COLONISERS: Season 3!!! (Colonisers of Krystel)



  • Do you want me to make Alliance Souls like last time?
  • image

    Dame Almer was enjoying this visit far more than her escapade in Pravor. People in Pravor acted as though they could be executed just for looking at her. For all she knew, they might. Here people were a bit skittish, but they warmed up fast enough. Currently Dame Almer was enjoying a drink a young man, a boy really had bought for her. From the way he was acting, it was the bravest thing he'd done all his life.

    "So are all the, um knights of Elta as... Are they all so..." The boy blushed bright red. "Are they all woman?" He finished lamely.

    Dame Almer scanned the inn. Sure enough a small knot of similarly aged youths all looked away from her as Almers eyes fell upon them and started sniggering to each other. Dame Almer smiled as she looked again at the young man. She wondered idly what line he was actually meant to have said.

    "No. There are a few men in our order, but not many. Why are you thinking about joining up?"

    "Ha!" he laughed just a little to loudly. "N-no thank you."

    "Are you sure? The ratio is very favorable."

    The boy took a long drink.

    "Our loss," Almer said.

    "Why so few men?" the boy asked. "Our women stronger in your race?"

    "No. But the people born into the Elta bloodline-" Dame Almer paused, then continued, "We are born with certain powers. Dangerous powers. So the men in my family are usually encouraged to take vows of chastity and become priests or advisers."

    "Why the men?"

    "Men are more likely to... misplace their offspring then women. Especially powerful men. There bastards created serious problems that plagued our kingdom."


    "A whole cursade had to be launched to stop them. Afterwards we changed the rules of succession in my family to favor woman."

    "That must be nice."

    "Well it is and it isn't." Dame Almer took a long drink.

    More to come later. @Lujikul If you want to pick up our rp I'm game, for the time being I imagine this particular scene takes place after meeting with your leader.
  • Aelfdane hasn't been completely honest with the Fae. She didn't found the Tricksters. She only usurped the throne. The First Trickster lies within her tomb, clutching her Dreamblade, wating to be set free.
  • edited June 2019
    "They will hide no secrets from us."

    These were the first words uttered during the establishment of the Flamebearers of Dusk, said by none other than the first head of the house herself, Anesthylia the Bright.


    Before Aishel, there was Anesthylia, a borderline tyrant. She refused to allow even so much as a shadow near her for fear of what it hid. This was someone who had truly developed a fear of the dark itself. Her paranoia was her defining feature, and for the first decade of the Falmebearers' existence, defined their policy. Paranoia and the need to spread the light literally everywhere ended up being Anesthylia's downfall, however.

    The paranoia and demand of hiding nothing at all became too oppressive, and Anesthylia experienced her downfall at the hands of an elaborate assassination plot conducted by none other than her own niece, Aishel. Justifying the murder as a necessity, Aishel soon took the mantle of head of the Flamebearers of Dusk, deciding that they'd spread their way of life and illuminating the world through more "peaceful" methods, as opposed to all out oppressive tyranny.

    @Derain2 I'd be more than happy to continue it, I'll try to get something typed up within the next day.
  • 20 hours, everyone! Get dem entries in!
  • We just need @EmolgAn now!
  • Just me !

    Well, my cards are ready. Just time for made a context
  • edited June 2019
    When our religion started, do you ask me? It is very simple. Asmarog, our God, had just lost all his followers in a gulf of which he and his servants were only humble spectators.

    Proposition :


    Asmarog decided to become again a respected god of men, the god of care as loved as he was and triuva his first new faithful, Haktor, a paladin. He sent him a message with his ideals, to which Haktor adhered.


    This is how Haktor preached and became the new leader of the holy army of Asmarog. The first paladin of our army.
    The start of our Blessed Army.
  • edited June 2019
    "And just where do these powers come from?"

    By now Dame Almer was surrounded by empty cups. The inn was mostly empty. They boys friends were long gone. She really shouldn't say but... No one was going to believe him anyways. Or they would think she was making fun of him.

    "I'll tell you a story. The same story my mother told me when I was younger. In my world there were ancient gods. They didn't want or need things like you or me. They simply were. There mere presents warped and redefined reality.

    There was Uthot, Feaster of Light,


    Messo, Curator of Thought,


    Kuvar, the First Mountain.


    For a long time they lived there lives and we humans lived ours, wanting and needing nothing from each other. But then the gods broke the world. Uthot cracked open the sky in his pursuit of light, setting our crops ablaze. Messo, touched upon our dreams, spreading delirium and madness. Kuvar shook the very earth in his attempts to make a family. They had to be stopped. But they were gods and we were just people.

    So all the worlds holy men and woman traveled to the center of the world, bringing all who would follow them in search of salvation. Each of them offered up everything they had. Their fallen dead, any animals they could hunt, even their followers, and eventually even themselves. So many came, and so many were sacrificed that the wide sweaping plain evenutally became a swamp of blood. And from the swamp rose Arvos, Born of Blood.


    As we asked, he defeated the other gods, and saved us from the brink of destruction. All he asked for in return was sacrifice.

    Dame Almer paused and looked at her drinking companion. His eyes weren't. His breathing was turning into a snore. That's what he got for trying to match her drink for drink. Dame Almer lurched to her feet, and stumbled towards the door.

