You Make The Card (YMTC)



  • edited December 2023
  • @smax765 Just for my own viewing purpose, does something transform into this? If not, how do you cast it? Also what's Hero and what does tribal without a type mean here?
  • Oops. I’ll try to fix that.
  • here here is my entry:

  • Week eight deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 6 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @FireOfGolden - Ralsei, the Lonely Prince
    Delta Rune. Got to love these references, Starting off fun!

    First of all, I am noticing quite a few wording mistakes throughout the card. "(Dark creatures cannot be the target of white spells.)", "Target tapped creature does not untap during its controller's next untap step." and "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell". Secondly, this card feels very weak for a rare. The tap down affect is decent, but not great, and the 1 life is so small it's barely useful. I would bump this down to an uncommon or pump up the power of the effects a bit.

    Overall, due to the wording mistakes and the overall under-powered nature of this card, I give it a 79/100.

    @kaoz42 - Decade, the Time Weaver
    oh I love cards like this, they are always so interesting.

    I have a few pretty big problems with this card. Firstly, it activating EVERY upkeep feels way to fast, even in a game of 3 players you only get 2 turns before it is done. I would change this to only active on your upkeep or even target player's upkeep. Secondly, these effects are way to powerful, even for 6 mana. Taking an extra turn and taking an opponent basicly out of the game for a round is no joke, and the final effect is not even death, it just a chance at death.

    Overall, fun card idea, but definitely needs some balance tweaking 75/100.

    @Yururu - Frost Molting
    A very snowy enchantment, very appropriate for this time of year!

    Firstly, to get it out of the way, the card should be a Tribal Snow Enchantment rather than a Snow Tribal Enchantment. Secondly, the ward on this card will get very large very quickly, in a snow deck, all your lands are going to be snow, and most likely most of your permanents. With just 2 snow lands, this enchantment and 1 other snow permanent it is already ward {4} which is pretty much hexproof at that point. I would maybe put it at half the number of snow permanents you control instead.

    Overall, a very fun and very unique with the way it interacts with flash. 87/100

    @flatmap - Rhythm Driver
    "I want to eat drums" ...    ...    lol.

    Overall this is a fine card. I do have a few adjustments I would make though. Firstly, this is a pretty weak card, there are much easier ways to give your creatures haste. I would probably change this to a common or knock it down to 2 mana and keep it an uncommon.

    Overall, not much to say for the card, just a little underpowered. 79/100.

    @jaceberlin - Daarbe the Awoken
    We need more land creatures in magic, these are just so cool.

    Starting off, I love how you encompassed the prompt into the abilities of the card. I love how unique the interactions with card types is. I must say though, this feels very weak for a mythic. I say pump up the buff or put it down to a common. I feel like this card has a lot of potential, but I don't think that this version really lives up the fulls of it. It should definitely be stronger.

    Overall, great and unique card, but definitely needs some tweaking. 86/100

    @smax765 - Elk's Forest
    I think that this would fit really well in an Eldraine set, all it needs is the set symbol.

    Firstly, this card has no right to be snow. There is nothing related to snow in it and the arty isn't even snowy. Secondly, dang this card is powerful. Image this with tokens, all your little 1/1 soldiers are now 3/3s. Plus, you can pay 1 to neutralize a random token of yours and a huge scary thing an opponent has. All of this for 2 mana! I would have put this card around the 5 or 6 mana range or increased the mana cost of the neutralizing ability.

    Overall, fun card in concept, but terrifyingly powerful in practice. 74/100

    This means Congrats @Yururu You have won Week Eight of YMTC! Congrats!

    You prize is:
    4 favorites
    8 hugs (favs you gift to other cardsmiths)

    Thank you all so much for your participation!
  • Week Nine Prompt

    Take an existing mtg legendary creature and make a planeswalker card for them. (Note: I know mtgcs's planeswalker maker is not the best, so I recommend or mtg nexus.)

