
  • As the monks of the Jeskai Mountains sense the looming threat of the Spirit of the Conqueror, they look to their ancient teachings and embrace the power of the Jeskai Ascendancy. Monastery Mentor, a skilled and disciplined Human Monk, stands at the forefront of the monastery, ready to lead his fellow monks in their battle against the powerful spirit.

    Within the walls of the serene Monastery, a young and gifted monk named Kyren, with unparalleled devotion and exceptional prowess, becomes the chosen disciple of the ancient teachings. Guided by the spirits of his ancestors, Kyren embodies the essence of the Jeskai philosophy, channeling his inner strength to foster unity among his peers and unleash a torrent of powerful energies through their combined efforts.

    Kyren's connection to the spirits of the Jeskai ancestors grants him remarkable skill in combat, empowering him each time he channels the teachings of his forebears.

    As Kyren demonstrates the path of enlightenment to his fellow monks, they are inspired by his actions and follow his lead, forming a united front against the impending darkness.

    Recognizing the magnitude of the approaching threat, the elders of the monastery invoke the ancient rites of the Jeskai Ascendancy. The very essence of the Jeskai teachings, woven into a powerful enchantment, empowers the monks, fueling their spells with new vigor and wisdom.

    As the ancient chant of the Jeskai Ascendancy resounds through the monastery, a surge of energy imbues the monks with increased vigor, allowing them to strike as one with the power of the elements.

    The teachings of the Ascendancy grant the monks unparalleled insight, allowing them to tap into the boundless reservoir of knowledge and wisdom.

    The monks, under the guidance of Kyren and the mystical powers of the Jeskai Ascendancy, prepare themselves to confront the Spirit of the Conqueror. With a united front and the strength of the ancient teachings coursing through their veins, they stand ready to face the embodiment of the past's ambitions. The clash between the monk's mastery over the elements and the Spirit's unyielding thirst for conquest will determine the fate of the Jeskai Mountains and the legacy of those who call it home.

    The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

    Spirit of Conquest

    The ancient spirit of the conqueror weaves a haunting melody that resonates throughout the mountains, summoning echoes of its former glory. As the notes of power and domination echo through the land, the very essence of the battlefield becomes tainted with the spirit's relentless desire to conquer all in its path.

    Echoes of the Conqueror

    The echoes of the conqueror's triumphs resonate within the hearts of its followers, inspiring them to emulate its ruthless tactics and continue the relentless pursuit of victory.

    The very presence of the conqueror imposes its will upon the battlefield, compelling even the most stalwart defenders to confront its relentless onslaught.

    Encounter Progression: With the Spirit of the Conqueror's dark presence casting its echoes upon the battlefield, the monks find themselves facing not only the physical embodiment of the ancient conqueror but also the resurgence of its past conquests. As the clash ensues, the Spirit's echoes fuel its relentless assault, summoning spectral allies to join the fray. The monks must stand united, drawing upon the teachings of the Jeskai Ascendancy and Monastery Mentor's leadership to face this formidable foe and protect the sanctity of their mountain home.

    The outcome of this encounter will be determined by the tenacity of the monks, their connection to the Jeskai teachings, and their ability to overcome the lingering shadows of the conqueror's spirit. Will they emerge victorious, preserving the sanctity of the mountains and sending the Spirit of the Conqueror back to the annals of history? Or will the echoes of the past prove too formidable to overcome, leaving the mountains under the oppressive rule of an ancient conqueror once again? Only time will tell.

  • Time to buff the Monastery Mentor i would say.

  • LIbrarianing is going to be hard, I don't have many cards that are actually good. I'll just take favourites for my prize. Anyway, give me a minute to figure out what's going on. 
  • edited July 2023
    If the enemy is so good at "conquering", as it suggests, I think it would be best to play mildly defensive. Not to mention that I just showed up, and it probably isn't scared of me yet, so I have some time to prepare. I will summon two creatures: 

    They're both very small, which might be risky, but the advantage abilities should be worth it.
    (The rule against legendaries might be challenging for me with my role, most of my best cards are legends)

  • Anti-Noble Horserider becomes green and is now 4/4 and attempting to fight Spirit of Conquest.
  • The monks call out one of their champions to the battle. The Boonweaver Giant will channel the mighty Zephid to boost its offensive and defensive capability.

  • edited July 2023
    I fear I may have misplayed earlier. My small support guys will be unlikely to survive the enemy's attacks. I'll use this on myself as well, to help survive

  • @FireOfGolden
    the second card you played is not animal + i didn't count the Snake Horror when i posted the first time, so I'll count the Snake Horror as your play for this turn. 

    @KorandAngels - only 1 card per turn - Ruin Haunter
  • The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

    Conquerors Battlecry

    The Spirit of the Conqueror unleashes its commanding battlecry, resonating with the echoes of its past triumphs. The words echo through the mountains, empowering its loyal followers to charge into battle with newfound strength and ferocity.

