Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • edited November 2023
    If the attack goes without issue, I'll spend one action at end of combat to cast Corrode on the Zealot, placing three more -1/-1 counters and slaying it.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    You win! Both of you got a level up, but as usual the bodies explode in purple fire, this time revealing a very angry spectator. "I suppose I'll have to personally dispose of you now." The vision roars.

    Required Challenge: Level Up

    - Create a common three mana spell for your character. @FireOfGolden please create a noncreature card this time.
    - Your character may now be tricolored and as such have tricolored spells that fit their colors.
    - Add an activated ability that requires tapping your character. You may not add any other abilities.
    - You still have two actions.
    - Increase total power/toughness by 1.
    - Adjust mana cost as such.
    You may now attempt to read the demonic scroll.
  • edited November 2023
    Welp, I am sorry. It's just fun to play as necromancer. ?

    Can I replace the old ability with new ability while adding another new ability?
  • @FireOfGolden
    Don't worry. You can create a reanimation spell or something. You can replace an ability if it's not any stronger.
  • @kaoz42
    Okay, here are these.

  • Level 3 cards. [Gallery]
    Autumn Cursemonger LV3Curseblight

    Let's give the scroll a read.

    Storm TokenTraitors Kuna
  • @kaoz42
    Heju would ahems as he would unwraps the scroll and tries to read the demonic language upon it. "Let's see what you got there for me." He says.

  • edited December 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you unwrap the scroll, it's letters glow orange and seem to be flickering. Suddenly, the scroll burns into ashes and flaming words appear in the air: Those who trod upon Chaos's domain must first tame Chaos before it will bow to them. A large burning elemental demon suddenly appears and attacks:

    Summoning Tome:
    Oh, and you can't flee:

    You both gain indestructible as long as you do. (You don't know if it will disappear, but it won't soon.)
    You go first.
  • Heju will raise one Corpse Walker to send it after Avatar of Gehanna. He holds last action to see what happens. (5 mana left, I would like to hold first round until the fight ends.)
  • I'll hold both of my actions until the enemy responds or the attack is successful, whichever happens first.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The Avatar responds to the attack with:

    Slaying the Misfortuned Stickman, then attacks the Cursemonger for 4, having no effect because of indestructible, conjuring this:

    Who attacks Heju.
  • edited December 2023
    Hold on, I said I was holding my actions until the end of the attack. Before our turn ends and it gets to attack, I cast Curseblight, placing 2 -1/-1 counters on the Avatar of Gehenna and causing it to discard a card and lose 1 life, followed by Searing malice, placing another two -1/-1 counters on it.
  • @kaoz42
    Heju responds with

    Which exiles Corpse Walker to deal 2 damage upon Avatar. Due to Ward, Heju discards Corpse Walker for this turn. Avatar was reduced by 1 health due to Undead's Pressence and takes 2 damage which leaves for 1 health left.

    This way makes Abrad illegal and fails as Corpse Walker already been removed from the reality.

    Heju, then, now have 2 mana left and used up all actions.

  • @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    Well I can't make a way for the demons to win, so the Avatar dies and you lose indestructible. In the meantime, the Avatar's dying power made the raider gain first strike which counts as split second when attacking and attacks the Cursemonger for 2.
  • Wait did Cadstar369 killed Avatar of Gehnna before I respond to Avatar of Gehnna's Abrade?

    If so, then that creature would be already dead and I would have nothing to target as Avatar of Gehnna would be unable to conjure anything.

    Let me fix this;
    1) We goes first.

    2) Heju casts 1/1 Corpse Walker (+1/+1 from Heju)
      2.1) Corpse Walker attacks Avatar of Gehenna
        2.11) Avatar of Gehenna gets -1/-1 as it "blocks" Corspe Walker.
      2.2) Avatar of Gehnna casts Abrade on Corpse Walker
      2.21) Corspe Walker takes 3 damage
      2.22) Autumn casts two Curseblight on Avatar of Gehnna 
        2.221) For each spell that targets Avatar of Gehnna,... (@Cadstar369, you need discard two cards as you cast two that targets Avatar of Gehnna. Otherwise these spells will be countered.)
        2.22) Four -1/-1 counters are put onto Avatar of Gehnna as it loses total two life. Its health is now -3.

    3) Avatar of Gehenna dies

    If you see any mistakes, please let me know to edit out. This "battle report" is based on what you made a decision to attempt kill Avatar of Gehnna.

