
  • In response to Unleash the Storm the monks will muster their retributive defenses in preparation for te onslaught.

  • The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

    Martial Mastery

    As the confrontation intensifies, the Spirit of the Conqueror senses an opportunity to seize more knowledge and power. With a cunning move, the Spirit casts Martial Mastery, delving deeper into its own memories to unlock a hidden reservoir of wisdom. This tactical maneuver grants the Spirit a strategic advantage, allowing it to discern the community's intentions and respond with calculated precision.


    The Spirit of the Conqueror stands ready, a formidable entity with an unyielding resolve. The echoes of the past reverberate through the mountains, while the fate of the monks and the entire region hangs in the balance. The Spirit's thirst for conquest remains unquenched, and the community must summon all their strength, wisdom, and unity to face this relentless foe.

    1. In response to Martial Mastery, the Hero will dispatch the thought snatcher.

    2. The Spirit of the Conqueror plays:

      Unyielding Resistance

      As the Spirit of the Conqueror feels the pressure mounting, it resorts to an ancient technique passed down from its days of ruthless rule. Unyielding Resistance envelops the area in a powerful aura, disrupting the community's ability to cast spells or unleash the power of their creatures' abilities. The monks' prayers and elemental mastery become stifled as they face an unparalleled show of dominance.

      However, amidst the overwhelming presence of the Spirit's power, the community recognizes a key weakness—the Spirit's relentless thirst for more knowledge and power. In an act of desperate courage, they play Notion Thief, a cunning rogue who turns the Spirit's insatiable desire for knowledge against itself. Notion Thief steals the Spirit's planned advantage, replacing its thirst for wisdom with disappointment.


      The community seizes the opportunity to counter the Spirit's final moves. The clash of spirits and elements reaches its peak, and the monks' pagodas tremble as if they were caught in a maelstrom. Yet, a glimmer of hope remains. Can the community utilize their collective wisdom and strength to triumph over the Spirit of the Conqueror and restore balance to the Jeskai Mountains once and for all? The fate of the region rests in their hands.

      1. Well, this is a very convenient time to reuse an old favourite: 

      2. As Pillars of Apocalypse emerges from the ground, the land itself trembles with its overwhelming power. The monks and elemental forces sense its malevolence and brace themselves for the destructive force that awaits. Yet, the community remains resolute, knowing they must do whatever it takes to stop the Spirit of the Conqueror and prevent further devastation.

        They focus their collective strength and wisdom, directing it at the Pillars of Apocalypse. Their determination and knowledge combined create a moment of unity that begins to destabilize the dark magic that fuels the Pillars. The community harnesses the power of the Jeskai Mountains and channels it into one last, mighty effort.

        At that precise moment, a surge of elemental energy envelops the Pillars. The forces of the Jeskai Mountains join together, transcending their individual abilities. This unique alliance of monks, elemental spirits, and mystical creatures unleashes a powerful wave of energy that engulfs the Pillars of Apocalypse.

        In a blinding display of light and sound, the Pillars of Apocalypse are neutralized and shattered into oblivion. The land calms, and the malevolent energy that threatened to engulf the region dissipates into the air.

        As the dust settles, the Spirit of the Conqueror feels its power waning. It becomes clear that the unity and resilience of the community have triumphed over its dominance. The monks and elemental forces watch as the Spirit fades away, leaving behind a sense of peace and restoration.

        The once-terrifying Spirit of the Conqueror is defeated, no longer a threat to the Jeskai Mountains and its inhabitants. The monks' pagodas stand tall and proud, once again surrounded by the serenity and harmony that have defined this ancient place.

        In the end, the encounter with the Spirit of the Conqueror has taught the community the true strength of unity, wisdom, and harmony. The bonds forged during this challenging ordeal have created an unbreakable alliance that will protect the Jeskai Mountains for generations to come. The community emerges victorious, stronger than ever, and ready to face whatever new challenges await on their journey through the planes of existence.


      3. Excellent! 
      4. Encounter (Emrakul)

        Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, looms over the horizon like an ancient, cosmic being, ready to unleash its unfathomable power upon the world. The community senses an overwhelming sense of dread as they face this Eldrazi titan, knowing that their combined strength and courage will be put to the ultimate test.

        Emrakul the Aeons Torn

        Emrakul's arrival sends shockwaves through the community, but they remain steadfast in their determination to protect their world from this ancient horror. The people of the land rally together, preparing to face this daunting foe.


