Mystery Box Challenges



  • edited August 2023
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  • edited August 2023
    Arr, me hearties! Here be me reckonin' and musings on the designs ye've brought me way:

    1. **Debt Collector**
       Design Rating: 80/100
       Note: Debt Collector be a crafty creation, linkin' its mechanics to the Orzhov guild's extort ways. Turnin' life gained into shiny Treasure tokens be a clever touch, but the trigger for this booty might be a tad dicey, dependin' on when ye find yerself in the postcombat main phase. Aye, a touch more predictability would make it a true gem.

    2. **Kelsien, Scourge of Beasts**
       Design Rating: 90/100
       Note: Kelsien be a true beast's bane, with its deathtouchin' and sacrificin' prowess. Skippin' the combat step be a clever twist, makin' it a thought-provokin' choice. But beware, drawin' cards when an enemy's creature meets its doom might tip the scales a bit too much, floodin' ye with plundered knowledge.

    3. **Cad, Star of the Show**
       Design Rating: 85/100
       Note: Cad be a Rakdos rascal through and through, with its spectacle antics. Dealin' a blow of 9 damage to yer own crew when it storms the stage be a sight to behold, and the pain it brings to yer foes matches the guild's fiery spirit. Just be mindful of the life toll it takes – a delicate balance to strike, if ye catch me drift.

    4. **Mentor of Souls**
       Design Rating: 88/100
       Note: Mentor of Souls be a bit of a puzzle, with its knack for exilin' the fallen and tappin' the livin'. Springin' back to life when it meets its end be a grand trick indeed, though countin' the departed crewmates in a single turn might raise a bit of confusion. Clearer reckonin' or timin' be a fine touch to polish this gem.

    5. **Keeper of the Jade Fire**
       Design Rating: 80/100
       Note: Keeper of the Jade Fire be a curious and mystifyin' card, packed with more twists than a serpent's dance. Let's set sail and delve into its makin's:

    The Good:
    1. The card be offerin' a tale of choices, lettin' sailors pick a card name and churnin' out copies like a forge's fire. This here be a hearty stew of strategy and wit, especially given the Keeper's might.
    2. Aye, the card be holdin' a secret trick – a chance to copy and cast an exiled card, with nary a coin spent. Aye, this be the wind in yer sails, launchin' ye into explosive turns that'd make Davy Jones raise an eyebrow.
    3. The notion of slappin' +1/+1 counters on the Keeper as cards shimmy to the top of yer library be a tale as old as the sea itself. It be weavin' a tale of elementals and growth, fit to sing in shanties 'round the tavern hearth.
    4. The colors (Green, Blue, Red) be true as a compass needle to the card's ways, mixin' library trickery and spell-weavin' in a brew as salty as the sea.

    The Troubles:
    1. The card's tricks, mainly the dance between namin' cards and dippin' into exiled secrets, might raise a storm of thinkin' and sortin', makin' the game drag like a waterlogged ship.
    2. The tide of this card's power ebbs and flows like the tides themselves, dependin' on the deck's stash and the Keeper's own strength. Sometimes, it be a tempest, and others, just a gentle wave.
    3. The melange of mechanics (namin', copyin', castin', countin') might be as confusin' as decipherin' a treasure map in a fog. Green sea-legs and new pirates might find themselves all at sea.

    To Polish the Chest:
    • Add some clarity to the dancin' between namin' and exilin' cards, like a map marker pointin' the way. A touch of reminder text or an extra hint could steady the course.
    • Aye, a thought – trim the sails and find a single, focused mechanic or theme that be matchin' the elemental essence. A clear wind be blessin' a smooth voyage.
    • The stormy sea of balance be treacherous, but navigatin' it be crucial. Keep the Keeper's might in check across different voyages, lest it be a squall or a full-blown hurricane.

