

  • LvBLvB
    edited September 27
    Shambling, Blather went through the streets, while other people were avoiding him, mumbling to himself. "Blather is a good boy! Good boy! Blather always does what others want. Blather help others. Blather good, very good. People need Blather, cause Blather never fails, nonono, never. Blather very good at taking orders and sooo friendly, yes, yes, Blather superfriendly. Can Blather help you, yes, yes of course, Blather always does. And Blather not ask details. Details only trouble. Blather delivers, yes yes yes. Blather accurate and helpful. Blather goooood boy."
    "There it is!" a voice suddenly shoutet and out of nowhere towerguards appeared with swords and halberds in hand. "Vile creature! Youre hearby arrested for poisening and murdering the tower inhabitant, merchant and wizard called "Pearl" Surrender or die!"

    New Quest for Lhunter:
    Create either:
    A card about Blather trying to talk his way out of this Situation.
    A card that puts emphasis on Blathers obedience.
  • I love blather, he's just like me!

  • Blather is going to attempt to talk himself out of this. He will do anything (even resorting to violence if he has to) to not be chained up again.
  • I would love to join if it's not too late now, although I should say that I'm away basically all of next week, so if this isn't going to go on for too much longer, then it could be best I don't join in this one
  • Sure, jump in and create a character. If youre not here and i know it your character will get a solo quest that doesnt involve the other characters, so the others can go on.

    With your character we are full then. 5 characters is enough.
  • Epic, thanks! I'll get onto my character now
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