Mystery Box World



  • edited December 2023
    @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
    • Mendicant Sustentation Apparatus ? Restore 1 card that's been destroyed from any deadline. (It will be counted this deadline.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that is beneficial to each of 4 players, in a distinct way for each of those players.
    I'm going to spend some 〽️ on a reshuffle from the shop, so if someone could please toss a new challenge my way… 
  • edited December 2023
    @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 66 - Subcutaneous Dynamo Optics ? You get 2-5 challenge options in your next box by posting ?.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with CMC 8 or more, but its mana cost can be reduced to 3 or less.
    I'm spending some 〽️  on a reshuffle as well, somebody hit me with a box please!
  • @Robo_Kitty
    Your box contains:
    Dark Knight's Heavy Slicer ?️: Post the ?️ in your next challenge request to slice two entries. (They won't be judged this deadline.)
    A Mystery Challenge: Create a legendary sorcery that can be your commander 
  • @Robo_Kitty you bought a reshuffle - your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a nonblack Shade creature.
  • @Jadefire
    Your spices gives you:
    • 30 - Luxurious Baubles ? You and another Scallywag of choice are guaranteed a prize in your next box.
    • 84 ? Efficacious Eradicator ? Blast all cards with unnamed artists.
    • 81 - Memory Wiper ⚡ Zap 2 entries. (They become yours.)
    • Milestone 850 〽️❓?
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a card with MV 8+ whose mana cost can be reduced to 3 or less.
    Repressive Injunction

    Another mystery box please. ?
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that is a squad of Humans.

    Can I request a mystery box from the Lounge as the next step in my Discovery Quest: Cantina?
  • I'll also go to the Balcony and submit the following card to the park owner for a free card review:

  • @Jadefire your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a common creature card that has three effects when it leaves the battlefield.
  • @cadstar369 your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 37 - Serenity Sphere ? Target Scallywag can't use prizes this deadline.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature that is both a cat and a dog.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a permanent that creates 5 or more tokens when it enters the battlefield.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a creature with CMC 3 or less, and has p/t 6 or more.
  • Challenge: Create a legendary sorcery that can be your commander.

    Challenge: Create a nonblack Shade creature.
    Beastform Shade

    I'll target Bronze-Company Guard and Bloodfire Anthem with Dark Knight's Heavy Slicer.

    Someone hit me with another box please!
  • I'll cash in one of my❓for a Drowsy Sphere to counter Dark Knight's Heavy Slicer.

    @Robo_Kitty your mystery box contains:
    • Prize 1 - Scallywag Banner ?‍☠️ You get this badge next to your name forever.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Abzan land with a Lord of the Rings theme.
  • Flavorful Spices Mystery Challenge: Create a card with a kicker that costs 6 or more, has regenerate, does something if you control a zombie, is monoblack but does something good, and has a gold frame.

    I'll spend a Silverware to remove the "does something good requirement."
  • I love that prize - Silverware is a keeper
  • Yup, hold onto that one for the future.
  • Milestones

    @Robo_Kitty - Milestone 175 ❓
    @cadstar369 - Milestone 310 〽️
    @Jadefire - Milestone 175 ❓❓
  • I bought myself a rerole with some 〽️. Another box please! (Btw, nothing lotr related pls, I’ve never read the books or seen the movies.)
  • Holidays in the Park ? 

    Be sure to check the event in the app. 
  • imdont have the app. Can i take part without app ?
  • does anyone have a challenge for me?
  • @Robo_Kitty here you go:
    • Reshuffled Mystery Challenge: Create a creature card with at least two abilities that deal damage to each creature and each player.
  • Winter in the Park

    Okay friends, check it the app for the things you can do in the park for the winter months (since the park is in the northern hemisphere.)

    New Prize list under construction ? ? ✨️ ? ? 
  • I really don't like my mystery challenge... When's the deadline?
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card that is beneficial to each of 4 players, in a distinct way for each of those players.

    Another cantina box please. Can I use the apparatus prize cadstar gave me to restore a stolen entry?

  • Round 2 Has Ended

    You've earned the following bonuses for participation!

    @cadstar369 - Choose one: 60〽️, 6? (30 Favorites), 3❓, 1?
    @Robo_Kitty - Choose one: 45〽️, 4? (20 Favorites), 2❓, 1?
    @Jadefire - Choose one: 40〽️, 3? (15 Favorites), 2❓
    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Choose one: 25〽️, 2? (10 Favorites), 1❓
    @LvB - Choose one: 20〽️, 2? (10 Favorites), 1❓
    @FireOfGolden - Choose one: 15〽️, ? (5 Favorites)
    @kaoz42 - Choose one: 15〽️, ? (5 Favorites)
    @smax765 - Choose one: 10〽️, ? (5 Favorites)

    The Deadline Has Arrived

    1. @kaoz42 - Milestone 60 = 〽️
    2. @Robo_Kitty - Milestone 180 = 〽️〽️
    3. @cadstar369
  • edited December 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a permanent that creates 5 or more tokens when it enters the battlefield.
    Tree of Giving

    I'll choose 3❓ for my participation bonus, picking up a Lantern ?, Luxurious Baubles ?, and a Hostile Deterrence Vocabulator ?️.

    Another mystery box please. ???
    Edit – Using my Luxurious Baubles on @Jadefire
  • Way to go @cadstar369 and @Robo_Kitty! Victories well earned.
  • @jpastor
    I will take 15〽️
  • I'm going to chill in the lounge. Could I get a mystery box?
This discussion has been closed.