Mystery Box Challenges



  • Ah yes, a women, the most defining characteristics of a card
  • I've decided on my 25 Points Milestone: I'll take a Ghostly Sphere and an Hourglass of Time.

    Can I get another mystery box with two challenges? 
  • Mystery Challenge: Create a Legendary Commander chick with landfall.

  • Another box please!
  • Sorry my friend, but I’m going have to target @TheDarkKnight1234567 with my Fatigue Spheroid.
  • edited August 2023
    Prompt: Create a mono-white card with the Selesnya watermark.

    Another box please. 
  • @kaoz42 I think it would be better and more balanced if it was "Snail or Resplendence gets +1/+0 for each white mana in your mana pool." but that's just me. great card tho!
  • Thanks! I thought about it but decided against it.
  • @Robo_Kitty

    No problem about the sphere of fatigue.


    How does one get points?
  • I'm blown away by the increase in participation!
  • Prestige Update
    • Now 500 points to become prestige instead of 350 (@Corwinnn remains a Conditional Prestige under the condition that they are active.)
    • @Jadefire & @cadstar369 are your two permanent Prestige Mystery Boxers
    Prestige Perk Updates
    • Everyone can now request a certain prestige to give their mystery box if they wish.
    • Can now overrule my judging.
    • Can now complete any number of mystery challenges in their box instead of all of them.
    • 5 cards now featured in the blog post instead of 1
    • Bonus prizes removed from package
    • Can now keep an inventory of prizes and use them whenever they please, but don't get credit for the prize in stats until they redeem it.
    Summary of Prestige Perks with Updates
    1. Have the secrets of how jpastor creates Mystery Boxes and can fulfill requests + everyone can specify a prestige to give them their box if they so choose.
    2. Access to judging + can overrule jpastor prior to announcing winners
    3. Can request any number of mystery challenges per box, each with a 50/50 prize, and can complete any number them.
    4. Receive an announcement blog post mentioning they've prestige and containing a summary written by jpastor along with 5 cards of their choice.
    5. Can keep an inventory of prizes and use them whenever with only downside for not using them being they don't get credit for the prize earned in stats until they use the prize.
    6. They create a special prize named after them to permanently add to the prize list.
    7. Collaboration with jpastor on updates, changes, etc.
  • edited August 2023
    @Jadefire your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone - 30 points ? Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
    • (A) Prize 0 - ⭕ Arr, ye've hit the cursed 0. This ends the deadline immediately. (Reminder you don't get this added to your inventory unless you complete Challenge A.)
    • (A) Mystery Challenge: Create an attraction card called Fatal Attraction.
    • (B) No Prize ⛔
    • (B) Mystery Challenge: Create a Snow Creature that's a Bird using a colored artifact frame instead of normal frame.

    @TheKeefMan your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone - 10 Points Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Myr. 

    @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with a clone trooper from Star Wars in the art (not a storm trooper).

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 you get points by submitting entries, earning prizes, and placing in top 5 of deadlines. You are currently at 7 points. First milestone at 10 points. You can now submit your entry and the Fatigue Spheroid wears off!

    @Robo-Kitty with this box, you're all caught up on milestones owed, and you happen to have just reached your 50-points milestone! Your mystery box contains:
    • Milestone - 40 Points Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
    • Milestone - 50 Points: ?❓? See below for each.
    • ? = Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
    • ❓ Choose one:  Gem (?) Sticker (?) or Premium (?)
    • ? Featured card: Choose a card to be featured.
      • Prize 42 -Mast Swinger ? Pirates with more entries than you can't target you or your entries this deadline. Heaves enemy sails high, sowing anarchy in its magnificent wake.
      • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Hydra that enters the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it.
    • @Jadefire
      I added you to the previous post.
    • @Robo_Kitty
       Card feedback!

      Arr-lan ho!
      Ahoy, matey! I'd peg this card's design at a solid 80 out of 100 doubloons.
      This here card brings a whole new twist to payin' with your life, makin it a breeze to balance your health for all sorts of expenses on the high seas.
      Bein' able to sacrifice a bit of your life to keep a critter breathin' when it's starin' death in the eye adds a layer of strategy. It'll have yer brain workin overtime in a brawl or when chartin' yer course through the game.
      Room for Improvement:
      The mana cost of {1}{r}{w} for a 0/2 sea dog with these fancy moves seems fair and square. But I'll admit, the abilities might need a bit of brainpower to wrap yer head around, and ya might need to keep a keen eye on 'em as the tide of battle rolls on. Flexibility's grand, but it can also tangle the riggin' if it's too much to reckon with.
      Markin' it as a "Rare" card suits it well, seein' as its tricks be quite unique. But truth be told, the tricks themselves might not be packin' enough punch to warrant such a rankin' in the heat of competition.
      All in all, has a curious and versatile bag of tricks, though it might make ya put on yer thinkin' cap to juggle yer life and creature costs. A wee bit o' simplification or a dash more dazzle to the moves could cast a wider net of appeal and action. Still, the way it's set sail now offers a smart and tactical voyage for those who fancy playin with life and bringin critters back from Davy Jones' locker. Arrr! ?‍☠️

      Split Me Mind
      I'd reckon this card's design be a solid 90 pieces of eight out of a hundred.

