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  • Challenge: Create a black and green spell that can't be countered. Sorry for taking so long, weird week. Might as well grab the black/red fireworks challenge. Another box please!
  • Challenge: Create a card with the parade mechanic. Where did you get this challenge??? Regardless, neat pick. Another box please.
  • Challenge: Create a hellbent animal spirit. I believe @kaoz42 has set me up with this challenge, which I found much more fun than I was expecting. Thank you. Another box if you don't mind. (It started with the name and the reference grew from the…
  • Challenge: Zombie Nobles are a thing. Create one. @jpastor It was for the item. I'm bad with wording and I thought it meant that you could submit a card you created elsewhere for the big event when the fireworks go off. Thank you for being polite i…
  • Challenge: Create a creature that's subterranean. Going to admit, I'm not very smart. "Reckless Pilot" is my secondary card if it fits the brief. Another box please!
  • Damn, that's a good list. Could I take day 1? Red pandas are my favourite animal. Thank you! EDIT: I'm not sure if we have to wait for answers, because the post isn't entirely specific, so here's what my card would be. Red Aggro Red Panda is my dre…
  • Challenge: Create an il-Vec creature that has an ability that involves discarding a card or sacrificing a creature. A late merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all! Another box please.
  • I think I'll stick with the first challenge, thanks.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 I don't use Cardsmith for my cards, I prefer the flexibility of MSE. Take 'em!
  • Challenge: Create an instant or sorcery that changes the number of cards in your hand and then does something based on your hand size. First off, am I able to give someone else my favourites? Second off, another mystery box please!
  • My guess is that it comes after the first.
  • Before I make my card, does anyone else want my favourites?
  • Challenge: Create a card in the same style as the D&D choice cards with three options to choose between. Needless to say, I stuck with the original challenge. Another mystery box please!
  • Challenge: Create a Vampire that exiles cards from the top of each player's library and does something with them. I really liked this one, thanks! Another mystery box please.
  • Wait, updating the "target creature" to "another target creature."
  • Challenge: Create a creature card that grants another player temporary control of another creature or planeswalker. A very boring card I must admit. Still was neat to work with. Another mystery box whenever you're ready please. Thank you.
  • Oops! Good to know, thanks.
  • Challenge: Create a card with myriad and an ability that includes sacrificing something as part of its cost. If possible, could I get two boxes? Otherwise, one is more than enough. Thanks!
  • I'm going to chill in the lounge. Could I get a mystery box?