
  • @KorandAngels
    Just take your time. Shadowcaster isn't going anywhere while it's community's turn.
  • I, still the Queen for some reason, will cast the first half of

    with X being 1, therefore destroying all the flying tokens you own. 
  • @KorandAngels
    As the Heaven would bring its wrath upon the group of Spirits. Meteor as it would crush on them, suddenly were absorbed to Resounding Magus's defense.

    Remind: Resounding Magus's ability prevent all noncombat damage would be dealt to Spirits as it is already on the battlefield.

    Shadowcaster casts:

    Shadowcaster's Battlefield:
    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]
    21x Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
    1x Corrupted Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
    Spectral Arcanist (Flying 3/2)[Y: A spell can be casted effortlessly.]

    Reusable in Shadowcaster's Graveyard:
    Disturb Scroll [Y]
  • I think we've lost
  • @KorandAngels
    Did I made it too hard?
  • Not necessarily, but in this specific situation, you just factually win. You can swing to kill. 
  • @korandangels
    Okay, phew. I am going to wait and see if jpastor or someone will get on and react at Shadowcaster. Being Foe is fun, but not much if there aren't enough people in community.

    Otherwise, I will end this encounter then bless jpastor to be Foe once again.
  • Shadowcaster is about to enslave the entire universe! Stop it before it's too late!

    Universe will be enslaved and is beyond the savable by; Sept 3, 11:59 PM CST
  • I am only allowed one cmc cards cannot board wipe 
  • It’s my turn! Hour to cast:

  • @smax765
    The Shadowcaster reacts with:

    (Casted from the graveyard.)
  • Shadowcaster's Battlefield:
    Agitated Knight (Flying 6/6)[X]
    Lost Soul's Echo (Flying 2/2)[X]
    Resounding Magus (1/4)[X: Noncombat damage proof]
    21x Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
    1x Corrupted Echo token (Flying 1/1)[X]
    Spectral Arcanist (Flying 3/2)[Y: A spell can be casted effortlessly.]

  • edited September 2023
    The Queen will respond to the Shadowcaster's counterspell by playing: 

    Hail Dromoka! σωθήκαμε!
  • As Shadowcaster attempts to let a terror howling upon the spell, something went strike through its voice to stop it from bothering the such spell. Then the spell would burst into sweep of light that cleans off the armies of corrupted Echoes, taking Shadowcaster with it down.

    Shadowcaster been defeated!
    @jpastor, you are the Foe now.

    @jpastor @KorandAngels @KorandAngels
    Here's your reward:

    (Each person gets two Treasure tokens. If they were to use it in Battle Mystery Card, they must play at least one battle before token becomes usable. Jpastor is in currently battle, hence, he may only use it when next battle ends. I am not responsible for what happens to the Treasure tokens, if they were used in others than Battle Mystery Card.)
  • A New Encounter Will Begin Once All Roles Have Been Chosen by a Cardsmith:

    1. The Juggernaut (Can only play artifacts.) +10〽️
    2. The Zookeeper (Can only play animal subtypes.) +10〽️
    3. The Librarian (Can only play cards they've made prior to the start of the encounter.) +10〽️
  • I will choose Juggernaut
  • I’ll take the librarian. I want to try using my cards
  • That gives me the Zookeeper, and I'm fine with that
  • The Foe: Orc Warlord

    Orc Warlord
    Orc Warlord by jpastor | MTG Cardsmith

    Try to defeat it, I dare you.
  • I will play a 
    Fungusaur  Fourth Edition 4ED  MTG Card  Australian Magic The  Gathering Singles  MTG MATE
  • edited September 2023

  • I have a plan.  >:)
  • I also cast a card that some people may know...

  • @FireOfGolden - Mythic rare are not allowed.
  • @jpastor Oh whoops! Let me change it to else...
  • edited September 2023
    Great! Here's how the encounter unfolds with the players' responses:
    Fungusaur: The Fungusaur, a green creature, enters the battlefield. Whenever it is dealt damage, it gains a +1/+1 counter. This provides a creature on your side that can potentially grow stronger over time.
    Trickster's Mastery: A blue sorcery is played, targeting The Foe. This card allows you to copy The Foe's next spell and choose new targets for the copy. It can be a valuable resource to counter The Foe's moves.
    Now, it's The Foe's turn. The Foe will respond to the player's actions. Let's see what card The Foe plays:

    The Foe plays

    The Foe is taking advantage of the amassed Orcs to deal damage and gain life. How would you like to proceed? You can use "Trickster's Mastery" to copy this spell and choose new targets, or you can use other cards or abilities to respond to The Foe's move.
  • edited September 2023
    Is it community's turn now, or the Foe have one more turn left?
  • If it is our turn, I will summon a Dromad Purebred Ravnica City of Guilds 15
  • edited September 2023

  • All i said was: The Foe is taking advantage of the amassed Orcs to deal damage and gain life. How would you like to proceed? You can use "Trickster's Mastery" to copy this spell and choose new targets, or you can use other cards or abilities to respond to The Foe's move.
This discussion has been closed.