Gears of Redulvia: A Steampunk World

Now, I have been creating a set for a bit of a while now, and I want to see what other people can do with this world. Expiriment here at your heart's content, but here are some things you might want to keep in mind.

1) : The Theme:
This is a Steampunk world set in a post WWI world, and it draws heavily from a more dystopian world, where the continent is dominated by large, industrial empires.

2) Story:
For ages, Redulvia was controlled by a plethora of small kingdoms. However, some of the kingdoms discovered the secrets of industry. Then there was the Great War, in which every kingdom was battered against echother. The war was long and bloody, as the generals had little idea of how dangerous the newly discovered technology was. In the end, only a few great empires remained, which experienced a short golden age, in which Redulvia experienced a long deserved peace. But now, times are changing. The extremely mechanical empires are beginning to feel the strain of severe industrialization on their resources, as more and more coal and steel is used up by factories and artificers. Some believe that the only way to stabilize their declining resources is conquest, and the gears of war have begun to turn again. Also, some of the most powerful technicians and artificers are beginning to have moments of extreme creativity and inspiration, as they work to build more and more ambitious constructs. And in the shadows of the world, something more powerful than that which any could imagine is working...

3) Mechanics:

My first mechanic for this set is Barrage. Barrage is an action mechanic, in which a card is worded "Barrage {X}" where X is just about any number, or X. When a card with Barrage uses its Barrage ability, it deals damage equal to the number after barrage to target creature or player. The original wording for Barrage is "Barrage X (Deal X damage to target creature or player.)

Arguably my most famous mechanic, and one which I use in this set, is Weld. Weld is a cost reduction mechanic that allows you to sacrifice artifacts to lower the cost of a card. The original wording for Weld is "Weld (Each artifact sacrificed while playing this spell pays for {1}.)"

The hardest mechanic to utilize is probably Invent. Invent is a cost, just like paying mana or loosing life or tapping permanents. To Invent, you must exile a card of a specific type, which is noted by the invent card, in order to activated the affect that the Invent is a cost for. For example, if a creature card says "{t}, Invent a land: Put a +1/+1 counter on (card name).", you must tap the creature and exile a land from your hand in order to put the +1/+1 counter on it. The original wording for Invent is "Invent [cardtype] (Exile a(n) [Cardtype] from your hand to Invent)." Cards at higher rarities usually have ways to take advantage of cards they exile.

4) Please try to keep things realistic:

I love making slightly overpowered cards, but at the same time I like to imagine the cards I make at least be playable. I don't want to see anything that doesn't fit in this idea. Here are some of the things I think a set worthy card looks like:
a) Not to powerful. If it is more powerful than Siege Rhino and not original, I may not like it as much. This doesn't mean don't be creative, just be careful.
b) I like correct formatting, and the more realistic the card the better.

5) Have Fun:

This is the most important part of this contest. This is a set that so far I have created solely because I want to, and I feel that more people might want to as well. This is not trying to be a real set, but more of an adventure, something in which everyone who wants to make crazy robots and the even crazier engineers who created them. I currently no plans of having a "This card is the best" contest, but I will Favorite the cards I enjoy, and listen to all feedback, critical or not. Enjoy!

Additional note: This is my first contest on the forums, so if you want more, or like what I have done, just tell me. I'm experimenting with being more active on here, and decided to just go for it. Also, if you want to know more about Redulvia, or need some inspiration, here is my collection page:


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