Arkanion - A RPG Campaign



  • edited June 2023
    I have some questions regarding combat:

    1) Is each character automatically equipped with all equipment they carry unless specified otherwise? (Similarly, do they start with auras attached to them?)

    2) When you say “mana doesn’t regenerate,” do you mean it’s finite during combat (and refreshes after each encounter), or does it not recover until we take something akin to a long rest, and thus need to manage it over multiple encounters? Similarly, do we need to manage our toughness between encounters, or does it recover when  combat ends?

    3) What happens if both sides fall unconscious at the same time? What if they fall unconscious at different times during a single turn?

    4) When you say “fight against each other like in normal Magic,” do you mean the creature(s) taking their turn are treated as attacking and their target(s) as blocking, or do you mean the mechanic ‘fight’ where they merely deal damage to each other equal to their power?

    5a) Assuming the answer to (4) is the former option, do abilities such as first strike and deathtouch work as expected?

    5b) How does lifelink work under this system? Do creatures with lifelink heal themselves? 

    5c) Do abilities like flying represent challenges that need to be answered in order to attack creatures that have them?

    5d) Are abilities that refer to damage dealt to players/planeswalkers nonfunctional?

    I think that’s everything; might come up with more in the morning. Regardless of the answers to the above, the dragonspeaker votes for option 1 to practice the party’s teamwork. (And also because the majority of us would lose in option 3.)
  • Yeah, Preyfinder shines best when he attacks with other creatures, so he'll vote for option 1 as well.
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    1. Yes. At the beginning of combat all equipment that character has is equipped. Auras/Enchantments have to be cast. However, that may change if your character gains more levels. A magic focussed character could find items or gain abilities like "At the beginning of your turn you may cast an aura for free".
    2. Mana and toughness is finite for every encounter. After the encounter is over - in this case, the Snail is beaten - mana and toughness are fully refreshed.
    3. Whoever falls unconscious first loses. Should both sides lose at the same time, ill think of a fitting solution for the situation ;)
    4. Its like attacking/blocking. But in many fights there wont be an enemy "player" and only enemy creatures. So you can attack creatures directly as if they were a player. Example: a 2/2 creature attacks the 1/7 snail who blocks. They hit each other, then the creature is 2/1 and the snail 1/5. If the 2/1 creature attacks again next turn it goes down to 2/0 while the snail is still 1/3. Snail wins.
    Example 2: A 2/2 and a 2/1 attack the 1/7 snail. The snail takes 4 damage, goes down to 1/3 and kills the 2/1. Next turn the 2/2 attacks again and fights the 1/3 snail. The 2/2 goes down to 2/1 and the snail to 1/1. Next turn they kill each other and the fight is a draw.
    5a. First strike yes. Deathtouch will depend on the encounter. For example an orc boss who is 5/10 could count as a player (cause hes a Bossmonster), while his normal 2/2 orc minions would be creatures. Then Deathtouch would only affect the normal orcs, not the Boss.
    5b) Lifelink heals the creature, but only if it doesnt drop to 0. If Lifelink is too strong it will either be modified or replaced.
    5c) i havent thought of that yet, but should you encounter something that flies it will probably land or you might find something that allows you to fight it.
    5d) that depends. Boosmonsters will definitely be treated as players and planeswalkers can appear as enemys instead of creatures, though since planeswalkers are powerful, they will appear only on higher levels.

    And if an ability turns out to be really problematic we will surely find a workaround.
  • Goblin vote goes to option one as well. 
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Ok, so 3 people vote for option 1, thats the majority.

    And so the training/sparring fight against the terrible tutorisnail starts. Our brave adventurers gather in front of the snail, ready to bash it back to whereever it came from. The tutorisnail however, maybe sensing the danger, doesnt wait until the heroes attack and starts the fight!
    From the crowd of villagers that is watching you, you hear a giggling "told ya, its a tricky beast."