    Avatar of Gehnna was unable to conjure anything as they would dies before they able to attack.

  • edited December 2023
    @FireOfGolden I only cast one Curseblight (which doesn't target, so no ward trigger), which should kill the Avatar (2 -1/-1 counters + discards a card and loses 1 life) before I went to cast Searing Malice afterward. Otherwise it looks about right.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The scroll reappears as the avatar burns out. You both study it intently, and then you notice at the bottom there is something in common, not demonic. It reads: "Ah, you have tamed Chaos. But it is not the custom of we beings of Chaos to congratulate others, so do what you may." Then suddenly you both start pulsing with inner fire and gain Riot for the next encounter only, which means you get a choice of +1/+1 or haste for that encounter only. What would you like to do now?

  • Heju would just explore to the west
  • Why are you getting all antsy for when you set a 24-hour time limit on player actions?

    That said, as we still have no particular objective, I’m mildly interested in continuing exploring the village, but am not particularly attached to doing so if Heju prefers leaving an moving on.
  • @kaoz42
    As fellow Gamemaster, I would extend the time to between 4 and 7 days. That way, would give some people a room to breath, because sometimes they can be busy. I don't mind having to waiting for Cadstar369. If you had to wait, instead of rushing it, plan ahead. Make a map where people might go to. Try to predict what they will do. Make up some creatures, so you can use them easier when we are ready to get busy playing this RPG.
  • @FireOfGolden I have no issue with the time limit (especially since it was made explicit from the beginning); in fact I rather enjoy having a campaign that moves significantly quicker than on a weekly basis. I'm more concerned with kaoz42 consistently rushing others across multiple campaigns despite being one of the least present participants themself.
  • @cadstar369
    Ah aight, I must admit that I also enjoy as well. However, it makes me a little stressed and sometimes I had to rush creating an art of figures for this.
  • edited December 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    But before you can leave the village, a knight in shining green armor with a dragon scale shield, antlers on his helmet, and a green-fire sword stops you and says "You reek of demonic magic. Absolutely do not open another corrupted scroll. You will now be easier to be corrupted by Xarxendroth's minions, who have already set an ambush for you at the village exit." What would you like to do? Vote:
    A - We don't care about who you are and what you're saying. BEGONE, YOU WORM OUTTA OUR SIGHT OR YOU DIE.
    B - How do you know. Who asked you??? 
    C - Hmmm... You could be right, but how can we trust a random armed-to-the-teeth warrior?
    D - Thank you so much. We will heed your warning.
    E - Tell us more.

    Yeah, sorry. I just get impatient because I want something to happen before I go inactive again.

  • The cursemonger shrugs. "Occupational hazard, I'm afraid, though that scroll was shockingly underwhelming. That said, you are…?" (Voting for E.)
  • The fact is Heju is always full of dark magic, after all... He's a necromancer.

    "Well, it wouldn't hurt to learn some information and determine whether it's truth or lie. However, if I wish to read the demonic scroll, then you may not attempt to stop me. If I were to be corrupted, then shall it be so. I will find way to regain control of my body and turn it on them." Heju said.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The knight says "Who I am is irrelevant. What matters is the current situation. Necromancers... I can tolerate them, but it is foolish to ignore the threat Xarxendroth's minions can pose, they have formed an alliance with the illithids." He pauses for a moment. "But if you must be so foolish, then at least harden your free will be training with me." What would you like to do now?
  • @kaoz42
    Heju seems doubtful with Knight's ability to train "So, you can train a necromancer like me? Do you have something... Well, ya know, that I can use to practice? Perhaps to study? Otherwise, I will find way to practice... On something, should Autumn decides to train with you." Heju prefers to find village's graveyard to practice the dead ones in silence. "What do you think, Autumn? Think they can train you to get prepared well?" (@Cadstar369)
  • edited December 2023
    The cursemonger raises a brow at the knight's words. "Your words contradict themselves, but why not, let's see what insights you have to offer." (Accepting the training.)
  • @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    You both suddenly feel a very strong urge to kill and torture each other. Heju fulminates a misfortuned stickman and tries to slay the Cursemonger, who withers Heju with a Corrosion attack spell. Then, you both feel normal and completely healed. "Try harder, next round." The knight says. Then you feel another even stronger urge to slay each other, and when you come out of that, you both have your hands halfway in an attack spell gesture and sweating like crazy. What would you like to do now?, apparently the knight's training  only had a small effect, maybe because of your and his magic affinity differences.
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