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • edited December 2023
    @Robo_Kitty Thanks! I had fun mix-matching some ideas. I'll pick 8 hugs on some cards I liked over the years by @DomriKade , @Ranshi , @Involutus , @Lowlander , @saveria201 , @FangQuil & @senbonzakura:

    On Frost Molting, in my head it at first straight up gave hexproof. Art made me go for snow ward (only after I found how "ward as instant" differs from "hexproof as instant"). "1/2 snow permanents" does seem better.
    About the typing order though, I did check up beforehand. Given Snow is a supertype and Tribal is a card type, I do believe it is "Snow Tribal". Might've missed something, but I think it checks out:
    Supertypes/Card Types as of Comprehensive Rules, November 17 - 2023, The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
    205.4a An object can have one or more supertypes. A card’s supertypes are printed directly before its card types. The supertypes are basic, legendary, ongoing, snow, and world.
    205.2a The card types are artifact, battle, conspiracy, creature, dungeon, enchantment, instant, land, phenomenon, plane, planeswalker, scheme, sorcery, tribal, and vanguard. See section 3, “Card Types.”


    Planeswalker Golden-Tail's abilities are essentially Sensei Golden-Tail's and his Divining Top's but with the rebalances of having a negative loyalty cost and drawing you a card every other turn, since he's not quite Jace, the Mind Sculptor.  The built-in evasion Golden-Tail gives your creatures actually makes turning them into Samurai and giving them Bushido 1 relevant.
  • Week nine deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 3 entries this week, let's get into judging.

    @kaoz42 - Ramos, Master of Spheres
    Ramos, the Dragon Engine. Such a fun card, let's see how you made it into a planeswalker. 

    Starting off, you do realize you made Ramos itself all colors right? That means that the +2 would do literally nothing unless you made Ramos colorless. It is the same proplem for the 0 and -7. I think you meant colors among other permanents you control. I don't see anything really wrong with the 0, I think it could work as a -1 instead, but for the high mana cost i think it works. For the -7, once again Ramos itself is all colors, so its just -7 for 5 tutors onto the battlefield. Ignoring that, the fact that you can ult it in just two turns is insanely broken. You can ult the moment you get it out with only a little proliferating. The -7 is way to strong to be activatable that easily. maybe make it something like a -8 or -9, or maybe turn the +2 to a +1.

    Overall, I love the thought behind the card, but there are just too many things that need tweaking. 75/100

    @flatmap - Rosie Cotton of S. Plane
    Honestly, I have got to admit, I had never heard of this card before this, very good job using a more obscure card.

    Honestly, not much to say about this card, however it is very weak. it is extremely killable, and the abilities are really not that good. I honestly think that this card could work for 2 mana. Also, the -4 is really weak. I think it could honestly work as a -2 or -3.

    Overall, interesting card, just so underpowered. 80/100

    @Jadefire - Golden-Tail, Sober Mentor
    Golden-Tail, always fun to see. I love how you used the divining top in the abilities.

    Firstly, that passive is really good. Alone that for 3 mana would make a great card, but the +2 just makes it insane. The bushido makes your creatures pretty much unkillable, because the creatures that can block it are never going to be able to kill it. And honestly, the -1 is not very good, it's just a ponder every other turn. So honestly, I would switch them around, because like this, I would probably never use the -1. 

    Overall, powerful card. make the +2 ability the -1 and make the -1 ability the +2. 83/100

    This means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week nine of YMTC! Congrats!

    You prize is:
    5 favorites
    3 favs + ? Crystal Ball: In a future round, when you submit a card, you may choose to use the crystal ball. If you do, I will tell you what score I will give your card. You can then choose to re-submit or not. (Note: When used, the crystal ball is used up. You will also only get the score, not the review.)

    Thank you all so much for your participation!
  • Week Ten Prompt (Double digets baby!)

    Make a permanent with an activated ability that costs {0} with no additional costs.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  I'll take the 5 faves, which can be put on any of my cards you like:

    I get your feedback about Golden-Tail.  The passive ability plus Bushido do make your creatures much harder to kill, but that doesn't preclude your opponent from blocking one of your creatures with more than one of theirs (Bushido only triggers once, no matter how many blocking creatures there are).  Once blockers are declared, the blocking creature may have its own triggered or activated ability that can give it an advantage in combat or your opponment may simply play a spell to grow their blocker or shrink your attacker.  Additionally, no matter how many training counters a creature has, it's no more threatening to the defender if it isn't blocked, since they're not +1/+1 counters.

    As for the Divining Top ability, the reason why that was given the negative loyalty cost is because it can be really annoying sitting across from someone who Tops every turn.  It's a real time killer in games, so I wanted to make it harder for someone to delay things with activations every turn.  Even just repeatable top of deck manipulation without the draw can be really good in conjunction with cards that care about that sort of thing like Dark Confidant.  Also, the ability was planned as better than a Top because you have to put an actual Top back into your library whenever you draw with it, so you're only temporarily accelerating yourself ahead a draw rather than straight gaining a card, unlike with Golden-Tail.  Finally, drawing shouldn't be the primary/more easily achievable ability for white compared to something combat-related.  Hopefully, that clarifies the decisions behind how Golden-Tail was made.