    Fight Turn 1:
    The Snail has Defender, so it cant attack, but it casts this on itself and then ends its turn.
    The Tutorisnail is now a 2/8 first strike, totem armor creature!

    Your turn. Since the snail doesnt attack, feel free to discuss tactics or swap equip between characters or buff each other before attacking the snail.
  • edited June 2023
    The group gathers to discuss their approach to facing the Tutorisnail. After weighing their options, they come to a decision.
    New Quest Resolution:

    3. Let's be fair and fight it 1v1 without the help of other party members! - moderate
    The adventurers agree that a fair fight would be a good test of their individual abilities. They each prepare themselves mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.

    Initiative is determined, and the first adventurer steps forward to face the Tutorisnail alone. The others watch with anticipation, ready to provide support and encouragement.
    (Player 1, please describe your approach and actions as you engage in the 1v1 fight against the Tutorisnail. Remember, you have your equipped item and the skill/spell you created earlier.)

    ☝️ @LvB would it go like this? If so, I choose 3, and this is my approach and action.)

    As the group's self-proclaimed representative, Thalia Shadowheart steps forward to face the Tutorisnail in a fair 1v1 fight. She takes a moment to assess her opponent, observing its sluggish movements and sturdy shell. With her Shadowscale Dagger equipped, she feels a surge of confidence.

    Thalia's approach is to use her agility and precision to exploit the Tutorisnail's sluggishness. She moves with calculated grace, keeping a safe distance from the creature's slow attacks. As the Tutorisnail advances, Thalia swiftly maneuvers to its side, aiming to strike at its vulnerable spots.

    She begins the battle by channeling her Agile Maneuver skill. Harnessing her enhanced reflexes, Thalia becomes more nimble and evasive. With her heightened senses, she aims to dodge the Tutorisnail's attacks while positioning herself for a well-timed strike.

    (Using Agile Maneuver to gain +1/+1 and untapping Thalia.)

    @LvB does this count as one action for the turn?

  • Since the Tutorisnail can now one-shot the majority of us with impunity, do we have a better plan than giving someone other than Thalia Shadowheart both the torchbearer’s torch and shadowscale dagger and letting them attack alone? That’d give them 3+ toughness to tank the first strike hit and the dagger’s double instant kill to win through the totem armor, and the torchbearer would even come out unscathed thanks to lifelink if they were the one to attack.

    By the way @LvB, how does healing/reviving characters work? Can we just spend an action(s) to get someone back to 1, or do we need an item/ability/spell specifically for that purpose? Does toughness go into the negative in this system, or does it automatically become 0 once someone’s down? Also, can someone act during the turn they’re healed/revived?
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    The Majority voted for fighting it as a group. You cant decide otherwise once a fight has startet. But, since this is the Tutorial, eh the Tutorisnail, the dungeonmaster allows you to rethink the decision and choose again:

    "The Tutorisnail somehow senses that you dont want to fight right now, so its buff wears off and it snails away very slowly and starts to gnaw on some rotting wood. The crowd in the village looks at you and some start booing."

    Rethink your decisions and BEAT THE TUTORISNAIL!
    Time for the Quest: Until Monday
    Chose one: (Whatever the Majority of the party choses counts for everyone.)
    1. We can all beat it together. 5v1 sounds fair! - very easy
    2. Everyone can beat it alone in a 1v1 fight, but we will cheat a bit and use other characters equipment/skills to buff the one who is fighting it! - easy
    3. Lets be fair and fight it 1v1 without the help of other party members! - moderate

    But in the future this wont be possible, once the majority of the group has decided what to do, thats what everyone in the group does. At least as long as its about fighting. Monsters wont decide to not fight you cause you made a decision that makes a fight too easy or too hard. They will simply attack then while the group discusses if their decision was right. So think wisely when doing future quests.

