Mystery Boxes ▬ MTG Cardsmith

► Who ▬ Anyone can open as many mystery boxes as they want.
► What ▬ Each mystery box contains a mystery challenge and possibly a goody. These are both randomly selected.
► When ▬ These are endless and always ongoing, so feel free to ask for a box at any time, especially if you've never tried.
► Where ▬ Create and submit new cards for your challenges here before opening another mystery box.
► Why ▬ The deadline is also a mystery; no one knows when I will select a winner or multiple winners per deadline.
► How ▬ Post that you want to open a mystery box, and you'll get one.

► Mystery Prizes ▬ Each box has a chance of containing a prize or other fun goody ;)
► Favorites ▬ Whether you win or just open lots of boxes, I award favorites, lots of favorites.
► Featured ▬ Winners earn favorites and/or a featured card on the homepage!


  • edited June 24

    Featured Mystery Boxer of Deadline

    Doctor Fro
    Doctor Fro by jpastor2 | MTG Cardsmith

    Request a mystery box anytime to get a featured card!
    was the first cardsmith to ever request a Mystery Box, and they did so in a pre-Mystery Box discussion back in 2018. Wow! Here is there request:

  • One mystery box, please!
  • @jpastor Do the prizes from the previous thread hold over? I have a hug and couple of keys. 

    One mystery box, please. 
  • @SchmurrProductions Welcome to Mystery Boxes! Please take a moment to read this one-time note about how to get and use prizes throughout your endless journey in this discussion by clicking on the Spoiler button!
    Prizes are known as Keys. You will always find a Key in your Mystery Box, unless you chose to request (open) that box without using your latest Key. If you do use your Key to request (open) your next Mystery Box, that's when you use the Prize associated with the key by distributing it amongst yourself or gifting to others, or in any combination thereof.

    Example: If you got a Golden Key in your last box, the prize is "5 Favorites." So, when you request your next box, you'll say something like, "I'll use my Golden Key to open a box. I'll gift Robo Kitty 4 favorites and keep 1 favorite for myself."

    Should you choose not to open your next box with your latest Key, it disintegrates, and you sadly won't find a new key in any of your boxes until the deadline resets (which is an undisclosed point in time.)

    I hope you enjoy your endless journey of Mystery.
    Your mystery box contains:
    • AboveAndAbout's Key (3 Spotlights) Enter 3 cards not made by you into the deadline by posting them here!
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Faerie Artificer.

    @greencircleyall Nope. I've smelted them like a blacksmith and molded them into new prizes you can earn here! Please take a moment to read this one-time note about how to get and use prizes throughout your endless journey in this discussion by clicking on the Spoiler button!
    Prizes are known as Keys. You will always find a Key in your Mystery Box, unless you chose to request (open) that box without using your latest Key. If you do use your Key to request (open) your next Mystery Box, that's when you use the Prize associated with the key by distributing it amongst yourself or gifting to others, or in any combination thereof.

    Example: If you got a Golden Key in your last box, the prize is "5 favorites." So, when you request your next box, you'll say something like, "I'll use my Golden Key to open a box. I'll gift Robo Kitty 4 favorites and keep 1 favorite for myself."

    Should you choose not to open your next box with your latest Key, it disintegrates, and you sadly won't find a new key in any of your boxes until the deadline resets (which is an undisclosed point in time.)

    I hope you enjoy your endless journey of Mystery.
    Your mystery box contains:
    • LeBateauIvre's Key (2 Steals) 2 entries not posted by you this deadline become your entries.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a blue and black Sliver.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a blue and black Sliver.

    I've got today off and it's been a long weekend. Can I open another mystery box, please? @jpastor
  • Can I get a mystery box?
  • @greencircleyall - your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a rare mono-black Human with no subtypes.

    @Jadefire - Please take a moment to read this one-time note about how to get and use prizes throughout your endless journey in this discussion by clicking on the Spoiler button!
    Prizes are known as Keys. You will always find a Key in your Mystery Box, unless you chose to request (open) that box without using your latest Key. If you do use your Key to request (open) your next Mystery Box, that's when you use the Prize associated with the key by distributing it amongst yourself or gifting to others, or in any combination thereof.

    Example: If you got a Golden Key in your last box, the prize is "5 favorites." So, when you request your next box, you'll say something like, "I'll use my Golden Key to open a box. I'll gift Robo Kitty 4 favorites and keep 1 favorite for myself."

    Should you choose not to open your next box with your latest Key, it disintegrates, and you sadly won't find a new key in any of your boxes until the deadline resets (which is an undisclosed point in time.)