    "What happened next?" a slurred voice called out from behind her.

    Dame Almer turned. The boy was tipping out of his seat.

    "Here you go. Let me help you up."

    She hoisted the boys arm under her shoulder and began walking him towards the door.

    "Let's get you home." Dame Almer said.

    "You didnnnt.... you didn.. you haven't told me why your family has those powers." The boy's stammer was replaced with a slur."

    The boy was certainly blacked out. They were walking through the dead of night. The streets were of course still well lit, but abandoned. She wouldn't have done this if she was sober. But that was the point of getting drunk wasn't it? To do things you normally couldn't do?

    Dame Almer felt her heart-rate speed up as she lay bare her family secrets. "Well, because my great great something other- Long back distant relation, Lady Tessra, bound him.


    There was more to the story of course, the Well of Bones, a story of illicit love, the curse on her bloodline, but the boy was pratically dozing on her shoulder already, and it was dangerous to say anything more. She should have gotten an address out of him, or at least a name. Dame Almer supposed she'd take him to her hotel. That should give the kid a much better story than the one she just told him.

    Lady Tessra is my main submission.
  • Great! Now I JUDGG

  • For next THURSDAY: (To allow for @MokeyPirate2002 to come back from France in time)


    @AxNoodle and @EmolgAn are fighting a trench war for the southwest. @Lujikul is gearing to take out Dusksnare once and for all. @pjbear2005 needs to decide which church to attack first, @Derain2 needs to decide whether to help their warmongering allies or their crusading friends, and @MonkeyPirate2002, @kandra127 and @MemoryHead must work out what their angle is in all of this.

    Take this opportunity to further explore your militaries.

    The cause will be different in every timeline, but SOMEONE is going to get kicked out this week, so make that card to make sure it ain't gonna be you!
  • ( @MonkeyPirate2002 you're french too ? )
  • edited June 2019
    @EmolgAn I sorta have french ancestry, but I’m just a tourist doing touristy things.
  • @Derain2

    Aishel is silent for several moments, considering Dame Almer's offer.

    "You are correct in that Dusksnare and his forces are, indeed, a threat that must be dealt with before it escalates out of control. The rescuing of the survivors of Pravor will be our top priority. However, eliminating the vampiric fiends that take shelter in the dark is another priority that the Flamebearers will be dedicating resources to. If any are allowed survival, they may seek to repopulate, putting innocents at risk once more after the issue of Dusksnare has been resolved."

    Silence, once more.

    "After Dusksnare is dealt with with, we agree to help to rebuild the lands he has trapped beneath his claws. However, in the interest of ensuring the safety of the returning populace, I request the the Flamebearers of Dusk be allowed to leave a small clutch of warriors trained in combating the beasts of the darkness in each surviving city, and ones established afterwards."

    "These warriors would be allowed to operate independently of the banner of the Flamebearers and House Elta, in order to ensure true neutrality on their part.We are training such warriors right now for when the time comes to confront Dusksnare. Is this term acceptable?" Aishel's eyes are unwavering, determined.

    "You have my word that in either case, we will do whatever must be done to eradicate Dusksnare and his kind from the face of this land, permanently."


    Intrepid Flamebearer is my entry for this week.
  • edited June 2019

    Dame Almer paused. "I am gladdened by your commitment and zeal to this holy cause. We will happily work with you in our quest to contain and ultimately destroy the Dusksnare menace. My mother, Lady Kren is already on the mainland in the newly refurbished Fort Refuge, where she oversees the evacuation of Pravor's population. I imagine by now she has detailed reports of the Dusksnare army, the surrounding land, and much else. With her forces and yours combined, we may be able to destroy Dusksnare once and for all."


    "As for what happens next... I'm afraid I have some concerns. While we must and will be vigilant against the threat of their return, if you establish an independent armed force that maintains is power and legitimacy by finding vampires, then vampires they shall find, whether they are real or not. We cannot allow a crusade to devolve into a witch hunt. These new warriors must be beholden to someone. If not to both of us than perhaps to the local people they protect. We would also be happy to provide some of our own hardened warriors to aid in this... Order of Vigilance." Dame Almer's tone made it clear this was a demand, not a gift.


    "Accept these terms, and together we shall bring lasting peace to the people of Pravor."
  • I might post more later, for now we should consider Lady Kren my main submission. She is the defacto head of the Elta's military, and I haven't used her as a submission yet.
  • @pjbear2005

    Kick 'em while they're down, eh?
  • @HeroKP I haven't been paying that much attention so I didn't know that they were down, but that makes it even better
  • That was a foolish maneuver @pjbear2005 , for now we will have to destroy a valuable asset in due time. Withdraw from your decision, or we will show you no mercy.
  • I may need to invade @Derain2
  • @Kandra127 But we were having such fun together! The Church of the Broken Cog probably has much neater things to steal!
  • @Derain2 @kandra127 Are you certain trying to steal from an ever vigilant force that can convert your flesh and mind to a greater purpose is such a good idea?
  • A far greater challenge then stealing a few trinkets from farmers, certainly.
  • This fish might be bigger than one could chew.
  • Hey, Hey, Hey! I'm not invading anyone. I'm just making sure you know that I can.
  • @lujikul, If you agree to this deal, it might be fun for us to rp out our champions tracking down and slaying the Dusksnare.
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