    About "reviving": If you have a skill/spell/item/ability that heals/restores life/hitpoints you can try to bring others back from unconsciousness. Hitpoints can go into negatives. If a 3 toughness character takes 5 damage he is down to -1. To revive him you would have to restore 2 life/hitpoints.
    To make this easier your characters count as creatures and players. So spells that restore player life work on them too.

    @jpastor yes thats how it works. Or in short:
    "As Action my character casts "agile maneuver" on target XYZ"

    Right now because youre level one you have only one action, but when you gain more levels you will get more actions and at some point you will be able to cast spells during the opponents turn. But right now youre limited to one action during your own turn.
  • edited June 2023
    I say to choose option 1
    We must do this together. I’ll come and help.

    My character will attack the tutorsnail
  • I’ll vote for option 1 again. No reason to reduce our options further than our opponent already does.
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    The villagers watch the adventurers while they discuss what to do. Some of the villagers start booing and out of the crowd you hear stuff like "Go fight it, cowards", "Laaaame", "and they call themself "heroes" while they cant even fight a snail, haha". "Less talk, more fight" "Bash the snail! Bash the snail! Bash the snail!" ...

    Quest runs out on Monday, so pls hurry a bit.
  • Right, majority voted for option 1 twice now. We work together to bring down the snail. None of us are powerful enough to attack it solo and beat it without dying.

    I assume the turns work like this:

    Our turn (all our characters can do one an action). We all share the same mana pool, there's 5 of us, and twice our combined level as mana. We're all level 1, so that means we have 10 mana of any combination of colors in the mana pool... I assume.

    Enemy's turn (each enemy makes one action and also have mana twice their level, which means the Snail has spent all its mana by casting the Aura, if it's level 1 like us).

    With these in mind, here's my strategy:

    Our Turn 1

    Before @smax765's Hopeful Torchbearer attacks, @jpastor's Thalia should equip Shadowscale Dagger to him, giving him double deathtouch and making him 3/2. (Thalia's action of the turn, cost 1 mana, 9 left.)

    Hopeful TorchbearerShadowscale Dagger

    @cadstar369's Scalebound Dragonspeaker equips Dancer's Ring Blade to Preyfinder, giving him vigilance. (Dragonspeaker's action of the turn, cost 2 mana, 7 left.)

    @Derfaulehelmut's Goblin Reinforcement equips Torchbearer's Torch to Preyfinder, giving him vigilance (again) and making him a 2/3. (Goblin's action of the turn, cost 1 white mana, 6 mana left.)

    PreyfinderDancers Ring Blade Torchbearers Torch

    Combat phase, Preyfinder and Hopeful Torchbearer attack the Snail. Preyfinder puts a +1/+1 counter on Hopeful Torchbearer through Servant ability, making him into a 4/3. Snail blocks Preyfinder because his ability forces it to do so. The two Equipment attached to Preyfinder deal 3 damage in total to the Snail (2/8), leaving it 5 toughness, but that won't matter since Totem Armor removes all damage from the Snail when it "dies" to the Shadowscale Dagger.

    The Snail deals 2 first strike damage to Preyfinder, leaving him 1 toughness. Preyfinder (2/1) and Torchbearer (4/3) deal 6 damage in total to the Snail (2/5), leaving it -1 toughness. The Snail loses its Totem Armor when it "dies" to the Shadowscale Dagger's double deathtouch, and in doing so, the Totem Armor removes all damage from the Snail, making it a 1/7 again.

    That's the end of our turn.

    Enemy Turn 2

    The Snail's just sitting there.

    Our Turn 2

    Hopeful Torchbearer just has to attack again with the Shadowscale Dagger to kill the Snail with deathtouch. But if the Snail is immune to deathtouch (somehow), we'll destroy it with damage:

    Scalebound Dragonspeaker equips Elven Wood Hatchet to Preyfinder, making him a 3/1. (Dragonspeaker's action of the turn, cost 1 mana, 5 left.)

