Star Wars: A New Hope

Hello all! Today, I am sharing with you the beginnings of a new long-term project centered around a realistic crossover set for Star Wars! I am beginning this journey with a set of cards focused on the original 1977 film, now known as Episode IV: A New Hope. 

Again, these will be realistic card designs, with a ton of Star Wars flavor. I aim to make the set mechanics not only ooze with Star Wars flavor, but make technical sense. Realistically, I want the set to be draftable if someone were to put it into an online simulator. 

It is a daunting endeavor, but I hope to make both the Magic players and the Star Wars fans of the world proud. If all goes well, I will eventually do sets for the entire trilogy as a set block. But that is far, far down the line. For now, I will update this thread periodically with new cards in the set. Any feedback and/or comments are happily welcomed! 

Set Design Philosophy

My philosophy for the mechanics of the set are as follows -

WHITE - Humans, both Light and Dark side. These can be Rebel soldiers, Stormtroopers, or even Jedi. Anything that walks on two legs will likely land in this color (with exceptions.)

BLUE - The Light Side of the Force. Blue is the color for all things Jedi. Seeing as control magic seems very Force-relatable, as well as blue's focus on knowledge, inner focus, and mental clarity, it seemed all too fitting for our Light Side friends.

BLACK - The Dark Side of the Force. Black is the color for all things Sith. Again, control magic is very present in black, but with a significantly larger focus on death, destruction, and anger. Thus, it is fitting in both flavor and mechanics to suit our Dark Side villains.

RED - Vehicles, both Light and Dark side. Another significant aspect of the Star Wars universe are speeders, starships, and countless other vehicles. Red will focus heavily on both these vehicles, as well as the Bounty Hunter community (such as the Huts and the Mandalorians, for example.) Fighter pilots? Boba Fett? Han Solo? These are all the color of red.

GREEN - There are many Neutral creatures and animals in the Star Wars universe, and they belong here in green. Green leans slightly to the Light Side, due to the presence of other sentient species such as Wookies, Ewoks, and Togorians, for example, in addition to beasts of burden.

COLORLESS/ARTIFACTS - Vehicles and Droids. Another significant aspect of the Star Wars universe are droids. Some will be regular artifacts, others, artifact creatures. Additionally, any despite red being a Vehicle-focused color, most of the Vehicles themselves will be colorless artifacts that can Crew to turn into artifact creatures.

I look forward to updating this thread and hearing your thoughts on Magic: The Gathering x Star Wars: A NEW HOPE! 

Thanks!! :smile:


  • edited October 2020
    Today, I present the first five cards of the Star Wars: A New Hope set. These are the main five Planeswalker cards for the set, hopefully with each establishing some of the main strategies and mechanics-based goals for each color. Any feedback in regards to mechanics and balancing are appreciated! :smile:


    And... let's not forget the Bounty Credit token created by ol' Han Solo! :wink:

    Until my next update, may the Force be with you!
  • Excellent Photoshop work on the cards!
  • Thank you! I appreciate that ?
  • I had to do a double-take, and then a triple-take!
  • edited October 2020
    Today, I present five more cards for the set. One uncommon sorcery for each color. Each, with the exception of red, adds some search options for each color while still sticking to theme. 

    Thank you for any and all comments! :smile:

    Until my next update, may the Force be with you!!
  • edited October 2020
    The fact you put the good guys as blue instantly prevents me from ever entering this.
    Hail Dromoka.
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