Hidden Lords [Closed for Entries]



  • @atrus159, haha..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Uhhh, he started the challenge, so.....
  • edited August 2017
    @MagicChess @atrus159


    Joke in response to the whole banding thing. You don't have to give me a favorite. It would be nice though.
  • image
    Second entry
  • edited August 2017

    Welcome to the hunt.

    Isamaru, perhaps the most famous hound, grew in strength and leads a cry of hounds to defeat any foe with decisive power.


    Next up to bat is Gar Thalyr the Faithful. If you ever need someone on your side in a battle, Gar Thalyr is who to call. Loyal til his last breath, Gar fights for what he believes in, and won't back down as long as he can keep one of his friends alive. He put together a ragtag group of Dog-Men and fought for the freedom of all hounds.


    Finally, the Scourge of the Black Woods. These creatures roam the dense forest until they spot some poor soul that they can all pounce on and rip to shreds. Some unholy energy within the more powerful of the beasts fills the entire hunt with bloodlust and the ability to rise from the dead.

  • alrighty, think I got my mutants lined up. here goes:

    I would have had a bit more flavor text for this one, but the reminder text was a bit long. The goal for this one was to bridge the two simic mechanics without making them broken as all get out.


    An adaptation of the warchief cycle from onslaught block, I thought that it would work well for a lord without giving a flat +1/+1 bonus.


    Finally, I wanted a legendary simic mutant lord. all the other cool kids were doing it! but in all seriousness, I like the concept of "reclaiming" parts of past experiments. feels a bit black, but green has genesis and its like, so not as worried for balance or flavor.
  • Alright everyone! I'm judging this contest early. It is now closed to entries!
  • edited August 2017
    1st place goes to @Flatfish with Pilgrimage: I will say that this card is probably useless, but it's very interesting and begs to be built around. Also, good job using Cumulative Upkeep as an upside.

    2nd place goes to @Beeswax with Aizhana: I'm not feeling the white on this card. Also, I think a tutor might be too powerful at that price, even for something specific as a spellshaper. The exert ability is what really makes this card though. What would've been great is if Aizhana cast Raise Dead instead. That way, if you discarded a good creature to a spellshaper earlier, you could get it back.

    3rd place goes to @Connor2001 with Karesh: You need to either raise the CMC n this card or ditch the protection abilities.

    And our first honourable mention is @shadowbefallen01 with Chirogan Commander: Entropy is a really cool mechanic, and I congratulate you on thinking of it, but the whole card is phrased wrong.

    @Connor2001 Please choose another Honourable Mention.

    @Corwinnn Would you be so kind as to distribute the circuit points? Don't forget Connor's HM.
  • For my honorable mention I pick Huntmaster Griffin by @Monstrumonium. Interesting use of the provoke mechanic and its synergy with its third ability that at first glance seems useless, but can become devastating. It does seem a bit overcosted, but maybe that's just me.

    Thanks to @IanLowenthal for hosting this contest. It was fun to participate in!
  • Congrats winning cardsmiths!
  • Thanks for hosting @IanLowenthal! Circuit Points have been awarded!! Congrats to ALL the winners!
  • @Corwinnn This thread is closed.
This discussion has been closed.