    PreyfinderElven Wood Hatchet

    Combat phase, Preyfinder, Torchbearer, and Goblin attack. Before Snail blocks Preyfinder and kills him with 1 damage, Thalia casts Agile Maneuver to Preyfinder, making him a 4/2. (Thalia's action of the turn, cost 1 mana, 4 left.)

    Agile Maneuver

    Preyfinder puts a +1/+1 counter on Hopeful Torchbearer through Servant ability, making him into a 5/4. Snail blocks Preyfinder because his ability forces it to do so. The two Equipment attached to Preyfinder deal 3 damage in total to the Snail (1/7), leaving it 4 toughness.

    Snail deals 1 damage to Preyfinder, leaving him 1 toughness. Preyfinder (4/1), Torchbearer (5/4), and Goblin (2/2) deal 11 damage to the Snail (1/4), leaving it -7 toughness!

    Tutorisnail beaten!
  • It is a good strategy. I will do it
  • edited June 2023
    @TenebrisNemo if we have to pay equip costs with our mana (which I don’t think we do), the Dragonspeaker won’t have any mana left on turn 2 to use another equip action since his two mana was already spent giving Preyfinder the Ring Blade (we have individual mana pools); this can be solved by switching the equip actions the Dragonspeaker and Goblin Reinforcement take on turn 1. (Of course, this only matters if the snail is immune to the Shadowscale Dagger’s effect, else we win on turn 1 since the triggered ability will defeat the snail after deathtouch strips the totem armor.)
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    You dont share the mana pool, every player character has its own 2 mana, but that doesnt matter now cause it will have no effect.
    And if you all attack the snail, the snail "blocks" all of you, but may still decide to deal damage to anyone. It does not have to deal damage to the same character it blocks. Its easier to understand if you think of your character and the snail as a combination of player+creature.

    But anyway, the Fight begins.
    The villagers stop booing and watch the adventurers, interested in how this fight will turn out. Will it be an easy and fast fight? Or will it be long bloody and gory? The villagers probably hope for the second.
    Turn 1:
    The Tutorisnail casts its buff again and then ends its turn:
    Now its the players turn.
    Please describe what your character is doing before the attack and if it will attack the snail or not.
    Considering attacking: If your character attacks, it attacks at the same time as the other characters, not one after another. In magic this would be equivalent to 5 diffrent creatures attacking a player.
  • So what we can do is this:

    As @TenebrisNemo has said, the snail has just emptied its mana pool. It has also defender and first strike, so we need one or more players to have toughness 3 or greater. As @LvB has said, we start with 2 mana and our equipments attached to us (each one starts with the one he/she has created). 

    The strategy is to destroy both the totem armor and the tutorsnail on the same turn. And if not, we have to change the players that are attacking because if not we will die. 

    On turn 1 the torchbearer is a 2/3 lifelink vigilance that deals 1 extra damage when it is blocked (so it’s technically a 3/3) 

    As the ability to equip of the torch can’t be activated, that’s all.

    For killing the tutorsnail, Thalia should give the torchbearer the knife, and the torchbearer will use 1 mana to equip it to itself.

    Then the preyfinder should attack, and Thalia should use 1 mana to use agile maneuver targeting preyfinder (after the declare attackers but before the damage step) so preyfinder will also be able to tank the damage of the tutorsnail.

    Preyfinder will give the torchbearer a +1/+1 counter making it a 6/4 deathtouch lifelink vigilance and preyfinder will be a 3/3.

    when damage is dealt, tutors Ali will deal 2 to torchbearer and to preyfinder, so that will make them a 6/2 and a 3/1 that will kill instantly the tutorsnail because first will be activated both death touch and the other ability of the knife (deathtouch will destroy totoem armor and the other will destroy tutorsnail). And if not, the 9 damage will kill tutorsnail.

