Artists Collide Challenge (Artist commanders, w/ Door Prizes)

The goal of this casual challenge is to make Artist creatures that can be played as commanders.

Artists should be able to bend rules and the flow of the game without being silver-bordered cards. Thus they have to bend the game in a way that is legal in each of commander, Legacy and Vintage formats. 

Examples of such game altering effects are choosing what to create as tokens, copying cards, stealing text boxes, combining stuff, or even mechanics that allow you to steal stuff from another player and play with their stuff such as cards.

There are many other examples, but I'd like to keep this as free form as possible. So I will only give a few of them as references.

Requirements: (No entry limit.)
  1. Card must be a Legendary creature with the Artist creature type.
  2. Card must be black bordered.
  3. New cards aren't required, but are preferred given the strange prompt of this challenge.
Due Date: February 1, 2024.

Door Prizes: In this challenge prizes aren't given for placing. Each of up to 5 semi-randomly chosen participants, will get 1 month of MTGCardsmith premium subscription. There may be more door prizes depending on the amount of participation in this challenge.


  • Feel free to use custom keywords as long as you give reminder text for them either on the card or in the same comment.
  • We already blue cards that can bend the way of rules, but...

    Closest to actual MTG I can think of is

    Don't mind the extra Devoid on Creator, it's one of my old cards.

    If that's not what you are looking for, I can try to create a legendary creature that fits more to your prompt. One question remains;

    What is difference between Artist creature and creature? I made a supertype called Forgotten, it exists only in creature called "Forgotten creatures";

    The difference is Forgotten creature has reminder text that goes "At beginning of your end step, put a -1/-1 counter on this Forgotten creature unless you have discarded one or more cards this turn."

    If your supertype has no ability then it's like snow. Snow has no ability but still have purpose regardless, it mainly used for combs and sometimes uses snow lands as snow mana.
  • In this case Artist is a creature type rather than a supertype. So it would be on the right side of the type line similar to Wolf, Skeleton or Human for example.
  • edited January 21
    Also, we likely require new cards. Since existing cards likely don't fit the challenge prompt fully.

    Not a firm restriction, and is rather just a suggestion.

    Thanks for the interest in the challenge so far, it means a lot.
  • Would people be interested if I did mass gifting of MTGCardsmith premium subscriptions in April, as a token gesture to the community?

    Contemplating two plans for this and need perspectives on which is preferred!
    • 20 x 1 month subscription given to different people. (Organized through MTGCardsmith staff.)
    • 7 x 3 month subscription given to different people. (No need to organize.)
    Both will cost me a similar amount and as such either is viable. I'm able to afford this at that time in April, so no worries there. This will be a gift to the community I'd like to give in April as a thank you to the MTG custom card community as a whole.

    Feel free to let me know which option looks better in your perspective! :)
  • edited January 21
    Wow that would be awesome, especially because my birthday is in April!

    EDIT: I vote for the first option.
  • Cool and thanks for the interest. I'm guessing that'll likely be the preferred option among ya'll in the community, but thought to offer both as options just in case.
  • Unrelated to this thread, but I'm thinking of buying or renting Adobe Photoshop, so I can make cards using this frame. Overall, I just had to share this cool card frame.

    Reddit Link:

  • "Artist" is a very broad term. Are you referring only to visual artists, or do writers and performers apply as well?
  • They all apply. I was intending the options to be more broad so people can do many themes and be more free to experiment with ideas.
  • edited January 21
    A work in progress commander idea... that I'll add the keyword/reminder-text explanations in this same comment, later today hopefully, as I'm revising them presently. Mainly to streamline and make the mechanics better and more enjoyable.

    Consider this an early preview of one "partner with" commander, from a set of many!

    Custom Mechanics/Keywords are as follows:
    • Sublime. (Is a keyword to be detailed.)
    • Painterly. (Updated.)
    • Mischievious. (Updated. It's an emblem mechanic, and is similar to Monarch but more wild.)
    Themes: Ideas behind this card are casting clones, Combining creatures, swappable text boxes. As well as, replacing token creation with other kinds of tokens.

    Note: Surreal isn't a special mechanic, it's just an identifier to help the painterly mechanic function at its best!

    Lore: To come soon.

    Feedback welcome as updates are made, and reminder text for mechanics are added/updated.

    Comment: Yes, I use Magic Set Editor just because I like apps more than web creation. But both help for making this all possible.

  • Yes, my card is silver border so far, until we playtest to see how it works out. As it involves odd things like stealing cards into another pseudo hand of yours.
  • @Rosette
    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but could you organize all your ideas into one comment instead of posting a lot in a row? It helps.
  • edited January 22
    Could you please clarify your intent in the original post? Your WIP commander suggests you want something completely outlandish, but the prompt and examples in their current form are satisfied by the vast majority of Magic cards.

    Ran Artful Thespian
    (Submitting an edit of an old card.)
  • It's up to individuals the extent in which they bend the way the game is played. I'm making my cards for a specific set that focuses on weird gameplay alterations. Hence they're intentionally extreme in the ways they warp the game.

    I will admit though from your expectations based on your card posted, there isn't much gameplay warping effects going on with your entry. Overall it's up to individuals, since it at least does do a little gameplay alteration.

    The other point to note is we aren't competing due to prizes not being on placing, and there being little to no reward for making the most well done card for the prompt.

    In other words, this is overall just for fun.
  • Seeing this thread reminded me of one of the few good cards I created here years ago. All that's missing is the Artist subtype, but I wanted to show it anyway.

    Harumi Landscape Painter
  • Ooh, yeah that's a cool card.

    This seems sufficiently rule-bending, but still enough within the bounds of plausibility to qualify to be black-bordered.  Aleatoric is a style of music in which some element of the composition is left to chance.
  • A card made by me:

  • Not a legendary creature, but thinking about this discussion 100% impacted the design of this card, and I think it actually is one of the best cards I've made in a while from a flavor perspective.

    Landscape Artist
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