Challengers of Fate 1.1 Discussion

The year is 666. The grand tournament has fallen deaf before it even began as an unexpected tragedy struck Roojkah Dahm. A torrent of hellfire rained from the skies, and no one knew what being called it. No matter what, Stitia must prepare for war, and the people must take the election of a new champion into their own hands...

With the city ablaze and the dragon king dead, what few survived fled. The Souls' Bane, the one weapon known to be capable of slaying the gods, was missing, along with its former wielder. No one knew what to do, and that's where you'll come in when Challengers of Fate Season 1.1 begins!

For now, I can't work on the actual Saga, so here's the discussion page!


  • edited June 2023
    Before it's asked, you can use your characters you submitted for Season 1 here; I'm not going to kill them off with the fall of the city!
  • I'm far from active enough to actually play, but I would appreciate it if my character from the OG Stitia, St. Ishka, was still at least superficially relevant. Since they taught one of the creatures who would turn into a new god, there's something to be done there. 
  • Honestly don't think she'd be around yet because this happened nearly 600 years before the original Saga. She would have likely rebelled during the First Holy War if she was around, which would cause a paradox.
  • Heard people are more likely to do something if it has a looming, fixed deadline, so just pretend the deadline is the 9th.
  • edited July 2023
    I'm definitely one of those people. :sweat_smile: One frustrated, potentially homeless blacksmith on his way.

    Edit: Is there going to be a set symbol for this saga?
  • edited July 2023
    I actually forgot to make it because I was tied up. I'll get back to you in a bit
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