    When the turn ends, preyfinder will become a 2/0 but we can keep it alive by giving the life gain of lifelink of the torchbearer.
  • edited June 2023
    Individual mana pools, got it. In that case, the strategy could still work, if different characters pay for the equip costs, just like @cadstar369 mentioned. Good call.

    And I just thought of a way to destroy the Snail on our first turn, since it blocks all attackers! Instead of giving the Dancer's Ring Blade to Preyfinder, it's given to Hopeful Torchbearer. He deals 2 noncombat deathtouch damage to the Snail when it blocks him, destroying the Totem Armor. Then he deals combat damage to the Snail, destroying it with deathtouch. Double times the deathtouch damage!

    So here's how it would work in action:

    Our Turn 1

    Thalia equips Shadowscale Dagger to Hopeful Torchbearer, giving him double deathtouch and making him 3/2. (Thalia's action of the turn, cost 1 mana, 1 left.)

    Scalebound Dragonspeaker equips Dancer's Ring Blade to Hopeful Torchbearer, giving him vigilance. (Dragonspeaker's action of the turn, cost 2 mana, 0 left.)

    Hopeful TorchbearerShadowscale Dagger
    Dancers Ring Blade

    Combat phase, Hopeful Torchbearer attacks the Snail. Snail blocks Torchbearer. The Equipment attached to Torchbearer deals 2 deathtouch damage to the Snail, destroying the Totem Armor.

    The Snail deals 1 damage to Torchbearer (3/2), leaving 1 toughness. Torchbearer deals 3 deathtouch damage to the Snail. Since he has deathtouch, any amount of damage is enough to destroy the Snail.

    Tutorisnail beaten!
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    In theory this would work but i wonder how a character with two arms and hands can hold three weapons. For now i'll allow that, but in the future to keep it a bit realistic, every character is limited to:
    A weapon equipment that represents a main hand weapon + a weapon equipment that represents an offhand weapon (e:g. Sword+Shield/Mace+Dagger)
    A weapon equipment that represents two weapons that the character is dual wielding (e.G. 2x Sword/Axe+Sabre)
    A weapon Equipment that represents a Two-handed Weapon (e.g. Greatsword/Greataxe/Staff)

    So pls everyone say now what your own character does during your turn.
  • Alright then!
  • edited June 2023
    Sounds like we’re golden if Thalia lets the Torchbearer borrow their dagger.

    Btw, the rules regarding moving equipment during combat aren’t well defined. Does it cost an action to give equipment to someone? Does it cost an action to take equipment from someone and/or pick it up? Does someone have to spend their mana on the equip cost?

    The Scalebound Dragonspeaker gently twirls his ring blade, waiting for an opportune moment to assist the others. Upon seeing the Tutorisnail's enchantment however, he sighs, letting the blade rest gently across his shoulder and opposite hip. His left hand begins idly tapping a complex rhythm on a hand drum strapped to his waist as he waits for the situation to change.

    (Since the aura nullifies my entire kit, I’ll conserve resources and refrain from acting.)

    Edit: Added flavor text to my action.
  • I'll attack, torchbearer is a 3/3 so it can tank the damage
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    The Tutorisnail however and as already mentioned, is a tricky beast and before the Torchbearer can attack it uses this on the torchbearer, dealing one damage to it and tapping it, so it cant attack. Somehow it must sense the danger that the Torchbearer represents. Or maybe it just doesnt like fire, who knows.
    (And since it already cast a level 2 spell and used a spell/skill on the players turn, you now know its at least a level 2 creature. Or maybe even higher? Who knows what else the snail can do?)
    The villagers start to clap and growl and laugh as they look at the puked on Torchbearer. Watching this, Thalia gets an inspiration, she should maybe use agile maneuver as her action for this turn on the preyfinder after the preyfinders "servant" ability triggered.
    The Snail doesnt do more on your turn and so your turn continues. Its still before your attack.
    Considering equipment trading: you can do that before combat for free. In combat "equip" requires an action. But if that causes too many problems we can disable it. Lets just see how it works out.
    And to clarify this: If more than one creatures attack the snail, the snail doesnt do 2 damage to each of them, but only to one, like in Magic.
  • Thalia, standing among her fellow adventurers, takes a moment to observe the Tutorisnail and strategize their approach. She examines its slow movements and sturdy shell, assessing its potential weaknesses.