    I hope you enjoy your endless journey of Mystery.
    Your mystery box contains:
    • @AboveAndAbout's Key (3 Spotlights) Enter 3 cards not made by you into the deadline by posting them here!
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Zombie Knight with deathtouch.
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a rare mono-black Human with no subtypes.

  • Another Mystery Box, please and thank you. 

  • @greencircleyall your mystery box contains:
  • edited May 31
    Create a Plant Hydra creature card that's both legendary, mythic, and epic!

    I took "Epic" to mean "amazing" and not the Epic ability. I also freely admit, green is a weak spot of mine. So, hopefully this works as a card. 

    May I please have another mystery box? 

  • edited June 1
    your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Something strange is happening to the rats of Kamigawa. They've fallen victim to some bizarre mutation. Create a Nezumi creature that's a Mutant.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Nezumi creature that's a Mutant.

  • I'm thrilled this classic is back!

    Could I get a box, please?
  • Also, may I have another mystery box, please?
  • @12SidedGuy ;Please take a moment to read this one-time note about how to get and use prizes throughout your endless journey in this discussion by clicking on the Spoiler button! 
    Prizes are known as Keys. You will always find a Key in your Mystery Box, unless you chose to request (open) that box without using your latest Key. If you do use your Key to request (open) your next Mystery Box, that's when you use the Prize associated with the key by distributing it amongst yourself or gifting to others, or in any combination thereof.

    Example: The key in your first box is Corwinnn's Key, which give you 1 Acorn. You can use this Acorn for yourself or gift it to someone else. To do this, just use your key to open your next box and announce your decision. The Acorn will turn a random mystery challenge into a Squirreltopia challenge. So, typically, you would just use the acorn for yourself, unless you feel like letting someone else use it for some reason (*whispers*: like secretly recruiting them to this discussion)

    Should you choose not to open your next box with your Corwinnn Key, it disintegrates, and you sadly won't find a new key in any of your boxes until the deadline resets (which is an undisclosed point in time.)

    I hope you enjoy your endless journey of Mystery.
    Your mystery box contains:
    • @Corwinnn's Key ► (1 Acorn) One challenge becomes Squirreltopian.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact that Esper mages would use.
    @greencircleyall your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a card with both modification and token synergy.
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Zombie Knight with deathtouch.

  • Mystery Challenge: Create an artifact that Esper mages would use!

    I'll use Corwinn's Key to open my next Mystery Box, using the Acorn on myself!
  • edited June 4
    Spotlights for me to remember for deadline:

    by @AboveAndAbout
    Viscid Overflow

    by @TheKeefMan
    Rezhotch Crowning Life

    by @Robo_Kitty
    Cold-Blooded Extortionist
  • @Jadefire your mystery box contains:
    • Robo_Kitty's Key: (3 favorites) - distribute among yourself and/or others when you open your next box with the RoboKitty Key.
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create an enchantment, creature, or enchantment creature that uses essence counters.
    @12SidedGuy your mystery box contains:
    • @Ranshi's Key: (5 entries) - distribute among yourself and/or others 5 extra card entries for this box's mystery challenge (entries can be new or existing cards from your collection that meet the prompt.)
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Human Druid with an "As long as" ability that synergizes with Squirrels!
  • Who is the scariest cardsmith?

  • Prize List

    -4 = ?
    -3 = ?
    -2 = ?
    -1 = ?
    1. Robo-Kitty's Key (Favorites)
    2. ?
    3. ?
    4. ?
    5. ?
    6. ?
    7. ?
    8. ?
    9. AboveAndAbout's Key (Spotlights)
    10. Ranshi's Key (Entries)
    11. ?
    12. ?
    13. ?
    14. ?
    15. ?
    16. ?
    17. ?
    18. LeBateauIvre's Key (Steals)
    19. ?
    20. Corwinnn's Key = ?
  • May I please have a mystery box? 
  • @greencircleyall your mystery box contains:
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a land that can become a creature while still being a land
  • A Mystery Challenge: Create an enchantment, creature, or enchantment creature that uses essence counters.

    I'll use Robo_Kitty's key to open another mystery box.  Those favourites can be applied to any of my cards you like:
  • @Jadefire - Favorites applied! Many cards did not load for me, so you got my faves on the most recent three! your mystery box contains:
    • AboveAndAbout's Key (4 Spotlights) - distribute among yourself and/or others 4 extra card entries that are cards made by other Cardsmiths!
    • A Mystery Challenge: Create a Jeskai card that allows you to generically pay an alternate cost the first time you would pay that type of cost each turn.
  • Thanks @jpastor.  Which cards didn't load for you?  I should get those looked at.
  • @Jadefire
    i think it was an issue on my end
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