RPG: The Figure World



  • edited October 2023
    Deathtouch (Any amount damage dealt to another creature by this creature is enough to destroy it. If that creature is a character or companion, instead this creature deals damage in form of -1/-1 counters. Remove these counters at end of battle.)
    Destroy target creature. (Target creature dies this way as it is destroyed. It will be put into the graveyard. If it's character or companion, instead decrease their toughness to 1 rather than causing it DOWN until end of turn.)

    Companions are treated as planewalkers by the system, because of this, they will be DOWN rather than dying during battle. However, they will not restore to 1 toughness. You will have to find way to heal your companion. Any objections?
  • I suppose my only concern at this point would be the difficulty of removing -1/-1 counters, but we'll just have to see how things progress.

    I'll pick 4 charcoal leaves and keep looking for a way out of the forest.
  • @cadstar369
    I would say deathtouch effect lasts only for battle. Infect is permanent until counters are removed.
  • Let me update that again.
  • After you gathered some shiny black leaves, you would start walk toward north. The forest gets denser as further you goes through. In view, you would notice different trees in distance as you couldn't see anything from there, even sun's out. It seems you are about to arrive the Deep Forest's edge. Something caused Fen shivered toward the Deep Forest.

    You looked up and it seems the sun is about a quarter away from sunset.

    1) Enter the Deep Forest
    2) Go back to the camp
    3) Do something...
  • Welp, this looks like the exact opposite of where I want to go, so let's head back to camp for the night.
  • @cadstar369
    You and Fen went on the way to camp. However, on halfway, you and Fen were surprised by an animal; Fen was grabbed with a tail as it would wraps over it. Fen then struggles for its life.

    It's the Snake's turn; It would attempt to bite Fen while its fate is in the snake's hand... Only if it has hands, that is.

    You may make a respond, as long as spells and skills allows you to do so.

    Battle Report:

    1) Papernake goes first.
    2) Papernake casts "Snake Grasp" targeting Fen (Stickwolf). It is tapped, since its power is below 3, it cannot untap next its untap step.
    3) Papernake attacks Fen (Companions is treated as a planewalker, hence, summons may choice to attack you or your companion.)
  • edited November 2023
    Ogam casts Swift Arrest for free, snatching the Papernake out of the air before its attack lands, detaining it and reducing it to a 0/1 until our next turn. (Detained permanents can't attack, block, or activate abilities.)

    Assuming nothing else happens, Ogam will cast it again when our turn starts, then slay the Papernake.
  • The snake would struggles in piteful attempt to escape its arrest, yet it failed. Snake's turn ends as Stickwolf would be free from its grasp, however, is still recovering from that.

    You then decide to bound it up before you would kill it with your bare claws. Snake before you is just laying there lifeless with claw marks over it. It seems it is cracked and broke into pieces rather than bleeding. There is a snake fang that didn't turn into dust, take it or leave it?

    Battle Report:

    1) Papernake goes first.
    2) Papernake casts "Snake Grasp" targeting Fen (Stickwolf). It is tapped, since its power is below 3, it cannot untap next its untap step.
    3) Papernake attacks Fen, however, been thwarted by Swift Arrest casted by Ogam Bluefang
    4) Papernake's Turn ends
    5) Fen remains tapped due to Snake's Grasp
    6) Ogam Blue casts Swift Arrest on Papernake, its power is decreased by 1.
    7) Ogam brings the final blow to Papernake.

    End of Battle Results

    Papernake drops Snake's Fang.
    You earns 2 exp and Fen earns 2 exp.
  • Surely this world has alchemists or blacksmiths in it. This fang should come in handy later.

    Ogam picks up the snake fang, then he and Fen continue back toward camp.
  • edited November 2023
    On quarter way to camp, the sun sets as forest becomes almost pitch-black. However, with Fen showing the way, you and Fen arrived the camp safely. While in the camp, you have a few materials you can use to create a Fanged Spear or Poisonous Dagger temporary.

    You and Fen aren't drained or tired as you and Fen haven't used mana. Hence, you and Fen have no reason to rest, nevertheless, may sleep through night.

    Create a temporary weapon:
     - If you want to arm yourself to keep yourself safe, you may create an Equipment artifact which increases your power by 1 and gives you a deathtouch; this artifact can only lasts for three uses before breaking. Fen cannot equip that weapon because you don't have enough knowledge to blacksmith to arm animals who don't have hands.

    The artwork must remain in Figure Style and the rarity will be common, if possible. If you do, you may gain a favorite for a random card.

    You may;
    1) Create a poisoned weapon.
    2) Explore the Forest in dark.
    3) Sleep through night.
    4) Do else...
  • Things tend to get significantly more dangerous at night, so we'll wait until tomorrow to keep exploring, taking turns watching for danger while the other sleeps. Once the sun rises, we'll head south and see how that goes.
  • @cadstar369
    So then you and Fen took a few turns watching the camp until first sunlight touches the very tip of tree. It steady slowly spreads down; the dawn is here.

