendary or increase its casting cost to 1.

    EDIT: Ok, im obviously blind and didnt see the archspell definition on the card :( o:) B) :# :cold_sweat:
    With only one of them in the deck i suppose its ok. Still very strong and if this was a real card i could imagine that it gets banned very fast.
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