    All in all, Keeper of the Jade Fire be a tale of grand notions, but it could use a fair share of swabbin' the deck to make it a clearer and more thrillin' voyage. For now, she be earnin' a score of 80/100 on me pirate reckonin'.
  • lol thanks man
  • @ManInMaroon_948
    Ahoy there, me hearty! I'll be takin' a gander at yer card and sharin' me thoughts:

    **Cry for Saviors**
    Design Rating: 85/100
    Note: Cry for Saviors be a tantalizin' treasure indeed, bestowin' planeswalker spells with the power of flash and versatility. It be a fine brew of surprises and loyalty prowess, all wrapped up with a dash of card draw. The meldin' of these elements be its strength, lettin' ye flash in spells and twist the threads of time to activate loyalty abilities. But beware the whirlpool of complexity – flash for planeswalkers, shifts in timin', and the siren call of card draw might lead to murky waters of rules and slowin' the pace. Balancin' such a versatile power be the key to unlockin' this card's full potential, all while keepin' it clear as a starry night.
  • edited August 2023
    Arr me matey! I thank you for the support!
  • edited August 2023

    Aye lad! I gladly thank you for your thoughts!
  • @ManInMaroon_948

    Ye be welcome, me hearties! If ye be havin' more questions or needin' more guidance on the treacherous seas of knowledge, ye know where to find me. Fair winds and a sturdy ship to ye on yer journey! Arrr! ?‍☠️?
  • Aye captain! ?‍☠️
  • Aye! Your wisdom be as precious as a chest brimming with doubloons!
  • @jpastor

    I sorta have cardmaker's block, so I'm gonna use my Crown of Pirate Wit to reshuffle my mystery challenge, hoping that the Crown and the Macaw can interact.
  • You want me to reshuffle both mystery challenges that you could pick from?
  • I was imagining you could give me only one new challenge. Or I could just wait until the next post of challenges to pick from. I'm fine either way.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Salamander.
  • edited August 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a Salamander.

    Another box please!
  • Why does this salamander have power that transcends reality?
  • edited August 2023
    Because it's a magical salamander. Not just any salamander can withstand 1,300-2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Do you like the effect though?
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567 I left some commentary on your card in its comment section.
  • @cadstar369

    Thanks for the critiques. I can see how that effect can be easily abused.
  • @jpastor

    Am I allowed to edit my card submission? I just want to balance Ember Dweller, to make it less overpowered.
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    Hey bro, I think I saw this salamander on my window last night. Should I be worried?
  • edited August 2023
    Mystery Challenge: Create a common card advantage spell.
    (I'd like to use my prestige powers to skip the Jirina Kudro challenge.)

    Steady Study

    From the gem, I'd like to request feedback on these cards:


    I’ll take prizes 3 & 33 for the milestone bonuses please; passing on the sticker. Sharing the Luxurious Baubles (guaranteed prize in each of our next boxes) with @TheDarkKnight1234567.

    Another Mystery Box please! :)

  • edited August 2023
    I am sorry to do this everyone, but I can only access this site on mobile lately. My PC is flagging the forums as unsafe / won't let me access it. 

    I cant do what I do on my phone. So, I've transferred everything to my website for the time being while I fix everything on my PC.

    I'll post the requested boxes there as well.
  • @jpastor should we post our cards on the website, or here on the forums?
  • @jpastor I would like a mystery box challenge

  • edited August 2023

    @Robo_Kitty for organizational purposes, as well as various prize interactions, keep posting your cards here.

    @atlanticbomber your mystery box contains:

    • Rain Check for Prize 33 (to be awarded by @jpastor later)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an Aura that returns something to the battlefield.
  • Mystery challenge: create a light-hearted ángel that has a moderate uncommon ability.

    But I am a little bit satanic and creative, and my favorite plane is innistrad, so here’s my card:

  • Mystery Challenge: Create a Barbarian with a barbaric ability. Note that it does not specify for the card to be a creature.

    Another box please! By the way, I am guaranteed an undiscovered prize in my next box from my Skeleton Key.
  • Challenge: Create a vanilla Naya creature.

    I’ll take another box please.
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