    Conquerors Dominion

    The Spirit of the Conqueror extends its influence across the land, marking its dominion with each passing day. The mountains become a haven for the Spirit's spectral legions, swarming the battlefield and overwhelming the monks' defenses.

    Rinascita del Conquistatore

    The echoes of the Spirit's past triumphs crescendo into a powerful resurgence, summoning forth the fallen warriors of ancient conquests. The spectral army rises, united under the Spirit's banner, ready to reclaim what was once its domain.

    Echoes Embrace

    The Spirit of the Conqueror extends its embrace to the champions who carry its echoes. As these champions engage in combat, they draw strength from the Spirit's indomitable will, inspiring them to fight with unmatched prowess.


    With the Spirit of the Conqueror's relentless echoes fueling its conquest, the battle intensifies. The monks find themselves facing not only the ancient conqueror itself but also its spectral legions, summoned forth by the Spirit's commanding presence. As the monks strive to defend their home and traditions, they must confront the Spirit's powerful dominion and endure the resurgence of its past conquests. Only through unity, resilience, and embracing the teachings of their monastery can the monks hope to overcome this formidable foe and bring peace back to the Jeskai Mountains. The ultimate outcome of this encounter rests upon the community's ability to stand strong against the echoes of the conqueror's past and shape their own destiny amid the chaos of battle.
    1. Whoops! I am an idiot. I will play this card instead. I only have a few nonhuman animals on my deck, that is...

      Paper Squirrel is green.
    2. With such a large force coming in toward us, the only way to possibly progress is to attack the one creature that isn't actively attacking: the spirit itself. 

    3. The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

      Unyielding Conqueror

      The Unyielding Conqueror manifests its spirit into the physical world, becoming an unstoppable force on the battlefield. With relentless vigor, it charges forward, empowering its spectral army and inspiring them to fight with unrivaled courage.

      Echoes of Conquest

      The Spirit of the Conqueror harnesses the echoes of its past conquests, channeling their might into the present. The battlefield ripples with spectral energy as the Spirit's victories resound, invigorating its followers and unleashing a wave of ferocious attacks.


      With the community's persistence and strategic maneuvers, the tide of battle begins to shift. The echoes of the conqueror's past prove to be both a source of strength and vulnerability. As the Spirit of the Conqueror marshals its spectral legions and reveals its unyielding nature, the community must press on with determination and adaptability. With the Paper Squirrel and Piasa's Dive in their arsenal, the community aims to dismantle the conqueror's spectral army while countering its relentless assault. The confrontation intensifies as both sides draw upon their power, setting the stage for a climactic showdown amid the majestic landscape of the Jeskai Mountains. The outcome hangs in the balance, with echoes of ancient conquests and the determination of the community shaping the destiny of this epic encounter.
      1. LvBLvB
        edited July 2023
        I play these two cards on the 1/1 chaos frog:
        Mr. Chaosfrog is now an 11/11 Flying Octodrakefrog with Ascend.
      2. While the monks decline to be the first aggressors, they are by no means defenseless when provoked and return any harm unleashed upon them several times over.

      3. @LvB As much as I appreciate your help, we're only allowed to play one card per turn, so not only can you not play both of the huge auras, but also the Chaos Frog doesn't exist because I played it after the Ruin Haunters
      4. Anyway, things may be getting quite intense out there, the Conqueror definitely has a lot of creatures in its army. I'll do my best to make that redundant

      5. LvBLvB
        edited July 2023
        Ok, than i buff the ruin haunter.
        And im allowed to play 2 cards per turn as long as they improve your creatures ^^

        Its now a 11/11 Ruin Hauntopusdrake with flying ;)
      6. Actually @KorandAngels
        LvB has a prize this round allowing them to play 2 cards if they're both combat tricks (like auras)
        @LvB - Mystery Prize - Swords of Intrigue, You may play two cards each turn if they are combat tactic cards

      7. The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

        Warlords Banner

        The Warlord's Banner is a symbol of the Spirit of the Conqueror's command over its spectral army. It grants strength and menace to the chosen warrior, while each attack under its banner summons a new spirit, united in their relentless quest for victory.

        [] Community Boost []

        Radiant Seraph

        The Radiant Seraph emerges from the ethereal realm, drawn by the conflict in the Jeskai Mountains. With its radiant wings and blazing sword, it becomes a beacon of hope for the community, delivering divine justice to the conqueror's spectral forces.

        Avatar of Unity

        The Avatar of Unity embodies the harmony between the elements and all living beings in the Jeskai Mountains. With its presence, unity flows through the community's ranks, empowering them to stand strong against the Spirit of the Conqueror's relentless assault.


        The Spirit of the Conqueror is relentless, but the community has gathered its strength and rallied under the leadership of the Radiant Seraph and the Avatar of Unity. Each card played adds a layer of resilience and strategic prowess to the community's arsenal. The Octopus Umbra and Drake Umbra bolster their creatures, creating a formidable force that taps down the conqueror's spectral army and dominates the battlefield. Retaliate, a potent instant, punishes the conqueror's aggression, clearing the path for a powerful counterattack. Meanwhile, Tranquility phases out to protect the community from harm during combat, and Warlord's Banner symbolizes the unity of the community and its indomitable spirit.