    You and Fen would aheads to the south;
    You encountered a group of stickwolves, but when they sees Fen being as your friend, they pose no threat, they would move away.

    You would see a furry entity in the view, it is approaching to you as you are on way to the south. It haven't noticed you, so perhaps you and Fen could hide under a bush or over a tree until it passes by, approach as well to find out what is it, or you may simply attack it in attempt to ambush it.

    1) Ambush the entity
    2) Hide from the entity
    3) Get closer to look it
    4) Do something...
  • If it's bigger than Ogam, we'll hide. If not, sneaking closer to investigate probably won't go too badly, so we'll try that instead.
  • @cadstar369
    As you check the height of tree in the distance. It seems the shadow figure is taller than you, perhaps wider than you by a few inches.

  • Reminder: There are 5 spots available for someone who can join, anytime, even during encounter.
  • It's definitely not a good idea to get anywhere near something that size when I know virtually nothing about this place. We'll hide until whatever it is passes out of sight.

  • @cadstar369
    By hiding, how? Hide in bush, climb over tree, or..?
  • Doing either of those things would probably make enough noise to attract attention, so we'll take cover behind a large tree.
  • @cadstar369
    So then you hides behind the tree itself. You would hear a soft thud, thud, as mostly footstep been absorbed into the grass. You would see big's shadow starts expands for a second, then left of shadow disappears as right expands away from that shadow. It splits into still and another moving. You took a peek and you see a bear going to north.

    It seems the bear sensed someone is here, however, isn't interested in hunting for it.

    Then when bear disappears to the horizon, you and Fen gets up then start walk toward south. It seems the light is getting brighter as trees became fewer. It seems you are almost at the edge to The Waste. Fen tilted its head at you.

    Now you arrived to the edge of Forest, you may...
    1) Return to camp
    2) Approach the Waste
    3) Forge the Forest
    4) Build an item you could find from what Forest has to offer.
    5) Hunt bear
    6) Do else...

    Your map, you noted, will looks like this;

  • While it might be nice to make a weapon, I probably wouldn't be able to make anything particularly sturdy at this point, so let's just head straight into the wastes.
  • edited November 2023
    So then you and Fen walks until you reaches the very edge. You crossed over it and you noticed that Fen slow down as it would looks back to the forest. As if it it misses its home. After a minute, it turns its head toward to you, then runs toward to you.


    You were blinded by a sunlight unexpectedly for a second, then you came to realize that the land is absolutely empty... You can see miles away of nothing but white as if it's snowy wasteland... Bandits usually wanders around, beware of them.

  • Rather than leave ourselves exposed to who knows what out there, we'll walk east along the edge of the forest, looking for a different area to explore.
  • I want to experiment with something, so...
    I shall revoke past from my soul then begin the new future
    and here is my character:
    HEJU'S DESIRE (Whenever a creature been slained by you, create a black 2/2 Figure Zombie creature token.)
     - FOR POWER (Creatures you control have "Sacifice this creature: You restore your mana and health for 1.")

    Mana: 1
    Health: 1

  • @smax765
    Welcome aboard! You will continue as solo party until you and Cadstar369 meets each other. (The game allows the party to split up into six parties or less. That's why I limit to six )

    However, before we begin;

    Character will only know one spell with rarity common that costs for one mana. That spell can be only used per a turn. There are no limit actions as your mana limits the number spell you can cast.
    I am sorry, but since your Silver's Strike is uncommon, you must decrease its rarity to common and change its ability accordingly. (In common case, you will have to choose either "Create a 1/1 sliver token" or "Deals 1 damage to each opponent."

    Oh also, please capitalize "Aura" in "... an Aura spell..." as it's a subtype to the enchantment while "Auramancer Sliver" in "spell that targets Auramancer Sliver" as it's the name of card. I almost mistaken it for kind of new Aura.

    Give me some time to come up some enemies. Once Smax765 took care of issues, you will encounter someone.
  • @smax765
    You may update Auramancer Sliver accordingly to Cadstar369's advice. You don't have to correct the wording or grammar as long as they are doing same as your desire.

    However, I must warn you that Auramancer Sliver is overbalanced. If you decided to stay with that card, The System may put a curse enchantment on your creature until it reaches a certain level where curse is no longer needed.
  • Oh well;
    As sun approaches to the edge, you noticed a shadow figure (hehe, pun) in the distance while you explore between the forest and the waste. You cannot determine whether the entity have noticed you, or its measure at such distance as you don't know how far is waste where an object disappears. You may;

    - Return back to camp
    - Run in the forest (Risks being lost in forest at night)
    - Get closer to take a good look
    - Do else...
  • ? Let's take a closer look at whatever this figure in the distance is.
  • I have the cards corrected:

  • Oh, well, why not?
    "I shall revoke the past from my soul, then begin the new future."

    Gift and Trait:
    Wenkman's Knowledge - Your mana is doubled.
    To Learn - Whenever an enemy casts a noncreature spell, You may copy that spell then put it into your hand. This ability is triggered only once a turn.

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