The Kedara Project (Mechs vs Kaijus Custom Set): Early Draft

Good day everyone. First things first, thank you for taking the time to read through this post. Now, onto the good stuff.

For a while now, I wanted to try to make a custom Set though I never really had a proper idea on what to do with it, or how it works in the first place. As such, I thought that perhaps making it a community project would make things much easier, right?

At first I wanted to make a prehistoric set, all revolving around dinosaurs vs tribal warriors and shamans, but I realized very quickly that this idea is way too similar to a real plane of Magic the Gathering, Muraganda... so I was left stumped. I like designing big stompy cards like dragons and dinosaurs, but then it hit me: What if I tried to make a set where big creatures are the main focus? A bit like Ikoria, but with a twist... 
And so, the idea of a set that takes direct inspiration from the Super Sentai/Power Rangers and/or Godzilla/Pacific Rim sparked in my head. 

So in Kedara, the fight for dominion over the Plane revolves around the tiny and frail humans having to either fight or embrace the titanic forces of nature, the "Kaijus". This is, of course, a very rough idea, so I need you people to help me come up with ideas, concepts, anything really, as I would love to see this project come to life!

Perhaps there might be Kaijus of every color, with each color representing the brood of a specific Primordial, kind of in the same fashion as the Five Praetors, or perhaps these Primordials might have mixed color identities, depending on how doable it would be. 

Regarding the humans in the other hand, of course they would have plenty of artifact and vehicle synergies, though perhaps not all of the humans want to fight against the primordials: perhaps a few sects or even cults branch out of the cities' safe walls in order to worship and attune with the real masters of the plane.

If any of these ideas meets your fancy, please let me know. I highly value constructive criticism and suggestions. Thank you for your time once again :)


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