        The encounter reaches its climax amid the echoing mountains, as the Spirit of the Conqueror faces a community united in strength, determination, and harmony. The Jeskai Mountains bear witness to this epic confrontation, where echoes of ancient battles blend with the resounding hope of victory for the community.


        This encounter's final battle will last all weekend. I am out of town this weekend, so here's how we will finish the encounter...

        Take turns being the Spirit of the Conqueror or designate a volunteer - whichever works!

        Have fun! See you Monday.
      8. the avatar of unity needs a.
        That way everytime it phases in, its ETB triggers.
      9. That isn't how phasing actually works 
      10. LvBLvB
        edited July 2023
        Oh, youre right. Ah well, at least walls cant block it now ...
        Or wait, i'll just play this on the Avatar of Unity since i have a spell left.
        Cloak of invisibility is gone, Avatar of Unity just became stronger and his ETB triggers again ^^
      11. I'll be the conqueror first, see how I do 
      12. The Spirit of Conquest, greatly distracted by the strength of the community's resistance, simply sends forth another of its great warriors, intending to let this hero carry the Warlord's Banner. 

      13. Sorry for the inactivity. As the joker, I’ll prevent the conqueror to cast it’s most powerful cards:

      14. As the Spirit of the Conqueror faces the community's new tactic of Insane Duress, the battlefield echoes with uncertainty and tension. The sinister sorcery unravels the secrets hidden within the hands of the community and the foe. It puts the cunning strategy of the Spirit to the test, forcing it to reveal its most potent creatures and spells, while the community gambles on the power of its own cards.

        The ancient conqueror, now locked in an intense mind duel with the community, chooses the most powerful spell, keenly aware of the potential devastation it can unleash. With a cruel grin, it discards the spell, unleashing its chaotic energy into the air.

        As the Spirit of the Conqueror surveys the battlefield, it reveals its most fearsome creature—a monstrosity born from the realm of spirits and shadows. But the cunning community members have anticipated this, and their unity shines through, with each member choosing the same strong creature to remove from their hands.

        Yet, the Conqueror still has tricks up its ethereal sleeve. The cards not chosen by the community are hurled back at them with malice, and with each card that slips from their grasp, the Spirit saps their strength. The battle hangs in the balance as the community pays a heavy price for their gamble, losing precious life force in the process.

        The Jeskai Mountains tremble under the weight of this magical clash as both sides fight for dominance. The Spirit of the Conqueror, though weakened, stands defiant, ready to retaliate and overcome the community's resilience. As the battle rages on, it remains unclear who will emerge as the true conqueror of this mystical battleground.

        Ephemeral Mastery

        Ephemeral Mastery by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

        The Spirit's presence grows stronger, and with a powerful incantation, it invokes the ancient magic of Ephemeral Mastery. The very fabric of reality trembles as all creatures and planeswalkers, both foe and community alike, are swept into oblivion. In their place, a host of majestic white Angels take flight, emerging from the remains of the once-mighty forces.

        As the next end step approaches, all on the battlefield brace for the Spirit's ultimate display of conquest. The Spirit of the Conqueror, standing amidst the graceful Angels, smiles with an air of triumph, ready to deal the final blow and seize control of the Jeskai Mountains. The community, now facing the brink of defeat, musters their strength, knowing that their unity and wits will be the key to survival. The fate of the mountains hangs in the balance as the Spirit's Ephemeral Mastery reaches its climactic conclusion.

      15. Too bad that we dont have any snails. Cause i chose creature type "Snail". Every creature thats not a snail is returned to hand.
      16. If the Ephemeral Mastery kills everything except angels, then it might be in my best interests to play an angel of my own 

      17. The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

        Unleash the Storm

        Unleash the Storm by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

        The Spirit of the Conqueror, undeterred by the community's resilience, channels the raw elemental power of the Jeskai Mountains into a torrential storm of destructive energy. The skies darken as bolts of lightning and gales of wind swirl around the battlefield. The Spirit directs the devastating force at the community's strongest forces, aiming to crush their remaining defenses.

        Spirits Retribution

        The Spirit of the Conqueror's malevolent presence fuels the very essence of the fallen. With Spirit's Retribution in place, the life force of those vanquished under the storm's fury is harnessed and redirected. The spirits of the fallen find no rest as they are ensnared by the Spirit's will, empowering the Spirit's followers with newfound strength and vigor.


        The community must now confront the Spirit's overwhelming might, as their forces dwindle and the momentum of the battle hangs in the balance. The Jeskai Mountains stand witness to the clash of these formidable foes, and the fate of the land will soon be decided in an epic showdown of power and will.
        This discussion has been closed.