      - This here card brings a one-of-a-kind and crafty trick to the table, straddlin' the line betwixt an instant and a sorcery. This bit of cleverness adds layers to yer strategy and a sprinkle of unpredictability, makin' it a tantalizin' card to wield and build yer deck around.
      - Bein' able to pull off any "cast an instant or sorcery" shenanigans twice when ye play Split Mind piles on the booty. It turns the tides in yer favor and fills yer treasure chest with value, especially if yer deck's got a taste for the same kind of mischief.
      Room for Polishin:
      - Truth be told, this design's a gleamin gem in the vast sea of cards but considerin a wee tweak to the mana cost might be wise. See, {u}{r} might give some sailors a bit of a squint when tryin to cast it in a two-color deck with a hankerin for specific colors.
      All said and done, "Split Mind" be a trailblazin card design, offerin' strategy as deep as the ocean and gameplay as thrillin as a swashbucklin adventure. If ye just cast yer eye to the horizon and make that tiny tweak to the cost, ye'll find yerself on a journey filled with spell-flingin and the chance to create some truly legendary tales of magic and mischief. Aye ?‍☠️

      Death be but a Shadow
      Arrr, me matey! I'd reckon this card's design be a hearty 90 doubloons out of a hundred.
      The Good:
      - This card be holdin a tale of darkness and might, a specter that grows more fearsome with every breath it takes.
      - A crafty mix of Flying and Indestructible be makin' Death's Shadow a tough nut to crack, a true scourge in both a brawl and a defense.
      - The mechanics, oh the mechanics! Gatherin' shadow counters from fallen comrades, and the promise of claimin victory by dealin' damage to a soul with enough of those counters – it be a crescendo of anticipation leadin to a climactic showdown.
      Room for Plunderin':
      - there be some rough waters ahead. The cost to set sail with this treasure be {3}{w}{w}{w}, a heavy load for most pockets. Easin' that burden a touch could let more pirates join the fray.
      - And beware the siren call of victory! With a mere 20 shadow counters, Death's Shadow be claimin' the whole game like a storm outta nowhere. Tweakin' the number of counters needed might steady the ship and keep things fair.
      To sum it all up, "Death's Shadow" be a rivetin and formidable card, with its own tale to tell and a mechanic that's as enthrallin as a ghost story told 'round a campfire. Give her a lighter coin purse to cast and adjust the tally for victory, and ye'll have yerself a treasure worth huntin for, matey! ?‍☠️
    • Hit me another.
    • edited August 2023
      Mystery Challenge: Create a rare creature with power 0 (I got to choose a challenge from the entire post thanks to my Matey Macaw).

      I know I go through mystery boxes quickly, but can I have another?
    • Prompt: Create a card with a clone trooper from Star Wars in the art (not a storm trooper).

      Another box please. 
    • @FireOfGolden your mystery box contains:
      • Milestone - 20 Points Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
      • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Assassin creature.

      @TheDarkKnight1234567 your mystery box contains:
      • Prize 7 - Crown of Pirate Wit ? Unlimited reshuffles on all mystery challenges you get this deadline. This wreath of blooms bestows wisdom upon its wearer—like the secrets of evading nosy bees from your ears, savvy? (Well, this is redundant since you have the ?.)
      • A Mystery Challenge: Choose any mystery challenge in this post. ?
      @kaoz42 your mystery box contains:
      • A Mystery Challenge: Create a multicolored sorcery that creates a dragon creature token.
    • Previous Deadline Scores are IN

      1. ManInMaroon_948 +5 Points 
      2. Jadefire + 4 Points
      3. Jadefire + 3 Points
      4. TheDarkKnight1234567 + 2 Points
      5. Robo_Kitty + 1 Point
      Milestone - 10 Points Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.

      Milestone - 10 Points Favorites or feedback in any combination distributed as you choose among up to 5 cards (or, more generally, cardsmiths) of your choice.
    • @TheDarkKnight1234567
      I have prizes that serve the purpose of the question you asked me, so the answer is no.
    • Congrats everyone!
    • Challenge: Create a Hydra that enters the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it.

      You can fav any 10 of my cards.
      I’ll take the premium, thanks.
      Here’s  the card I’d like featured:

      ill take another box please!
    • edited August 2023
      Prompt: Create a multicolored sorcery that creates a dragon creature token.

      When is the current deadline?
    This discussion has been closed.