MTGCS Online Game Day

edited February 2021 in Off-topic Chat
Hello everyone!

I'm @Arceus8523, and co-hosting this event with me is @Ranshi, and together we are putting on an online game day as a way for various MTG Cardsmith community members to get together, play some games, and just generally have fun! This is being hosted over discord, so you have to have discord in order to participate. For details, updates, and other info, check out the discord server where this will be taking place!


  • I cannot do this, being not on discord.
  • @KorandAngels, is it a parents thing?
  • Maybe, I am not sure.
  • Just going to bump this to make sure people are aware of it
  • Hmm... this is now an official announcement... interesting.
  • mfw the originally unofficial game day receives offical promotion =P
  • I wish I could participate. Dang.
  • Hopefully, our fear of a bunch of support leading up to it, only to have minimal participation won't see the light of day!

    It's either going to be that and bite more, or we'll have a great day! (Hopefully the latter)
  • We are going to have the finalized schedule for the game-day worked out soon! Keep an eye out for that!
  • edited December 2020
    Ladies and gents, boys and girls... we have our schedule for the Cardsmith Game-Day, which will be taking place on January 2nd, 2021!

    A reminder that the times listed are on Eastern Standard Time (NY Time Zone).

    9:00am-10:00am — Among Us/Party Games
    10:00am-10:45am — Hangout Time/Time to Talk in Voice Chat
    11:00am-12:00pm — Quicksmithing Duels
    12:15pm-1:45pm — Custom Commander
    2:00pm-3:00pm — Another Round of Quicksmithing Duels (Feel free to participate in both)
    3:15pm-7:00pm — A draft of a Custom MTG Set
    7:15pm-10:00pm — Random Custom Commander
    10:00pm Onward — Among Us/Party Games

    This schedule has been constructed using data acquired through the polling of people's availability and their preferred events.
  • Game Day is tomorrow, everyone!
This discussion has been closed.