    With her Shadowscale Dagger gleaming in her hand, Thalia nods to her companions, her determination evident. As the group prepares to attack, she readies herself for the onslaught, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

    When the signal is given, Thalia swiftly moves forward in unison with her companions. As a united force, they launch their coordinated assault on the Tutorisnail. The snail's shell is targeted from all sides simultaneously, with each adventurer bringing their own unique skills and weapons to bear.

    Thalia lunges forward, wielding her Shadowscale Dagger with deadly precision. She aims for a joint in the Tutorisnail's shell, seeking to exploit any vulnerabilities with her swift and calculated strike.

    (Thalia will attack the Tutorisnail, coordinating her assault with the rest of the group. Utilizing the Shadowscale Dagger's deathtouch ability, she aims to pierce through the creature's defenses.)

    Thalia remains focused, relying on her agility and precision to swiftly withdraw from any potential counterattacks. She is prepared to adapt her strategy as needed, working in harmony with her companions to swiftly overwhelm the Tutorisnail and emerge victorious.

  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    As time goes by and some adventurers are still undecided, the continuous booing of the villagers intensifies until it suddenly causes a strange, maybe magical effect.
    And so the adventurers finally fight the Tutorisnail.

    The Preyfinder attacks as a 2/2 and can buff a stronger character, which in this constellation is Thalia Shadowheart.
    The Scalebound Dragonspeaker attacks as a 0/3 who deals 2 damage.
    The Torchbearer took 1 damage and attacks as a 2/2 who deals 3 damage.
    The Goblin attacks as a 2/2.
    And Thalia Shadowheart attacks as a 6/2

    Since they all attack the snail, the snail "blocks" everyone.
    The 2/8 Snail uses its first strike attack to hit Thalia Shadowheart, who is down to 6/0 and becomes unconscious, therefore deals no damage.
    Then the preyfinder hits the snail for 2
    The Scalebound Dragonspeakers Ring causes 2 damage
    The torchbearer hits for 2+1 from the torch
    And the goblin hits for 2 damage
    The Snail takes 9 damage, the totem armor triggers and the Snail becomes 1/7

    Snails Turn:
    The Tutorisnail thinks about its life but doesnt do anything, because of defender. It is now 1/7 and the Aura is gone.

    Your Turn:

  • First of all, I want to know if I could use the lifelink of torchbearer to make thalia a 6/2 another time so we can attack all another time
  • If I can or not, we have to attack
  • LvBLvB
    edited June 2023
    Lifelink only heals the torchbearer itself. In this case, after he deals damage to the snail, his toughness is 3 again. And as this encounter has shown, being able to give equip to others before combat starts was a bad idea, because it causes too many problems and too much discussion. So from now, every character is limited to its own equip only.
    But, dont worry, there will be loot and treasure that the party can find. Your equip will become better in the future.
  • Ok then. I will attack the tutorsnail another time.
  • edited June 2023

    Thalia lies unconscious on the ground, having taken a heavy blow from the Tutorisnail's first strike attack.

  • edited June 2023
    @jpastor please don't force actions onto others, especially without any discussion. ?? Having the GM do that is more than enough. (Personally, I was waiting to see what at least one other player would do so I could use my spell as best I can.)

    The Dragonspeaker, frustrated with the party's apparent lack of agency during this battle, attempts to bring some strategy to bear upon what appears to be a blind brawl. Tapping their drum with mild fervor, he casts Rousing Round (+1/+0 and first strike) on the Torchbearer. If the Goblin Reinforcement attacks as well though, he will cast Rousing Round on them instead.
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