    Congrats on making it up to double-digit challenges!

    Manic Distemperature is essentially card advantage one of two ways.  Either you draw a card and get to keep something through Madness or you draw a card and break even, while your opponents each net a loss.  While the ability could've easily been made into an upkeep trigger, since you'd almost never not use the ability, making it a free sorcery-speed activated ability gives the card that additional bit of flexibility to choose to cast the discarded card pre- or post-combat.
  • @Jadefire The favs have been applied. I see what you were going for with Golden-Tail now, that makes sense.

    I really should be making cards with room for flavor...
  • Week ten deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation!

    We had 5 entries this week, let's get into judging.

    @FireOfGolden - Cloak of Shadows
    Starting off strong, with a very unique card.

    Firstly, I just want to say that I love the ingenuity of having the equipped creature be able to phase in at will. That is so cool. Something I do see a flaw in though, is that the shadow at will seems rather powerful, giving the creature unblockable without the downside of only being able to block shadow creatures. Secondly, you could just use this card as a {2}: Target creature gets shadow until end of turn, and that is pretty powerful.

    Overall, Super cool and unique card, just a little powerful. 85/100

    @Jadefire - Manic Distemperature
    Distemperature? If I may ask, what does that word mean? I was looking it up and couldn't find anything. Strange.

    I really enjoy how versatile the activated ability is, I love cards that can act in two very different ways like that. I must say, the free loot every turn plus the madness feels a little powerful, but for a mythic-rare legendary enchantment, I think it fits the bill. 

    Overall, a very cool card, albeit a little powerful. 86/100

    @flatmap - Wheel of Memory
    A 1 mana common with an activated ability for 0, seems a little suspicious.

    Firstly, I just want to say the the words are going off the edge of the card. You can indent them in the card maker, it just makes it a bit more visually appealing. Secondly, I see the intent behind this card, but with just a little bit of mill or shuffling on the board, this becomes an extremely powerful card sorter. If you want to keep it a common, I would recommed bumping it up to around 3 mana, or if you want to keep it at 1, make it an uncommon or rare.

    Overall, very cool and unique card, just needs some balancing. 78/100

    @kaoz42 - Shackled Horde-Warrior
    Ok, this is a very interesting mechanic, lets see how it sizes up.

    Firstly, I think overall, the card is fairly balanced. I do have to say however, I think that this would work better as a custom mechanic, rather than double haste. Make it something like Rage or Persistence depending on how you want to flavor it. Because right now, anything that gives things haste can easily stack and make this mechanic come out, I don't thin k that game is really balanced for that.

    Overall, cool idea, but the mechanic should probably be its own thing. 83/100

    @smax765 - Tazri's Soldiers      
    Alright, ending off with an interesting one.

    Starting off, the fact that this is 3 mana is way too powerful. You are basically giving all your creatures buyback for 3 mana. There are similar effects to this already, and they all cost around 6 mana. Also, what's with the wubrg? I feel like this could have worked perfectly fine as a mono white card, no need for the wubrg. Just make it cost {5} more. Also, why activated abilities? That just seems a little random.

    Overall, Definetly an overpowered, and honestly strange card. 75/100
    This means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week ten of YMTC! Congrats!

    Since it is the season of giving, your prize is:
    10 Hugs
    Challenge: If you give all 10 hugs to different cardsmiths, you will win an additional 4 favs.

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Eleven Prompt 

    ? ? Merry Christmas everybody! ? ⛄

    Create a card relating to Christmas or the holiday season.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge! Happy holidays!
  • edited December 2023
    Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  I misread the challenge and picked 10 cards from other cardsmiths to give the hugs to, but if they're going to the cardsmiths themselves, that should be more straightforward.  The hugs will go to the other cardsmiths that participate in this discussion: cadstar369, Castiel_Demiurge, FireOfGolden, flatmap, 
    Floodkiller45, jaceberlin, jpastor, kaoz42, smax765, and Yururu.

    Any faves I get can be put on the cards of your choice in my collection:

    Once again, I fail to make a card with room for flavor.
  • Using the time I don't have to enter here...
    Tazri's soldiers are made to help Tazri.
    My card:

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