        (@LvB) The Joker = Un cards only

        (@KorandAngels) The Trickster = Only Eldrazi cards

        (@FireOfGolden) Mystery Prize = 3 Hugs + 2 Faves (Have jpastor favorite 3 cards made by others + 2 for you)

        (@Jadefire) New Role (The Historian) = Can only play historic cards.

        (@smax765) The Wizard = Only Wizards of the Coast cards

        (@Robo_Kitty) Rogue = Any cards you want, you aren't on the foe's team or the community's team.

        (@cadstar369) - No role


        Rule Update - You may now play Legendary cards and mythic rares any time.
      5. LvBLvB
        edited August 2023
        Im really sorry, but Emrakul is banned.

      6. edited August 2023
        Do I have permission to play Devoid eldrazi, or only colourless ones (to match the enemy's colour identity)?
      7. The gameplay for these encounters has gotten far too nebulous for me, so I'm dropping out of this one.
      8. It's lore-based
      9. edited August 2023
        Give this card a hug.


        Give a hug to one of my cards you like the most.

        Do I get to choose a role or no?

      10. Hear me out...

        Emarkul is being targeted and will loses ALL abilities but base power and toughness.

        Emarkul is now targetable by other rest of colors.

      11. I'll just play this fellow to see if we can do anything sneaky while she's distracted with the big things 
      12. The Historian will attempt to turn Emrakul's strength into a liability.

      13. Note: Error Sans is now 3/3 because there are three colorless creatures on the battlefield.
      14. As Emrakul's presence distorts the very fabric of reality, the community responds with cunning strategies and powerful enchantments in an attempt to hinder the eldritch titan's onslaught. The skies darken and reality itself becomes malleable as they strive to turn the tide of this cosmic battle.

        Emrakul, unaffected by mortal banishments, continues its inexorable advance, its form shimmering with an otherworldly aura. Its sheer presence distorts the rules of engagement, leaving the community scrambling to adapt.

        The community, undaunted, unleashes an array of abilities and creatures with the hope of disrupting Emrakul's relentless march. The ancient horror remains unyielding, its form now bolstered by the very chaos it emanates.

        Will the community find a way to overcome Emrakul's overwhelming might, or will they succumb to the aeons of power embodied by the eldritch titan? The battle rages on, and the fate of their world hangs in the balance.


        First, it counters the card played by @LvB:

        Reality Distortion

        The cosmic titan's presence distorts reality, leaving them at a disadvantage.

        Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, responds with an unsettling and overwhelming display of cosmic power.

        Temporal Disjunction

        Emrakul's influence warps the very threads of time and space, causing the community's efforts to falter and forcing a chaotic reset.

        As the battle continues, the community struggles to regain their footing against Emrakul's relentless assault. 

        Nexus of Madness

        Emrakul's presence distorts the very essence of the battlefield, turning the community's own tactics against them and leaving them trapped within a nightmarish labyrinth of reflections.


        The confrontation escalates as Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, continues to exert its cosmic dominance. Will the community find a way to break free from this eldritch web, or will they be consumed by the twisted reality that surrounds them? The outcome hangs in the balance as the battle rages on.

        The start of your upkeep reveals the top card of your library:

        Infinite Reflections

        One community member with an appropriate role may play it this turn.

      15. When in doubt, counter it.

        Targeting Temporal Disjunction

        Emrukial's fate is sealed and now loses ALL abilities but power and toughness.
      16. edited August 2023
        Hopefully in order to bypass the great enemy's defenses, I, the rebel eldrazi, play a 
        In preperation for even more things. 
        (Is it just me who thinks the eldrazi in that card's art look like the Garthim from The Dark Crystal? And, moreover, not like an eldrazi of any of the titans we know of?)
        (It's also really weird that that set, Rise of the Eldrazi, has Eldrazi cards that aren't devoid or colourless, they're coloured.)
      17. Another magnificent art @FireOfGolden
      18. He's good at what he does
      19. edited August 2023
        Note: Error Sans is now 6/3 because there are six colorless creatures on the battlefield.

        Is it our turn now or I already used up a turn by countering that spell?
      20. Counternote: really you shouldn't have been able to play error sans at all, because we aren't allowed to play legendaries. 
      21. @KorandAngels @jpastor
        I thought rule was updated that we are now able to cast legendary cards?
      22. @FireOfGolden

        Yeah - i got rid of that rule to give you guys more flexibility!
      23. Well I missed that, that's convenient!
      24. i play "i'm rubber, you're glue", and then its next turn for you.
      25. Well. Since Emrakul have nothing but mana value and 15/15... Making it targetable now.

        Error Sans is tapped from that and I cannot use it against enchantment, so...

        Targeting Emrakul

      This discussion has been closed.