It's time to create a contest/challenge! Is just a fun contest, so if you are trying to find prices, this is not the place. There will be a little "price" depending on the cards you make. They are mastery points, and I'll give them to the best cards. Make the most awesome cards and become a real "CARDSMITHER"!

The mastery points will be given this form:

1. Art (2 points)
Give credit to the artist and upload an artwork that has something in common with the card.
2. Balance (4 points)
The card must be balanced, so when you create it you can search for cards with same power and compare them.
3. Synergy (3 points)
Make a card that helps the starter card or with the ability of the challenge.
4. Special reward (1 point)
The first 3 people to make the "special reward" gain 1 extra point.(granted at the end of the challenge)


  • edited July 2023
    The first challenge is to create a card that combines with the commander below. 
    Difficulty level: 1
    Special reward: If you create a c_ _ _ _ _ p you will get the additional mastery point (only for the first 3).

  • edited July 2023
    Here you go. 

    Btw, ‘combine’ is an existing mechanic from Unstable. Am I correct in assuming you want a card that synergizes with Lyra?
  • @cadstar369 yes, they are cards that sinergyze
  • Ok, l rate it as a 10

    You get 9 mastery points!
  • I forgot to say that the "special reward" will be given at the end of the challenge

  • Please tell other people you know about this challenge to increase the number of people who participate.
  • Mystical Archive
    Mystical Archive by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    You must be looking for a "c l e a n u p" card... so I'm cleaning up my graveyard only to refill it again!
  • Wow, I didn’t expect that many cards! I an a little bit busy, but I’ll try to look all
  • @smax765
    There's no rush in judging a contest! The thread will be here for 100 pages!
  • edited July 2023
    Ok, I have judged the cards and I have chosen to get to the next challenge (I thought to get to the next challenge when there were 5 posts).

    Special rewards:

    What I had been looking was not “cleanup”, @jpastor, it was “cantrip”!


    @ManInIron: 2 points art, 4 points balance, 3 points synergy
    -Total: 9 points.

    @jpastor: 2 points art, 2 points balance (I would increase the mana value in 3 or to have to pay {1} each time you cast the spell to get the lore counter), 3 points synergy
    -Total: 7 points.

    @Suicidal_Deity: 2 points art, 4 points balance, 3 points synergy, 1 point special
    -Total: 10 points.

    @cadstar369: 2 points art, 4 points balance, 3 points synergy, 1 point special.
    -Total: 10 points.

    @TenebrisNemo: 2 points art, 3 points balance (the card discarding for 1 mana is not so useful. I would increase the effect to “noncreature spells”), 3 points synergy, 1 point special.  Total: 9 points.



  • edited July 2023
    The second challenge is  to create a card with the chosen ability. This time is DISTURB. Make the best cards with disturb and win the mastery points!

    special reward: None. Be creative! The best ones will get the mastery.

    On this challenge, there is no special reward for the best mastery on this challenge, but on the fourth or fifth challenge there will be a reward for them
  • @jpastor I don’t know how the 2nd ability of the vengeful spirit functions. The rest is very interesting, I’ll try to find interesting combos for the card.

    @cadstar369 I love the idea of an equipment and for the other face using soulbound to “imitate” the equip ability!
  • @smax765
    It's embalm except 3/5 since the macabre conjurer is basically manifesting itself as the apparition of those creatures... their vengeful spirits if you will.
  • edited July 2023
    Wow! I love the card and the affinity of disturb!
  • edited July 2023

    Took a while for me to get myself to do this, but I finally came up with something, lol. The disturb mechanic is definitely out of my comfort zone, so I stuck with my own custom mechanic; Inscribe! Kinda hit two birds with one stone here, since I was hoping to make more Inscribe cards. (Especially commons, since I really want to get those out of the way, lol.)

    (Also, sorry the cards are so big. I couldn't find a way to decrease their size, lol)
  • @ManInMaroon_948 I like the card, specially because of being common. One thing I most valorate is to be creative, and adding a custom mechanic is a great form of doing that.
  • Ai thanks! Appreciate it
  • edited July 2023
  • @KorandAngels not want to be rude, but the actual challenge is to create a card with disturb (ends when se habe 5 cards). If you want, you can enter at any moment by creating a card for the actual challenge 
  • Thanks, I'm a moron
  • I think this challenge is not very active, so I want to close it. Luckily for all you, I am going to create a saga where you not only have to create a character and build a story, but also to create a custom mtg deck to play with it on the encounters you will have. I have added down here the link:
    Tales of the multiverse
    I will soon add an extra feature for all the people that were on this contest.
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