Need help with wording/power

I'm working on a card right now that I just can't seem to get right so I thought it best to reach out for some help. Normally I ask my brother for help but he has been essentially MIA for about a month (he's not missing, just really bad about texting back) and since I don't know if/when he'll get back to me I figured I should post on here asking about it.

It's being made for a custom set I'm working on revolving around Veturius, an Esper Avatar planeswalker who manipulates fate. The point for this card is essentially "I win the flip, exile the opponent's creature. I lose the flip, exile my creature." I can't think of a way to word this though. Would it be better to break it up more? Or to just straight up get rid of part of the ability? 

And if anyone has any other corrections or ideas for it then I'd love to hear those as well. Especially in regards to the flavor text, I'm not unhappy with it but I feel like it could be better. Thank you all in advance for any assistance you can give me.


  • This card looks very similar to Crooked Scales. Have a look at it take a crack at rewording your card first.
  • So something like this then?

    "Whenever a creature you control blocks or becomes blocked by a creature an opponent controls, you may flip a coin. If you win the flip, exile the creature your opponent controls. If you lose the flip, exile the creature you control."
  • Yep, that's what I would've suggested.
  • @Jadefire Thank you for your help.

    @Corwinnn You can close this out please.
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